Re: X-Life public beta-5 090216 (Win & Mac)
Hi !
Here is a nice little "bug", maybe a settings problem :-)
I'm just playing around with the WED editor to get the "Dortmund EDLW" airport ready for x-life.
In principle no problem, I added all the ATC lines and nodes, removed static traffic and it is working
quite fine now :-) Planes are able to start, land and find their parking positions, waitpoints...
Well, if there was no A380 auto-generated....
The runway is too short for an A380 to take off. So the result is that the A380 makes a REALLY FULL STOP
(looks like he has an anchor to do that) at the end of the runway, and now turns full left and full right all the times.
(like an "8")
Looks like he is not able to leave the runway. I even don't know if he WANTS to leave the runway...
The result is: The A380 blocks the runway and stops all the traffic....
It's turning now about 40 minutes, I think it won't free the runway.
What happens if the runway is too short for takeoff ??
The status is "Taxi now"
best regards,