101 (edited by VadimAir 2016-10-24 07:47:37)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Here are a some bugs in 1.3 r3.
Spoilers can be managed by mouse, but they can not be armed by mouse.
Flaps can not be managed by mouse.
Spoilers and flaps can be successfully managed (spoilers can be successfully armed) by keyboard.
I'm running Windows 10 and X-Plane 10.50.

102 (edited by Mad Mat 2016-10-25 22:55:11)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Tested again with a clean installation. The aircraft still cannot follow the FMS. It remains stuck on the rwy waypoint after take-off.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 28.47 kb, 225 downloads since 2016-10-25 

Attachment icon Log.txt 2.19 mb, 528 downloads since 2016-10-25 


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Mad Mat wrote:

Tested again with a clean installation. The aircraft still cannot follow the FMS. It remains stuck on the rwy waypoint after take-off.

I faced with the same problem on A320.
The problem was X-FMC 2.7.
You should remove it (or rename win.xpl to win.xpl.dis), disabling by Plugin Admin doesn't help.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

try to put the aircraft directly to the x-plane aircraft folder. It's said that this solves some strange problems. At the moment you have it in Aircraft/ADDON folder...


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Ok, I suspected the problem was X-FMC. I had it disabled but I'll try with the plugin completely out of the plugins folder. I'll report again. Thanks for the suggestions.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Ok. The problem is X-FMC: once removed, everything goes nice and smooth. I think it should be investigated, because x-fmc is widely used for many other aircrafts.

Still no terrain "radar" on the MFD screen, and very low cabin voice.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Another problem. Not all the time, but 50% of the time the aircraft, after calling "positive climb" goes in A FLOOR and put engines at max and nose down with no control. The PFD show a RED bar in the speed taper, even if the aircraft accelerates over 250 kts.
In this condition the aircraft is uncontrollable and there is no way to prevent it crashes in the ground.

108 (edited by j.w.muilwijk 2016-10-31 15:20:03)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I have a suagestion can we make a PW or a GE engine doe the A330-243 that Will be great

109 (edited by richardcarter 2016-10-31 20:20:23)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I have been flying the A330 over the weekend on 10.51 without any issues, today as soon as I try to load the aircraft I get a CTD. The log file says something about failing to load the scratch pad. I have tried re downloading the latest version, it loads but after activiation I get the same crash. I have attached the log file.

Hope someone can help


Post's attachments

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 119 b, 222 downloads since 2016-10-31 

Attachment icon Log.txt 62.53 kb, 372 downloads since 2016-10-31 


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

J.A.Romanov wrote:


v.1.3r3 distributive (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

- 10.50 ready
- X-Life ready
- FMGS improved
- Cockpit textures and details improved
- OSX Sierra ready

Please install it as CLEAR!!! installation, not mix files with other version.

Download link http://jardesign.org/a330/download/install/JD330.zip

r2 is a repack of r1 with new (more fresh) SASL base plugin
r3 is a repack of r2 with new sound 3D plugin (OSX Sierra support)

!!! If you use BSS custom sound pack with Sierra OSX, you need wait "Sierra-compatoble" update from BSS.


  - be sure, that you use X-Plane 10.36+
  - copy unziped "330_JARDesign" folder to ..\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\ folder
    (be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path)
  - Download more fresh version of «GndHandling» plugin from official
    board http://jardesign.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=29
  - copy unzipped «GndHandling» folder to ../X-PLANE 10/Resources/plugins/ folder
  - start X-Plane 64 bit and open a330, activation window is going to show up
  - enter your serial key (Regcode), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu
  - activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit

a330 use NavData from
../X-PLANE 10/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder
if not find there – will try to read it from
..X:/X-PLANE 10/Resources/GNS430/navdata/
If you need update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph
- “a320/330 Native format” or (the same in fact)
and put new cycle to ..X-PLANE 10/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder

If your activations are over - contact SUPPORT http://support.jardesign.org/

Thank you!!!!

Hello guys

How Can I obtain the fix version of the BBS sounds for the A330 compatible for OS Sierra. On BSS facebook page says that it is complatible with sierra already but I bought it fom the x-plana store. I downloaded it again and I still do not get engines sounds. Am I doing something wrong trying to install it again? Can someone help me please?



Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Will there be NEO engines for this aircraft like in the A320?


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

richardcarter wrote:

I have been flying the A330 over the weekend on 10.51 without any issues, today as soon as I try to load the aircraft I get a CTD. The log file says something about failing to load the scratch pad. I have tried re downloading the latest version, it loads but after activiation I get the same crash. I have attached the log file.

Hope someone can help

Anyone ?



Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I would like to know what keys are shortcuts for viewing the pedestal, overhead and front panels.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

You can set the shortcuts on the numpad yourself. Set the view you want press ctrl plus the number on the numpad you want to assign the view to, to recall that just press the number again


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

gilcasique wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:


v.1.3r3 distributive (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

- 10.50 ready
- X-Life ready
- FMGS improved
- Cockpit textures and details improved
- OSX Sierra ready

Please install it as CLEAR!!! installation, not mix files with other version.

Download link http://jardesign.org/a330/download/install/JD330.zip

r2 is a repack of r1 with new (more fresh) SASL base plugin
r3 is a repack of r2 with new sound 3D plugin (OSX Sierra support)

!!! If you use BSS custom sound pack with Sierra OSX, you need wait "Sierra-compatoble" update from BSS.


  - be sure, that you use X-Plane 10.36+
  - copy unziped "330_JARDesign" folder to ..\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\ folder
    (be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path)
  - Download more fresh version of «GndHandling» plugin from official
    board http://jardesign.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=29
  - copy unzipped «GndHandling» folder to ../X-PLANE 10/Resources/plugins/ folder
  - start X-Plane 64 bit and open a330, activation window is going to show up
  - enter your serial key (Regcode), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu
  - activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit

a330 use NavData from
../X-PLANE 10/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder
if not find there – will try to read it from
..X:/X-PLANE 10/Resources/GNS430/navdata/
If you need update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph
- “a320/330 Native format” or (the same in fact)
and put new cycle to ..X-PLANE 10/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder

If your activations are over - contact SUPPORT http://support.jardesign.org/

Thank you!!!!

Hello guys

How Can I obtain the fix version of the BBS sounds for the A330 compatible for OS Sierra. On BSS facebook page says that it is complatible with sierra already but I bought it fom the x-plana store. I downloaded it again and I still do not get engines sounds. Am I doing something wrong trying to install it again? Can someone help me please?


BSS packs include own plugin. If you not get it worked you need contact BSS support.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

richardcarter wrote:

I have been flying the A330 over the weekend on 10.51 without any issues, today as soon as I try to load the aircraft I get a CTD. The log file says something about failing to load the scratch pad. I have tried re downloading the latest version, it loads but after activiation I get the same crash. I have attached the log file.

Hope someone can help


The same here, trying to load the aircraft and getting CTD


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

gabriel-silva-pereira wrote:
richardcarter wrote:

I have been flying the A330 over the weekend on 10.51 without any issues, today as soon as I try to load the aircraft I get a CTD. The log file says something about failing to load the scratch pad. I have tried re downloading the latest version, it loads but after activiation I get the same crash. I have attached the log file.

Hope someone can help


The same here, trying to load the aircraft and getting CTD

It is somewhat disappointing that there has been no support with this issue. I have already spent a fair amount of money on addons from JAR and is certainly making me think about upgrading when I get X-Plane 11

118 (edited by jmeleanor 2016-11-24 21:14:09)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Mad Mat wrote:

Another problem. Not all the time, but 50% of the time the aircraft, after calling "positive climb" goes in A FLOOR and put engines at max and nose down with no control. The PFD show a RED bar in the speed taper, even if the aircraft accelerates over 250 kts.
In this condition the aircraft is uncontrollable and there is no way to prevent it crashes in the ground.

Hi mr Romanov.

I have the same problem that above but on ground when taxiing, there is alarm about altitude, the ATH goes on alone, red bar on pfd and the check list goes from before start checklist to after landing checklist.

i tried to take of but the plane become crazy.

Thanks for your help.

A330 v13.r3 x-plane 10.51


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

May be it is related with the radio altimeter. try not to engage the AP before the radio altimeter shows a GREEN number.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I have reported this problems years ago but never has been answered serioulsy. Sometimes it happens and sometimes not. It looks like the developer itself doesn't know why this happens.

jmeleanor wrote:
Mad Mat wrote:

Another problem. Not all the time, but 50% of the time the aircraft, after calling "positive climb" goes in A FLOOR and put engines at max and nose down with no control. The PFD show a RED bar in the speed taper, even if the aircraft accelerates over 250 kts.
In this condition the aircraft is uncontrollable and there is no way to prevent it crashes in the ground.

Hi mr Romanov.

I have the same problem that above but on ground when taxiing, there is alarm about altitude, the ATH goes on alone, red bar on pfd and the check list goes from before start checklist to after landing checklist.

i tried to take of but the plane become crazy.

Thanks for your help.

A330 v13.r3 x-plane 10.51


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Mad Mat wrote:

May be it is related with the radio altimeter. try not to engage the AP before the radio altimeter shows a GREEN number.

It has nothing to do with the Autopilot, since it happens BEFORE the Autopilot will be engaged.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Guys I have a PROBLEM!!
I bought a330jar today, and the product cames without a330 plugin tab and no response in the speed, heading knobs,... (MCU)

I have Microsoft C++ 2010.

- Headshake
- ArdSim

Please help me!

My log: (in bold)

[SASL INFO] loading    cab_text
[SASL INFO] loading    mech_text
[SASL INFO] loading    mcdu_res
[SASL INFO] loading    sys_dnd_lght
[SASL INFO] loading    sys_upd_lght
[SASL INFO] loading    last
[SASL INFO] Avionics loaded
0:05:34.861 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'panel.png', referenced from file 'Aircraft/Heavy Metal/330_JARDesign/'.
0:05:34.861 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'panel.png', referenced from file 'Aircraft/Heavy Metal/330_JARDesign/'.

C:\Users\joaov\Desktop\X-Plane 10\Custom Data\UFMC\ufmc_sid.dat
0:05:34.861 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:LPPR start at:Gate S34
3Dsound Engine by JARDesign v.1.4
2Dsound Engine by JARDesign v.1.0
1Dsound Engine by JARDesign v.1.3
Clean exit from threads.
JARDesign 1D Sound Engine Disable
JARDesign 2D Sound Engine Disable
JARDesign 3D Sound Engine Disable
0:06:12.532 D/HID: HID Bridge Shutdown
----- X-Plane has shut down -----


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Looks like you're missing some files . Just download the "installer" from the 1st post in this topic, unzip it and then copy and paste the A330 folder in to XP10 Aircraft folder of  you choise.


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

But then i need another serial key... sad
I know the keys only work for 4x times give it or take. I don't wanna wasted them..
Anyone has any suggestion? Please!


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

VascoPinto wrote:

But then i need another serial key... sad
I know the keys only work for 4x times give it or take. I don't wanna wasted them..
Anyone has any suggestion? Please!

What is your problem?!
Download and make a security copy on you disk...

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il