Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

carstenreimann551 wrote:

Negative Darko24.
Flight plan was sent, but no ATIS is showing. Using ASXP. But with default XP real weather it also shows no ATIS. This only happend after installing the latest Xlife version from 12.03.19.

I have the same problem. Not ATIS at all. Never mind which weather engine I use. X-Plane 11.32


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Habe grosse Probleme. Entweder kann ich manche routen nicht übernehmen weil xlife sagt das der Arrival Airport nicht erkannt wird oder sehr oft stürzt mein ganzes xplane 11 ab ohne ersichtlichen Grund.
Bitte um hilfe


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Below a part of LOG.TXT. I hope it helps to solve the problem with ATIS

XL: 222 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = ELLX
XL: 222 : JARDesign plugin error: Unsupported protocol
XL: 222 : JARDesign plugin error: Unsupported protocol
XL: 222 : MessageGreen: The Flight Plan was submitted to ATC successfully.
XL: 224 : X-Life check atis info:Departure: EIDW info Alpha. RW in use (TO):RW10 RW16 (LDG):RW10 RW16 Trans.Lvl: 5000 ft. // Arrival: ELLX info Alpha. RW in use (TO):RW06 (LDG):RW06 Trans.Lvl: 4500 ft.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

chrispaper wrote:

Habe grosse Probleme. Entweder kann ich manche routen nicht übernehmen weil xlife sagt das der Arrival Airport nicht erkannt wird oder sehr oft stürzt mein ganzes xplane 11 ab ohne ersichtlichen Grund.
Bitte um hilfe

Du kannst nur approbierte Flugplätze mit X-Life benutzen. Hierzu die entsprechende Flughäfen Karte:

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mi … 15&z=4

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il

305 (edited by Devirex 2019-04-08 17:53:08)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


i have also problems with version 4.

- Unavailable tts readout for the first line, second line is readout perfectly. 
- Delayed print out of first line in the textwindow, first line takes one second, secondline immediatly.
- Stutters when in window mode.

I use a own lua script with "commandUp" each second cycling through the items. I need this that the window doesn't get closed when in windowed mode because i use it on a different screen and that i can operate X-life with one button "CommandSay". In Version 2 on "CommandSay" the window just got visible when it was hided and after a second press command was sent. Now command is sent directly without showing the window first.

https://youtu.be/BpPna7EPPlg CTD


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Bought this yesterday. Have tried to fly 5 times today and xplane has crashed in cruise every single time sad

307 (edited by bossie_de 2019-04-10 11:17:18)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

klausn21 wrote:


don't know why, but if I try to start X-Life, XP crashes. I also did a fresh install new partition and added one by one plugin....but could not find any other than X-Life causing problem.

Attach x-life.dmp and log.txt not allowed

Downloaded and replaced x-life with the latest update >> same issue.

Installed everything on my new box one by one and the same behaviour at that time x-life is there, Backup of the old XP (updated from 11.25 until 11.32 in all steps) on C Drive, fresh install on D Drive, both with thesame issue. Without loading x-Life everything works great.

i9 9900 GHz, 64GB RAM, NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080, 2x 981GB SSD, Windows 10-1809

Thanks for providing your log.txt.
It show that you have RotorSim's EC 135v3 Helicopter installed which is no longer supported under XP 11-32. Many conflics possible because of it's plugins.
Try to remove it from from Aircraft folder, restart XP and try use of X-Life with some standard planes.
RotorSim actually work at EC 135 v4 what is in Alpha status this days. It will be that one for XP 11-32 and later.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

bossie_de wrote:

Thanks for providing your log.txt.
It show that you have RotorSim's EC 135v3 Helicopter installed which is no longer supported under XP 11-32. Many conflics possible because of it's plugins.
Try to remove it from from Aircraft folder, restart XP and try use of X-Life with some standard planes.
RotorSim actually work at EC 135 v4 what is in Alpha status this days. It will be that one for XP 11-32 and later.

Hi bossie_de

cool very good job captain !!!

Now my XP 11 is stable again, but I lost my prefered Helicopter. It was the best way to fly, beside the H145 which is less detailed in function realism and design sad
Can you please provide me the link to the EC 135 v4, there is nothing to find on rotorsim home.

Thank you again for your help. ;-)

309 (edited by Austin_Powers 2019-04-11 19:07:51)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

So no one is dealing with the disappearing ATC window in the Deluxe Version??  I see that I am not the only one but reading through the posts no one seems to respond to this question?
ATC window opens - select flight plan - enter dest - enter FL - create flight plan - send to ATC - click ATIS - click Delivery -say "Request Clearance" Box disappears and clearance is read back but no way to respond or find the ATC window apparently it gets sucked into a Black Hole


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Austin_Powers wrote:

So no one is dealing with the disappearing ATC window in the Deluxe Version??  I see that I am not the only one but reading through the posts no one seems to respond to this question?
ATC window opens - select flight plan - enter dest - enter FL - create flight plan - send to ATC - click ATIS - click Delivery -say "Request Clearance" Box disappears and clearance is read back but no way to respond or find the ATC window apparently it gets sucked into a Black Hole

I would like to see it in a short video record. If you have Skype I can see it online now call "Ilan"....

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il

311 (edited by Austin_Powers 2019-04-13 00:12:56)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Ok after much testing, removing installing plugin's  here is what I found.  I use dual monitors for a wraparound view, when I updated the ZIBO B737-800x from 3.34_1.24 to 3.34_1.25 it shifted the view slightly which i didn't notice immediately.  After all the mucking around, i noticed that the 2 monitors images were no longer level with each other.  When i checked the settings monitor 1 had changed lateral FOV from 65 to 75 so changed it back to 65 and dropped the lateral rotation on Default monitor from -10 to -9.  I have completed 3 flights since this and had no missing ATC window since.  Funny part was I tend to fly the Zibo mod 737-800x but did try even the Cessna 172 after I had updated and still had the problem so somehow the setting  from 1.24 to 1.25 changed this setting globally.  Thought I should let you all know here as surely i'm not the only one this could have affected.  Thanks ilankrt for your interest, i started trying to video and record images and thats probably ho I noticed the screen shift.
BIG UPDATE***  After testing all day today the cause was not the shifted view!  It's KORD!!!  There is something wrong with this file, I have default Scenery for KORD no addins.  I have tried to take of in all directions from KORD (Chicago O'Hare) and ATC box disappears every-time I request clearance, I get the audio but the ATC box has disappeared.  If I try to fly in Closest is KCID ATC works fine I enter Chicago Control airspace, then as soon as I report TOD I get the Audio reply but the box disappears.  I have tried from all directions KMSP, KJFK KCID  happens every time.  I am flying the Zibo 737-800 mostly but tried the Cirrus vision SF50 and the 737-900 all have the same result.  Repeatable every time!   I did a flight from KMSP to KJFK went through Chicago airspace I think was talking to Chicago control but no problems gate to gate.
There now you have the right info KORD files have a problem as delivered with X-Plane 11.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Devirex wrote:


i have also problems with version 4.

- Unavailable tts readout for the first line, second line is readout perfectly. 
- Delayed print out of first line in the textwindow, first line takes one second, secondline immediatly.
- Stutters when in window mode.

I use a own lua script with "commandUp" each second cycling through the items. I need this that the window doesn't get closed when in windowed mode because i use it on a different screen and that i can operate X-life with one button "CommandSay". In Version 2 on "CommandSay" the window just got visible when it was hided and after a second press command was sent. Now command is sent directly without showing the window first.



I'm having the same issue with the Text-to-Speech readout. As Devirex said, first line is not read, but the second works just fine. It began some time after the last update. Tried reinstalling to no avail. This is the only problem so far but it's very annoying, as it cuts the immersion. If someone have a fix, please let me know.


313 (edited by Alllik83 2019-05-01 14:17:35)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I have a problem with metar info (atis) in the xlife plugin. Please give me a quickfix for this problem.

http://jardesign.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=11426 -Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

v.4_010519 (updated build of v.4)
+ Flightplan export to default X1000 FMC improved.
+ Add pause before takeoff for traffic aircraft(s).


Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

315 (edited by Ash 2019-05-03 11:36:29)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:

v.4_010519 (updated build of v.4)
+ Flightplan export to default X1000 FMC improved.
+ Add pause before takeoff for traffic aircraft(s).

А вы планируете исправлять проблему  с диким падением фпс если включена потоковая оптимизация в драйверах видеокарты? До включения плагина 38-40 фпс, после включения - 15-16 фпс.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Ash wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:

v.4_010519 (updated build of v.4)
+ Flightplan export to default X1000 FMC improved.
+ Add pause before takeoff for traffic aircraft(s).

А вы планируете исправлять проблему  с диким падением фпс если включена потоковая оптимизация в драйверах видеокарты? До включения плагина 38-40 фпс, после включения - 15-16 фпс.

Хороший вопрос! Проблема возникает если оптимизацию включить. Если SDK как то позволит с этим поработать в будущем - попробуем. Ламинары сами не понимают что многопоточность в плагинах вполне реальна за счет фаз отрисовки. Дискуссии с ними пока ни к чему не привели.  В текущей версии X-Life сам открывает параллельные потоки, сам ими управляет и делает вычисления пока идет отрисовка трафика, делает это оптимально для задач трафика. Включение "оптимизации" приводит к тому, что потоки перестают работать параллельно, а выстраиваются в цепочку - фпс падает. Если говорить конкретно про фпс для X-Life, то выигрыш при "оптимизации" многократно сливает проигрышу если подобный плагин заставить работать по однопоточной схеме. Мы проводили эксперименты, когда все вычисления делает параллельно запущенное приложение, а плагин - только рисует трафик, но получается довольно сложная схема перегонки через сокеты большого объема данных - не рабочий вариант. Будем еще экспериментировать.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Спасибо, понял. Удачи в экспериментах!

318 (edited by gillesbinche 2019-05-05 11:51:30)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

after using x-live (free version) for more than a year, this is that suddenly it is no longer recognized by x-plane 11. It is installed but don't appear in the menu drop-down x-plane when opened.
I reinstalled completely x-plane, but nothing helped. The old version or version 4 x-life is recognized... Has anyone an idea?
Thank you for your help. 


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

gillesbinche wrote:

after using x-live (free version) for more than a year, this is that suddenly it is no longer recognized by x-plane 11. It is installed but don't appear in the menu drop-down x-plane when opened.
I reinstalled completely x-plane, but nothing helped. The old version or version 4 x-life is recognized... Has anyone an idea? I place
Thank you for your help. 

Please contact www.support.jardesign.org with your log.txt just after X-Plane started.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello, I'm using X-Life for a while now, I find it being the best AI+ATC plugin available for XP11 for now.

Recently I found out that when I turn it on I lose 50% of my framerate, dropping from 30 to 15 or less.
Is there any news on this or why it happens? Is it the plugin itself or some incompatibility with something?

It's really annoying, because I can't enjoy the plugin as much as I should, and I can't find any alternative as good as X-Life.

Thank you,


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

tibononoX wrote:

Hello, I'm using X-Life for a while now, I find it being the best AI+ATC plugin available for XP11 for now.

Recently I found out that when I turn it on I lose 50% of my framerate, dropping from 30 to 15 or less.
Is there any news on this or why it happens? Is it the plugin itself or some incompatibility with something?

It's really annoying, because I can't enjoy the plugin as much as I should, and I can't find any alternative as good as X-Life.

Thank you,

If you use Nvidia GPU on Windows, one thing you can try - check Off multithreaded optimisation at nvidia settings panel. X-Life "eat" CPU & GPU resources as calculate a lot of things and draw a lot of things. Sure, it have settings and you may play with it also. X-Plane graphic settings affect on FPS drop too. The key thing - good videocard, like 1080Ti, 2080Ti.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:
tibononoX wrote:

Hello, I'm using X-Life for a while now, I find it being the best AI+ATC plugin available for XP11 for now.

Recently I found out that when I turn it on I lose 50% of my framerate, dropping from 30 to 15 or less.
Is there any news on this or why it happens? Is it the plugin itself or some incompatibility with something?

It's really annoying, because I can't enjoy the plugin as much as I should, and I can't find any alternative as good as X-Life.

Thank you,

If you use Nvidia GPU on Windows, one thing you can try - check Off multithreaded optimisation at nvidia settings panel. X-Life "eat" CPU & GPU resources as calculate a lot of things and draw a lot of things. Sure, it have settings and you may play with it also. X-Plane graphic settings affect on FPS drop too. The key thing - good videocard, like 1080Ti, 2080Ti.

Okay so I turned off the multithreaded optimisation, now I'm at around 20fps without X-Life, and turning it one does not seem to impact the fps at all even with its setting maxed, so I guess it's a compromise.

Why does multithreaded optimisation actually gives me 10fps more on X-Plane but makes X-Life drop everything when turned on? Is there another workaround?
Do you know if the multithreaded optimisation will be supported in the future? 20fps is playable but still low ..


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

tibononoX wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:
tibononoX wrote:

Hello, I'm using X-Life for a while now, I find it being the best AI+ATC plugin available for XP11 for now.

Recently I found out that when I turn it on I lose 50% of my framerate, dropping from 30 to 15 or less.
Is there any news on this or why it happens? Is it the plugin itself or some incompatibility with something?

It's really annoying, because I can't enjoy the plugin as much as I should, and I can't find any alternative as good as X-Life.

Thank you,

If you use Nvidia GPU on Windows, one thing you can try - check Off multithreaded optimisation at nvidia settings panel. X-Life "eat" CPU & GPU resources as calculate a lot of things and draw a lot of things. Sure, it have settings and you may play with it also. X-Plane graphic settings affect on FPS drop too. The key thing - good videocard, like 1080Ti, 2080Ti.

Okay so I turned off the multithreaded optimisation, now I'm at around 20fps without X-Life, and turning it one does not seem to impact the fps at all even with its setting maxed, so I guess it's a compromise.

Why does multithreaded optimisation actually gives me 10fps more on X-Plane but makes X-Life drop everything when turned on? Is there another workaround?
Do you know if the multithreaded optimisation will be supported in the future? 20fps is playable but still low ..

Cause X-Life create own threads (no chance make so many calculations in one "main" thread) Multithreaded optimisation work not delicate in this case.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:

v.4_010519 (updated build of v.4)
+ Flightplan export to default X1000 FMC improved.
+ Add pause before takeoff for traffic aircraft(s).


It makes the implementation of FP on smaller aircraft with G1000 much more easy done! Thanks for update!

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Thanks for this version 4,  Great work !

I bought X-Life Deluxe v4 and Follow me car addon and I use X-Plane ver 11.33.  Everything works perfectly …. except for the Airac cycle witch is 7 years old (1201)!!. 

I have a subscription to navigraph for the newest airacs version, I love to it use with my favorite liner (Boing 737-800 Zibo mod) and Simbrief as flight planner.

Question: Is it possible to use a newer Navigraph airac version in X-Life, instead of the default airac 1201, that produce many  waypoints errors and specially on SIDS\STARS witch are often revised.

Thank you in advance