Topic: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


JD330 for X-Plane 11.50

What new:

+ EPR indication improved
+ External lights improved
+ FCU VVI knob rotation fixedd
+ Diagnostic plugin fixed
+ CLB position settings add
+ Updater add
+ Liveries installer add
+ Diagnostic plugin improved
+ .pdf Manual add


Download link for version 4.4r1:
http://jardesign.org/a330/download/inst … 0_4410.zip

Download link for old stable version 4.3r2:
http://jardesign.org/a330/download/inst … 0_4320.zip

For macOS Catalina / BigSur users - please follow instruction:

Download link to updated CoPilot version:

Download link to updated Ground Handling plugin to be well-compatible with XP11.50


Please not mix files with other version.

  - be sure, that you use X-Plane 11.41-11.53
  - copy unziped "JD330XP11" folder to ..\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ folder
    (be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path)
  - please visit download more fresh version of Ground Handling plugin (use link above). It work with JARDesign 330 without registration (for free). Please note what “Deluxe” version of this plugin (may work with other aircrafts) is payware.
  - start X-Plane 64 bit and open a330, activation window is going to show up
  - enter your serial key (use exist serial from "JD330 for X-Plane 11"), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu
  - activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit

If activation window not appear, there is 3 reasons may be for this -
- Check what you use computer under Admin mode.
- You use Windows 7 or 8 or 10. In this case, please install "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010" pack http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download … x?id=14632 , and also install more fresh JAVA.
- One of your installed X-Plane plugin (like SeaTraffic) can block activation windows. You can temporary remove your plugins one-by-one and check is activation window appear. Another (faster) way you can use - load Cessna 172, open X-Plane Menu->Plugins->Plugin Admin to disable ALL plugins, next - load JD320/330.

If you need to update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph
- “JARDesign 330/330 Native format”
and put a new cycle to ../X-PLANE 11/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder
(create it if need)

If you use TCA Quadrant - please open X-Plane Settings -> Joystick and assign command jd - "TCA_MasterSwitch1ON" on your Master Switch 1 ON position. Next - Open MCDU MENU -> SETTINGS -> Page 2 and set ON your TCA option. Next - you can deassign "TCA_MasterSwitch1ON" command if need.

- you may post you opinion about this version, post what you like/unlike
- please attach your log.txt if Crash happen.

Please care about information what you will post here and try to determinate reason if issues happen  - sure, he interesting in aircraft test and troubles but want to avoid work with "pilot" issues.

Thank you!!!!

This is FREE update for users who own "JD330 for X-Plane 11" product.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

From Vancouver to Shenzhen

Or Dubai to Mexico City

Will appear

5 (edited by Darko24 2021-11-10 08:46:58)

Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Load this new version  4.4r1, register and then update as show on screen. MCDU not working, whatever buttons I push no action.

Try to load without Vulkan and then works, go again to Vulkan and now works. Sorry for false alarm.

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Darko24 wrote:

Load this new version  4.4r1, register and then update as show on screen. MCDU not working, whatever buttons I push no action.

Try to load without Vulkan and then works, go again to Vulkan and now works. Sorry for false alarm.

Ok, please let me know if problem will come.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


I just love the JD heavy Airbus, thank you for the continual improvements - may I report a very slight issue with JD330-V4.4B3 ?

I have noticed that if the spoiler lever is touched, for instance armed for takeoff, after the spoiler is disarmed, the aircraft will shake as if the spoilers are slightly extended. I check that the spoiler lever is fully forward and a visual check show they are not deployed, but even if I arm/disarm them again, the aircraft continues to shudder.

If I switch off XPRealistic speedbrake effect, the shuddering stops.

The obvious thing is to switch the effect off, but all other aircraft including other JAR Design Airbus are fine with XPRealistic and their spoilers, so it is as if something in the A330 is not reporting that the spoilers are retracted.

Thank you again.

8 (edited by peter69 2021-11-12 04:44:47)

Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

The figures are very different can somebody help me out here i have version JD330-V4.4B3

Thank you

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screen Shot 11-11-21 at 04.12 PM.jpg 287.41 kb, 64 downloads since 2021-11-11 


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

peter69 wrote:

The figures are very different can somebody help me out here i have version JD330-V4.4B3

Thank you

Everything is OK. What, do you see diferrent ?

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

For example pax figures and payload



Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

peter69 wrote:

For example pax figures and payload


You must put values as you want to be with sign + or -. Take your choice how many pax do you load ( depend on buying tickets smile ) and how many cargo you have to load, and how many fuel need.  Pilot must know this numbers and pu the numbers in MCDU.


My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Love your A330, have tried almost all versions and it keeps getting better.
Also love the copilot Linda add-on! But have a small request: Linda also makes the callout V1, that should be left to the Airbus itself, like it is in real life..

Very nice plane though, keep coming with the updates, Thank You Sir!


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

John@340 wrote:

Love your A330, have tried almost all versions and it keeps getting better.
Also love the copilot Linda add-on! But have a small request: Linda also makes the callout V1, that should be left to the Airbus itself, like it is in real life..

Very nice plane though, keep coming with the updates, Thank You Sir!

Agree about V1 callout

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

14 (edited by edge33 2021-11-19 16:57:50)

Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

I noticed it crashes the sim when clicking the update button in this screen after a flight plan has been loaded from the mcdu:



Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


Flying across the intercontinental region will be like this


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


Several versions are like this


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

i release new version v4.4r3
i don't know why i takeoff the a330 shows me pich trm wrong i try many many times
please give me help


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

wrong like the photo


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

here is wrong


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

fred750 wrote:

i release new version v4.4r3
i don't know why i takeoff the a330 shows me pich trm wrong i try many many times
please give me help

Not good idea to just guess.. That THS takeoff position was set (by pilot) into MCDU Perf Page? And what fact THS position in the moment of FLX to TOGA set?

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

J.A.Romanov wrote:
fred750 wrote:

i release new version v4.4r3
i don't know why i takeoff the a330 shows me pich trm wrong i try many many times
please give me help

Not good idea to just guess.. That THS takeoff position was set (by pilot) into MCDU Perf Page? And what fact THS position in the moment of FLX to TOGA set?

I have same issue with same message on A330 at TO.
Perf are correctly set on corresponding perf page and flaps position is correctly set as well ...
But message appears ...


I7 5930k @ 3,5Ghz , 32 Go Ram, NVidia 970 4Go , W10 64 bits, SSD 500Go , HD 3To
Moniteur Acer K242HQK (3840x2160)
CH Products : Flight Sim Yoke , Pro pedals
X-plane 11.41r2


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

http://jardesign.org/forum/img/m/9347/t … 21kff3.jpg


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


Just downloaded v4.4r1 and then updated to b3 after activation.

* IRS alignment times still do not match. PFD displays show info coming from an aligned IRS but the ECAM says it needs 4-5 minutes more to align.

* TakeOff Inhibit message appears during taxi when you apply thrust (or when you start your takeoff roll). It should be visible only after 100kt speed and it is not tied to N1/N2 etc in real aircraft. (In JarA330 it looks like you tied it to N1/N2 readings directly).

* Flight Attendant starts "Seat Belt sign" announcement after take off without any change to seat belts from cockpit. They were turned on before taxi and was on after take off but she announced that they are turned off (around 2000 feet)

Did not tested all the problems reported back with older versions, just wanted to see the latest build sad

And one more thing, red warning message pop-up about my joystick settings and force me to set them to %50.Why ? Maybe I want them at %40 or %20. Does this really necessary ?

Best wishes


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

And one more thing I noticed with b3

When you set CRZ FL as 33000 at MCDU INIT page, aircraft stops climbing at FL320. But when you set it at MCDU INIT page as FL330 (it will show 330) and aircraft climbs to FL330 wink


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Beta version is Earlier version. Release version os more FRESH. If you already install release, you not need downgrade to beta version.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org