476 (edited by ilankrt 2016-05-17 15:45:00)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

laohu314 wrote:
ilankrt wrote:
cmckjodi wrote:

What scenery do you use for KMIA? I tried using 2 from the scenery Gateway and created ATC taxi routes but none of them work. Have also used the included KMIA.dat  Planes do not appear nor does flight info window on the lower left screen. It's weird because all of my other airports work perfectly including lots of unverified airports. Very odd problem. Running windows 10 64 bit. Oh well I will try and make Tampa work. Good luck with the test flights, I like KBOS great airport to fly into

If I am not mistaken, 2014 I purchased from X-Plane.org the KMIA airport, but as I looked at the images yesterday it seems to be
now an updated version. Anyway taxi in the air and on ground works perfectly... and I saw KBOS its really great.....

I'm in! I will start on that route tomorrow (i'm based at KBOS). I have just set up my new iMac 27" (latest model full options). It is so much better than my MacBook before. Will also use the new A330 version.

First of all congratulations to your new iMac27 isn't it a fully different new world?!  I never understood how people are enjoying simulation on a small screen because they are missing most of impotent details and views...   Then I am glad about your partnership for our test flight serie and I red that you have similar experience on your first flight.  Today I am beginning with my flight preparations from KMCO to KATL. (I am used to start my simulation from COLD and DARK) flying the A330 (best X-Plane airliner until now) So see you on route....

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

laohu314 wrote:

iMac 27” (late 2015), Core i7, OSX 10.11.4, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB
Saitek X52,  Radio, Switch and Multi Panel, TM Cougar, XP 10.45, JAR A330 1.3b1, XL 1.1b5

I don't know what cause your CTD, but in the past I tried to connect my 4 SAITEK  Panels with the A330 and
it causes crash. try to repeat your flight without using them...

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

It was said many times in this thread, but it must said again and clear: X-Life will work only on prepared airports !

1. This airports are on the JAR map (I hope this map will be permanently widened)
2. Nearly half of this airports are payware (mostly not cheap at all, but 100% worth there money).  Same airport downloaded free from X-Plane will work rarely and not optimal. ( I made the experience that only 1/10 of them can be used).
3. Even some of the prepared airports have sometimes some defects that must be corrected.
4. Most importend is the fact that we can in X-Plane for the first time simulate flights in an AI environment  (World traffic is not an alternative) with both air and ground traffic and under ATC.

I would like to suggest that as beta test pilot you should use for the present moment only prepared airports. They are all great sceneries and you can have enough variety and different experiences using them. (that should also reduce the repeated questions und complains concerning other airports)

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Will I be able to use 90% occupancy of stands if I use an older version of x life?

480 (edited by captbullett 2016-05-17 16:59:50)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ryangregory00 wrote:

I got a reply from my ticket and they said 50%is the maximum. Is that only for this beta?

Good day,
give me a second to get to my other computer that is running X-Life and i will post the settings I am using now on the iMac also I will post some more settings..

Ok screen shot #1 is settings I use for X-Life
screen shot two is of the radar screen with the settings and using the procedures below

1) go to X-Life airport  https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mi … tAA_7MfME4    and it should be some airport like EGLL  this airport you should get aircraft and many of them not only in the airport but on the radar screen.

2) start X-Plane fresh do not open X-Life after the X-Plane has already been started  and you have been flying some other airplane or flight.

3) set your Real weather up first before you turn on X-Life

4) open you settings for X-Life and in the 'Select Aircraft' set to #90 (this is key to have the X-Life work do this every time  you start X-Life then push the 'select button'.

5) start X-Life and let it finish before you do anything else.

6) set-up your Flight plan and aircraft settings for X-Life.
7) call the ATC and ask for the clearance from 'Delivery'
    you will get instructions follow them.

  7b)  then you Call 'Ground' to get clearance to "Start and push back"
8) by now the server should have loaded the aircraft into your system and now I want you to check your radar.

9) if you still do not have any aircraft you must send a log.txt box.txt

Thank you for your help.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 12.04.23 PM.png 99.03 kb, 146 downloads since 2016-05-17 

Attachment icon Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 12.23.51 PM.png 2.27 mb, 131 downloads since 2016-05-17 


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Hello X-Life friends, after some tests I got some questions:
I got installed x-life deluxe. What is the difference between 'verified airport' and 'not verified airport'? My generated airport EDNY-Friedrichshafen is 'not verified' and works well. The Airport LSZH_Zurich is an 'verified airport' and works well also. On both airports is traffic, but only I start x-life of one of those airports. After departure and arrival after a while on both airports there is no traffic anymore. Some aircraft are standing there, but there is no traffic. What I'm doing wrong?
Sorry for my english.
Best regards

482 (edited by captbullett 2016-05-17 17:11:36)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

wilkur wrote:

Hello X-Life friends, after some tests I got some questions:
I got installed x-life deluxe. What is the difference between 'verified airport' and 'not verified airport'? My generated airport EDNY-Friedrichshafen is 'not verified' and works well. The Airport LSZH_Zurich is an 'verified airport' and works well also. On both airports is traffic, but only I start x-life of one of those airports. After departure and arrival after a while on both airports there is no traffic anymore. Some aircraft are standing there, but there is no traffic. What I'm doing wrong?
Sorry for my english.
Best regards

Verified airports
https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mi … tAA_7MfME4

and if you still have issues please send log.txt and box.txt which is in the JAR Aircraft folder ...

483 (edited by ryangregory00 2016-05-17 17:29:22)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Is there no gate occupancy setting for 90% because it shows it on the deluxe features for x life on jar design.org. Why can I only generate 50%?

484 (edited by captbullett 2016-05-17 17:33:23)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ryangregory00 wrote:

Is there no gate occupancy setting for 90% because it shows it on the deluxe features for x life on jar design.org. Why can I only generate 50%?

Good day,
this is because, when JAR was testing the earlier version the more the gates that had traffic the more issues were being caused when the taxing aircraft were on the move. So, he found or is trying the 50% now until we get to the next phase.


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

captbullett wrote:
ryangregory00 wrote:

Is there no gate occupancy setting for 90% because it shows it on the deluxe features for x life on jar design.org. Why can I only generate 50%?

Good day,
this is because, when JAR was testing the earlier version the more the gates that had traffic the more issues were being caused when the taxing aircraft were on the move. So, he found or is trying the 50% now until we get to the next phase.

Will we get that setting soon because KORD is a large airport but very dull with x life.


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ryangregory00 wrote:
captbullett wrote:
ryangregory00 wrote:

Is there no gate occupancy setting for 90% because it shows it on the deluxe features for x life on jar design.org. Why can I only generate 50%?

Good day,
this is because, when JAR was testing the earlier version the more the gates that had traffic the more issues were being caused when the taxing aircraft were on the move. So, he found or is trying the 50% now until we get to the next phase.

Will we get that setting soon because KORD is a large airport but very dull with x life.

Good day,
I just used KORD yesterday, so On you X-Life settings panel select aircraft i was you to put the # 90 in it and press the select button and this should change the display so try KORD again and see if there is a difference or is you security system not letting the X-Life server get through the firewall on the PC this is what I am now thinking ...


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Hello Brian, thanks for your answer. I do not use any JAR Design aircraft. My favorites are GA aircrafts. But I try to understand it. Is it so, that traffic at the destination airport only starts automatically if I make a flight by flight plan via atc?
Best regards

488 (edited by captbullett 2016-05-17 18:39:32)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

wilkur wrote:

Hello Brian, thanks for your answer. I do not use any JAR Design aircraft. My favorites are GA aircrafts. But I try to understand it. Is it so, that traffic at the destination airport only starts automatically if I make a flight by flight plan via atc?
Best regards

Good day,
even better GA are meant to work with the X-Life now you can go into you GNS 430/530 to do you flight planning just a few more steps but not hard to do.

Ps, no it will start when you are in range of the airport I don't know the NM but if you leave your Airport display button on it will let you know when you are in range. but ATC will also control some parts of the system ...


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ryangregory00 wrote:

Is there no gate occupancy setting for 90% because it shows it on the deluxe features for x life on jar design.org. Why can I only generate 50%?

It may be indicated as 1000%, but cant be set more than 50% this time. And this is X-Life traffic setting, not affect are you use Deluxe or not.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Hello Brian, thanks, ok that's what I wanted to know. Everything clearly now.
Thanks again for the reply.
Best regards

491 (edited by captbullett 2016-05-17 19:40:55)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Good day,

Yes, all was going well and CTD
XL generated route

I believe this is an open CL CTD


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Apple CTD on the X-Life Beta 5:6 version.txt 59.86 kb, 354 downloads since 2016-05-17 

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 33.94 kb, 337 downloads since 2016-05-17 

Attachment icon Log.txt 89.87 kb, 407 downloads since 2016-05-17 


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

J.A.Romanov wrote:
ryangregory00 wrote:

Is there no gate occupancy setting for 90% because it shows it on the deluxe features for x life on jar design.org. Why can I only generate 50%?

It may be indicated as 1000%, but cant be set more than 50% this time. And this is X-Life traffic setting, not affect are you use Deluxe or not.

Thank you,
In the future will there be higher setting for more aircraft?


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

Hi everyone. I cant create flight plane from cyvr to kpdx with alternate ksea. Writing wrong alternate. How can i create this route plane?. Thank you


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

captbullett wrote:
ryangregory00 wrote:
captbullett wrote:

Good day,
this is because, when JAR was testing the earlier version the more the gates that had traffic the more issues were being caused when the taxing aircraft were on the move. So, he found or is trying the 50% now until we get to the next phase.

Will we get that setting soon because KORD is a large airport but very dull with x life.

Good day,
I just used KORD yesterday, so On you X-Life settings panel select aircraft i was you to put the # 90 in it and press the select button and this should change the display so try KORD again and see if there is a difference or is you security system not letting the X-Life server get through the firewall on the PC this is what I am now thinking ...


I tired this and it did not do anything. It just selected and no menu or anything. Tried a restart and no change in the planes at the gates.


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ryangregory00 wrote:
captbullett wrote:
ryangregory00 wrote:

Will we get that setting soon because KORD is a large airport but very dull with x life.

Good day,
I just used KORD yesterday, so On you X-Life settings panel select aircraft i was you to put the # 90 in it and press the select button and this should change the display so try KORD again and see if there is a difference or is you security system not letting the X-Life server get through the firewall on the PC this is what I am now thinking ...

I tired this and it did not do anything. It just selected and no menu or anything. Tried a restart and no change in the planes at the gates.

You have to start X-Life after you make the setting change and run X-Life as usual ..
after making the change.


496 (edited by ryangregory00 2016-05-18 00:58:39)

Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

captbullett wrote:
ryangregory00 wrote:
captbullett wrote:

Good day,
I just used KORD yesterday, so On you X-Life settings panel select aircraft i was you to put the # 90 in it and press the select button and this should change the display so try KORD again and see if there is a difference or is you security system not letting the X-Life server get through the firewall on the PC this is what I am now thinking ...

I tired this and it did not do anything. It just selected and no menu or anything. Tried a restart and no change in the planes at the gates.

I did restart it multiple times but still no luck.
I am also having trouble with the bluebell library. I put them all into the aircraft and I took the old aircraft out but they're still not loading in. How do I fix this?



Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ilankrt wrote:
laohu314 wrote:

iMac 27” (late 2015), Core i7, OSX 10.11.4, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB
Saitek X52,  Radio, Switch and Multi Panel, TM Cougar, XP 10.45, JAR A330 1.3b1, XL 1.1b5

I don't know what cause your CTD, but in the past I tried to connect my 4 SAITEK  Panels with the A330 and
it causes crash. try to repeat your flight without using them...

Not sure either but  I started up again and made the flight from KMIA to KMCO without a problem (from XL). The A330 does still have AP/FMGS issues. On approach, the AP does not  follow the  flight plan (like a 90º left turn onto glide slope), the aircraft goes on a spin unless I take over manually. Then i missed the G/S altogether and I basically hand landed the baby. Scary for the passengers, for sure but all went well. Tomorrow on to KATL.

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ilankrt wrote:
laohu314 wrote:
ilankrt wrote:

If I am not mistaken, 2014 I purchased from X-Plane.org the KMIA airport, but as I looked at the images yesterday it seems to be
now an updated version. Anyway taxi in the air and on ground works perfectly... and I saw KBOS its really great.....

I'm in! I will start on that route tomorrow (i'm based at KBOS). I have just set up my new iMac 27" (latest model full options). It is so much better than my MacBook before. Will also use the new A330 version.

First of all congratulations to your new iMac27 isn't it a fully different new world?!  I never understood how people are enjoying simulation on a small screen because they are missing most of impotent details and views...   Then I am glad about your partnership for our test flight serie and I red that you have similar experience on your first flight.  Today I am beginning with my flight preparations from KMCO to KATL. (I am used to start my simulation from COLD and DARK) flying the A330 (best X-Plane airliner until now) So see you on route....

It's like day and night but $4K ain't pocket change either; I am very happy I did it, though.
I also start from cold and dark using external switches for almost everything on board. Real fun. I am also working on a more comprehensive checklist for XCkecklist similar to the one published for the A220.
Safe flights my friend!

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

ilankrt wrote:

It was said many times in this thread, but it must said again and clear: X-Life will work only on prepared airports !

1. This airports are on the JAR map (I hope this map will be permanently widened)
2. Nearly half of this airports are payware (mostly not cheap at all, but 100% worth there money).  Same airport downloaded free from X-Plane will work rarely and not optimal. ( I made the experience that only 1/10 of them can be used).
3. Even some of the prepared airports have sometimes some defects that must be corrected.
4. Most importend is the fact that we can in X-Plane for the first time simulate flights in an AI environment  (World traffic is not an alternative) with both air and ground traffic and under ATC.

I would like to suggest that as beta test pilot you should use for the present moment only prepared airports. They are all great sceneries and you can have enough variety and different experiences using them. (that should also reduce the repeated questions und complains concerning other airports)

I agree with you broadly for beta testing but I would like some things addressed, now the we have a commercial release of X-Life.
As a user, though, like quite a few other pilots, I would want to be able to make our own set of airports usable with X-Life and I believe that following the rules meticulously goes a long way.
If there are additional scenery problems (like Mesh v3 being incompatible) we need someone (Eugeny?) to describe exactly why that is so that remedial action can be taken and sceneries can be prepare/modified to make them compatible. X-Life is too good to be restricted to airports provided by just a couple of developers. So far, all of the airports for which I made ATC traffic routes worked very well with XL (KBOS was by far the hardest!) so I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from trying. It can be done!
Just, as you say, complaining about issues doesn't help but providing the necessary data to figure out what's wrong should be valuable to improve the product.
I have been there too, not so long ago, frustrated and almost ready to give up but Eugeny really showed me how to do it and I went away very encouraged.

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)

laohu314 wrote:
ilankrt wrote:

It was said many times in this thread, but it must said again and clear: X-Life will work only on prepared airports !

1. This airports are on the JAR map (I hope this map will be permanently widened)
2. Nearly half of this airports are payware (mostly not cheap at all, but 100% worth there money).  Same airport downloaded free from X-Plane will work rarely and not optimal. ( I made the experience that only 1/10 of them can be used).
3. Even some of the prepared airports have sometimes some defects that must be corrected.
4. Most importend is the fact that we can in X-Plane for the first time simulate flights in an AI environment  (World traffic is not an alternative) with both air and ground traffic and under ATC.

I would like to suggest that as beta test pilot you should use for the present moment only prepared airports. They are all great sceneries and you can have enough variety and different experiences using them. (that should also reduce the repeated questions und complains concerning other airports)

I agree with you broadly for beta testing but I would like some things addressed, now the we have a commercial release of X-Life.
As a user, though, like quite a few other pilots, I would want to be able to make our own set of airports usable with X-Life and I believe that following the rules meticulously goes a long way.
If there are additional scenery problems (like Mesh v3 being incompatible) we need someone (Eugeny?) to describe exactly why that is so that remedial action can be taken and sceneries can be prepare/modified to make them compatible. X-Life is too good to be restricted to airports provided by just a couple of developers. So far, all of the airports for which I made ATC traffic routes worked very well with XL (KBOS was by far the hardest!) so I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from trying. It can be done!
Just, as you say, complaining about issues doesn't help but providing the necessary data to figure out what's wrong should be valuable to improve the product.
I have been there too, not so long ago, frustrated and almost ready to give up but Eugeny really showed me how to do it and I went away very encouraged.

Good day,
There is no one really complaining as I do answer many of the tech questions and if, you follow the wrong people on the  feed you can get lost and it is leading you and other people the wrong way.
Nevertheless, this is my point of view after working on the X-Life project since the start of the project.

Now as for the Mesh v3 scenery I can tell you that the Mesh v3 scenery by its self is very hard on the GPU, what do I mean the FPS is taxed already by the Mesh v3 scenery where you can get a FPS drop. Then you want to add the X-Life to the mix well it is just too much going on you have too choose what flavor you want to use at this point is the Meshv3 more important to you or is X-Life as, you computer can only handle so much. Now if there is a change down the road and code is written to fix the way the Meshv3 is loaded then it might work but I am thinking it's the layers of the scenery load that is at issue.

The team of beta tester from the original testing team has worked very hard to make this the best Plugin along with JAR so,
for the new members please look at the other posts and see how the team does things we already have a system and we work well together there is never complaining so thank-you Beta Team.