Topic: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

This is next public version of a330 for X-Plane 11. Please take part in this beta-tests if you really want be beta-tester. If you want fly-ready product - please just wait.

Main improvement - new FMGS, based on C++ (instead of SASL + basic X-Plane FMS)

new features:
+ compatible with GHDeluxe v.040118
+ new MCDU MENU functions (you can operate with Ground Handling, Doors, Loading, Tow)
+ operate settings via MCDU MENU
+ separate Ground Handling operation (MCDU MENU -> Handling, next - select neeeded cars and click Drive Up)
+ MCDU movable widget (click on 3D MCDU or use Command jd/fmgs/CommandShowMcdu)
+ ND non-movable widget (click on ND)
+ Save coRoute flightplan using MCDU DATA -> Click right Arrow -> Pilots ROUTES, enter name and click SAVE
+ takeoff with heading preset
+ ND && MCDU indication and functions reworked
+ follow Speed Constraints
beta 2:
+ enter Cruise Level/TEMP as 410/-62 = CTD fixed
+ no SPD Cnstr on DEScend fixed
+ VLS is too high fixed
+ Heading knob turns with the plane during taxi fixed
+ 111.50 as ILS freq here, it tells me not in the Data base (my enter via radio panel)
+ several CTD fixed
beta 3
+ bug fix
beta 4
+ bug fix
beta 5
+ add instant flightplan generator
beta 6
+ bug fix

!!! no X-Plane plugins/330/ menu exist more, please set command jd/fmgs/CommandShowMcdu for some keyboard key and use MCDU MENU to operate ground handling.


Please not mix files with other version.
Download link: http://jardesign.org/a330/download/install/JD330_v3.zip

Please install new version of Ground Handling to be well-compatible with XP11
Download link: http://jardesign.org/gndserv/download/GHD.zip

  - be sure, that you use X-Plane 11.01-11.11
  - copy unziped "JD330_v3" folder to ..\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\ folder
    (be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path)
  - please visit download more fresh version of Ground Handling plugin. It work with JARDesign 330 without registration (for free). Please note what “Deluxe” version of this plugin (may work with other aircrafts) is payware.
  - start X-Plane 64 bit and open a330, activation window is going to show up
  - enter your serial key (use exist serial from "JD330 for X-Plane 11"), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu
  - activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit

If activation window not appear, there is 3 reasons may be for this -
- Check what you use computer under Admin mode.
- You use Windows 7 or 8 or 10. In this case, please install "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010" pack http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download … x?id=14632 , and also install more fresh JAVA.

a330 use NavData from
../X-PLANE 11/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder
if not find there – will try to read it from
../X-PLANE 11/Aircraft/330_JARDesign/_navdata/
If you need update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph
- “JARDesign a320/330 Native format” or (the same in fact)
and put new cycle to ..X-PLANE 10/Custom Data/navdata/ folder

Please note what this time we have beta of JD330 ("beta" - product for testing and may not work well, hare errors and so on). If you need release, need stable version, please wait.

- you may post you opinion about this version, post what you like/unlike
- please post your log.txt + x-life.dmp if Crash happen and you are on Windows.

Please care about information what you will post here and try to determinate reason if issues happen  - sure, he interesting in aircraft test and troubles but want to avoid work with "pilot" issues.

Thank you!!!!

This is FREE update for users who own "JD330 for X-Plane 11" product.


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

When trying to enter Cruise Level/TEMP as 410/-62 get consistent crash to desktop of Xplane

Post's attachments

Attachment icon fmgs.dmp 398.41 kb, 747 downloads since 2018-02-02 

Attachment icon Log.txt 91.25 kb, 709 downloads since 2018-02-02 

3 (edited by Porthos 2018-02-15 02:20:21)

Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Suggestion and request:
1: individual range setting capability please instead of turning one knob changes both ranges;
2: individual QNH setting knobs instead of one knob changes both QNH windows and STD setting.
3. INdividual throttle movent;
4. Individual reverser movement
5. Mouse wheel to rotate knobs
Reason is if shared cockpit becomes available these features are needed.
First test flight: handles well.


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Just made a quick hop from LFBO to LFPG.  For the most part, things went very well.  On approach, I selected RWY ILS 26L with the KEPER 7W arrival.  Then, I should have been able to choose the BANOX 4W RNAV transition for 26L but the CDU did not list any available transitions.  I had to input the individual waypoints for the RNAV transition and the CDU did recognize them as valid NAV points.  I have verified that the AIRAC is current and both locations have the current AIRAC installed (default XP 11 and the JARDesign/_navdata).

A few questions:
1) When using the settings in the CDU for ground handling, how does one execute the command to call specific items, i.e. only one stair and specific loaders?  I clicked each one individually but nothing happened.  When I selected "call all," all of the ground equipment arrived (things worked as normal if I used the ground handling from the plug-ins list in the menu bar).

2) Is there no longer a setting to turn off the turbulence effect?  I tried to page down and left and right in the CDU but there aren't any other pages.  It would be nice to have this option back.

5 (edited by snapshot21 2018-02-03 05:55:26)

Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

VLS is too high. Should be lower than Vapp.

Plus im getting left to right oscillations during cruise no matter what altitude.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon a330_10.jpg 249.23 kb, 303 downloads since 2018-02-02 


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests


To geh the trabsitions, you have to select the arrival rwy and then chose no star. After that the transitions should be displayed.

To question 1: Chose the Desired Service and Click Drive up. If you then want to get another one just select it.


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

CTD while taxiing to Rwy 23R in EDDL:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon fmgs.dmp 443.73 kb, 643 downloads since 2018-02-03 

Attachment icon Log.txt 158.63 kb, 1178 downloads since 2018-02-03 


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Sorry I do not know if this is the correct topic, but I have a question: buying the current A330 that is for sale on the JAR or Org site, will I have all updates throughout XP11 or will I have to pay an extra fee to update the new V3 version?
Thank you

I7-8700k - MSi Z370 Plus Sli - Galax RTX 2070 - G.Skill 16gb 3000mhz - SSD MX 500 -500gb, Hd 1tb Seagate, HD 2tb Wd - WC Corsair H100iv2 - Corsair RM 650 - Monitor 24'' Asus


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Is our current Serial# for v2 valid for this Beta (v3)?


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

The existing serial will work guys.


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Another bug I noticed, the Heading knob turns with the plane during taxi.

Plus the aircraft pitches down to the point of losing altitude during acceleration (for example when accelerating to 250knots after takeoff)


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

I was hoping controls would be unified with the A320, so that the mousewheel could be used for rotary switches.


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

dudleybrooke wrote:

I was hoping controls would be unified with the A320, so that the mousewheel could be used for rotary switches.



Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests


I don't know where the trouble is from but got X-plane crash when trying to enter "xxxxx/xxx" flight level/ temp ...
see added files .


Please what is the format for this input ? an example ?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon fmgs.zip 29.87 kb, 411 downloads since 2018-02-03 

Attachment icon Log.zip 27.1 kb, 446 downloads since 2018-02-03 

I7 5930k @ 3,5Ghz , 32 Go Ram, NVidia 970 4Go , W10 64 bits, SSD 500Go , HD 3To
Moniteur Acer K242HQK (3840x2160)
CH Products : Flight Sim Yoke , Pro pedals
X-plane 11.41r2

15 (edited by Luke173 2018-02-03 11:30:53)

Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Many thanks for the new Version, this is very much apprechiated JAR!

I do have some findings:

Screenshot 1: I can not delete the discontinuity here
Screenshot 2: I try to enter 111.50 as ILS freq here, it tells me not in the Database. This might be true, but I have the ILS, so why not just tune it anyway? Also here, I can not set a course CRS for LOC 1. (Screenshot 5 is the ILS here)
Screenshot 3: The Push-Pull indication stays on if I switch from Cockpit mode to another view, if the cursor is left on one of the push-pull knobs
Screenshot 4: I cannot manually enter waypoints here, I thin it should let me? (not sure about this)

As said, looking forward to this fine JARbus big_smile



Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests


is the A330 usable with 11.20 in vr ?
I know that on the A320 the AP is not working, is this the same for the A330 v3 ?


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

After starting the APU or connecting the GPU my ND and my mcdu  wont light up. I checked the brightness and everything i could think of but cant get it working. Also i cannot  set a command  for jd/fmgs/CommandShowMcdu as recommended as i dont have this Option in my Settings. In the Log file I found out that there is an error Code 1114 while loading the fmgs/win.xpl file

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.zip 22.91 kb, 319 downloads since 2018-02-03 


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

jcdp wrote:


I don't know where the trouble is from but got X-plane crash when trying to enter "xxxxx/xxx" flight level/ temp ...
see added files .


Please what is the format for this input ? an example ?

I put 330 and click on CRZ FL, the temp put alone.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture1.JPG 106.82 kb, 280 downloads since 2018-02-03 

Attachment icon Capture2.JPG 85.58 kb, 293 downloads since 2018-02-03 

Win7x64/Sp1 - i7-6700k@4.2GHz - 32Go ddr3 - LCD : 19"(1280x1024)+32"(1920x1080)+19"(1280x1024)
Geforce GTX 1060 6Go - Saitek Proflight yoke and rudders - XP11.20r3
A320neoJDv3.2r1 & BSS PW1000 v4.0 sound pack - A330JDv3.0r4 & BBS PW1000v2.02 sound pack
GHdeluxe FMcar2.6r1  X-Lifedeluxe2.2r2  X-ATCchatter v1.5.3   LittleNavMap   xEnviro1.07


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

I like the A330 v3 a lot. First trial flight from EGKK to EHAM went very well, everything in XP 11.11 Final ran smoothly. I had a few problems when opening the 330, not sure how to open the menu on the MCDU without the aircraft powered up, the way I found to do it was start the GPU from the dropdown ground handling and then go into the aircraft and carry on from there.
Had a couple of problems loading the flight plan which caused a crash to desktop, probably down to me, but once loaded it was fine. I like the new MCDU layout and I love the popup screen to see the route better.
I also like the extra information on the screen, VOR 1 and VOR 2 giving information, and flight levels all showing. The A330 seemed to fly the arrival better.
Worked well with X-Life, no problems there. Sounds were good, I don't know whether or not there has been some collaboration with BSS.
I will be running the 330 a lot in the next few days to try it out.

Great work JAR.


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

colinah wrote:

I like the A330 v3 a lot. First trial flight from EGKK to EHAM went very well, everything in XP 11.11 Final ran smoothly. I had a few problems when opening the 330, not sure how to open the menu on the MCDU without the aircraft powered up, the way I found to do it was start the GPU from the dropdown ground handling and then go into the aircraft and carry on from there.
Had a couple of problems loading the flight plan which caused a crash to desktop, probably down to me, but once loaded it was fine. I like the new MCDU layout and I love the popup screen to see the route better.
I also like the extra information on the screen, VOR 1 and VOR 2 giving information, and flight levels all showing. The A330 seemed to fly the arrival better.
Worked well with X-Life, no problems there. Sounds were good, I don't know whether or not there has been some collaboration with BSS.
I will be running the 330 a lot in the next few days to try it out.

Great work JAR.

Can you add you profile data...

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Вылетел на рабочий стол при заходе в Риге.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log-FMGS.7z 39.34 kb, 291 downloads since 2018-02-03 


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

colinah wrote:

I like the A330 v3 a lot. First trial flight from EGKK to EHAM went very well, everything in XP 11.11 Final ran smoothly. I had a few problems when opening the 330, not sure how to open the menu on the MCDU without the aircraft powered up, the way I found to do it was start the GPU from the dropdown ground handling and then go into the aircraft and carry on from there.
Had a couple of problems loading the flight plan which caused a crash to desktop, probably down to me, but once loaded it was fine. I like the new MCDU layout and I love the popup screen to see the route better.
I also like the extra information on the screen, VOR 1 and VOR 2 giving information, and flight levels all showing. The A330 seemed to fly the arrival better.
Worked well with X-Life, no problems there. Sounds were good, I don't know whether or not there has been some collaboration with BSS.
I will be running the 330 a lot in the next few days to try it out.

Great work JAR.

You don't need power. Just click on the MCDU  and you can change your settings.

23 (edited by zpampal 2018-02-03 16:32:31)

Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Downloaded, installed. Used my existing key. And this is what I get.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon a330_1.png 4.56 mb, 291 downloads since 2018-02-03 

24 (edited by vishido 2018-02-03 17:31:07)

Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Hi Roman, I can't takeoff with the airplane. My xplane crashed on LIRF taxiway and now during MCDU configuration putting FL and T in INIT PAGE with the airplane at stand 306 EGLL.
Running Xplane 11.10 on Windows10.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 94.56 kb, 625 downloads since 2018-02-03 


Re: v.3.0 beta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 public tests

Works excellent. Thanks!

X-Plane 11.30, JarDesign A320, Jardesign A330, Jardesign X-Life Deluxe, Jardesign Ground Handling Deluxe.