Re: Are you need X-Plane air/ground traffic?
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JARDesign Group Board → Updates & General Discussion → Are you need X-Plane air/ground traffic?
Today I make a flight from Dusseldorf to Hamburg with Traffic. Fu.. !!! This is cool!!!
This give a chance what this project may happen..
Preview movie or it did not happen ... He he just kidding ^^!
Great to hear that it is cool! Looking really forward to it!
- What is are algorithms behind this concept with respect to FSCloud for example, or actually yourself? How 'smart' is the AI in terms of holding short, go arounds, taking the active runways with respect to weather conditions, et cetera?
- We need to create custom 'taxi routes' for AI? How does this work?
- How advanced are the AI animations? Do we see deployed flaps at these AI planes when they are going to take off or land for example?
- Plans to include advanced sounds for these AI aircraft? Some nice take-off sounds and fly-bye sounds will be gorgeous when holding short for take off and you have to wait for traffic! ^^
- Can you already reveal some information regarding FPS?
At this step plugin work as concept. I need be sure what it is possible first and try to build really and fast algorithms and code for this algorithms.
So.. now
Plugin may load aircraft obj files from anywhere (for now - OpenSceneryX custom scenery pack).
Plugin put some init acfs (aircraft) to loaded scn (scenery) gates and stands
Plugin load in memory ALL airports (data), current scenery (data) and atc waypoints, atc routes from scenery or custom folder
ATC AI select runway in use for every aircraft, manage busy/vacated runways, etc
ATC AI build ground route (with not conflict with another acfs routes) and airroute for departure and arrival acfs
ATC AI managed of acfs flight phases, clearance of pushback-taxi-takeoff-... etc
PILOT AI follow building routes and avoid conflict distance to all other aircrafts
PILOT AI follow airroute
yes, want make sounds for future,
at now (not optimized code) my MAC with 780Ti give me 25-60 fps with a320 and traffic
a lot of work done, a lot-lot-lot for future
Whow! That sounds great JAR! Seems to be an advanced and complex plugin! Great job!!
I know the plug-in is VERY young and in early WIP, however what I noticed for now in this video:
- AI has sometimes (not every time) difficulties with following a straight line.
- AI has difficulties with following a turn.
- Would be awesome if AI slows down before a turn, makes the turn more gently, then increases speed a bit after the turn.
- Pushback motion if pretty fast (?)
- Would be awesome if the AI stays on the same place after the pushback procedure for a few minutes (with TAXI lights off). Then after (let's say) 1 minute or something the TAXI lights goes on. Then, AI is going to taxi. (Maybe hard to code this pattern/algoritm? Not sure, but would be cool! ).
- Take-off seems to be 'instant', instead of a nice smooth gentle rotation. Also for the initial climb: it looks like a linear line the take-off, instead of a positive curve. (Hereby, also not sure what the limitations are to code this).
- At touch-down, the AI's nose is tucking once. Nose is going like: at touch-down the nose shoots a bit upwards, then goes downwards.
Maybe most of these items are already covered on the 'to-do list' or maybe not. I don't know, just want to share what I have noticed from this video + share idea's/opinions!
After all: looks really great!
this is concept and not care about detail. it builded to be sure what this is possible.
thank you anyway!!!
Yes, oke.. no problem. I was aware of that.
Anyway, if you built something to what is possible, then you already did a hell of a great job! Seriously. It's definitely already something awesome to get some ambiance and give X-Plane some more life.
Keep going with great work Eugeny!
awesome job here
sure, also need make a 2 parts
X-Life Traffic Plugin (a moving engine with base AI)
X-Life ATC Plugin (a advanced AI and Atc control for user flight)
I start to make something like this.
Sure, i need someone real ATC-man to know phrase what not described in ICAO and eurocontrol DOCs. Like situation when pilot say wrong some (Gate nomber, QNH, etc) and what ATC should say.
Will be a different buttons on this panel to switch TOWER-GROUND-DELIVERY-APPROACH-RADAR-etc
Will get SID/STARS from ATC and more.. more.. more..
req Tu154 model
Work on ATC as separate plugin. Some ATC log from my today flight
ATC LOG -----------------------------------
> Pilot: HAMBURG Delivery, JAR123, Stand Apron 2, A320, with information C, QNH1013, request clearance
> ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Delivery, Cleared to DUSSELDORF as filed, Runway 33, BASU9G departure, Squawk 1169
> Pilot: Cleared to DUSSELDORF, Runway 33, BASU9G departure, Squawk 1169, JAR123
> Pilot: HAMBURG Ground, JAR123, Stand Apron 2, request start up, information C
> ATC: JAR123, start up approved
> Pilot: Start up approved, JAR123
> Pilot: HAMBURG Ground, JAR123, Stand Apron 2, request taxi
> ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Ground, taxi to holding short runway 33, via Apron,L,S,Apron,R
> Pilot: Taxi to holding short runway 33, via Apron,L,S,Apron,R, JAR123
> Pilot: HAMBURG Tower, JAR123, approaching holding short runway 33
> ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Tower, hold short runway 33
> Pilot: Holding short runway 33, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Tower, line up and wait runway 33
> Pilot: Lining up and wait runway 33, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, runway 33 cleared for take-off
> Pilot: Cleared for take-off, Runway 33, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, contact HAMBURG Radar 124.6
> Pilot: Contact HAMBURG Radar on 124.6, JAR123
> Pilot: HAMBURG Radar, JAR123, BASU9G departure, passing 1500 feet, climbing to 25000 feet
> ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Radar, radar contact
> Pilot: Ready for Descend, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, Descend to FL190
> Pilot: Descending to FL190, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, contact DUSSELDORF Approach 123,625
> Pilot: Contact DUSSELDORF Approach 123,625, JAR123
> Pilot: DUSSELDORF Approach, JAR123, FL244, descending to FL190, information A on board
> ATC: JAR123, Identified, expect XAMO2X arrival, ILS approach Runway 05L, descend FL60
> Pilot: Descending FL60, expect XAMO2X arrival, ILS approach Runway 05L, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, Descend 3000 feet, QNH 1013, transition level FL50
> Pilot: Descending 3000 feet, QNH 1013, transition level FL50, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, cleared for ILS approach Runway 05L, report established
> Pilot: Cleared for ILS approach Runway 05L, will report established, JAR123
> Pilot: Established ILS Runway 05L, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, continue approach
> Pilot: Continue approach, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, contact Tower 123.45
> Pilot: 123.45, JAR123
> Pilot: DUSSELDORF Tower, JAR123 with you, ILS approach runway 05L
> ATC: JAR123, continue approach
> Pilot: Continue approach, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, Cleared to land Runway 05L, wind 0 degrees 0 knots
> Pilot: Cleared to land Runway 05L, JAR123
> ATC: JAR123, take first, when vacated contact Ground 118.35
> Pilot: Take first, Wilco 118.35, JAR123
> Pilot: DUSSELDORF Ground, JAR123, runway vacated
> ATC: JAR123, Taxi to stand B09 via 05L/23R,K1,L1,L2,M,P4,T
> Pilot: Stand B09 via 05L/23R,K1,L1,L2,M,P4,T, JAR123
ATC LOG END ----------------------------
JAR I'll be a customer! It's amazing what you're doing!
Since I'm a graduate engineer for aeronautics with thousands of hours programming experience and an ISTQB certified software tester I would appreciate to test if you like.
Great! i will prepare alfa-version soon. First will be for MAC OS, cause this time i am coding on MAC. So, please enjoy skype j.a.romanov
Currently I've nothing setup on my MacBook. Since I use many addons I fly under Windows for now.
Difficult to build on a Windows machine? I can imagine that you don't plan to setup a parallel dev environment under Windows..
I prefer work on Mac now, more comfort build c++ code with X-Code.
So, video with some progress
Watched the video and looks really promising!
Some spontaneous remarks from my side:
1) Lightning of AI aircraft AC should work as proposed in the following:
a) NAV lights on whenever AC is powered (BAT, GPU or any GEN)
b) Beacon lights on when an engine is on
c) Taxi lights on on ground but not at a gate
d) strobe on on runways and in altitude up to FL 100 only
c) runway torn off lights on from touchdown up to first runway exit
d) landing lights on on final
2) The Boeing in your video does not follow the given yellow line during the line up
3) It should be possible that users add custom ground routes and routes for flights within the simulator
4) How will the users get the aircraft and liveries of well known airlines to see the typical airlines/ aircraft on the particular airport?
I'm sure you know WT, and that it is highly customisable is a big advantage
As you an own aircraft pilot, you should not manage (any kind of manage) aircrafts around you, but just "live" in their flow. This is a concept of this plugin engine.
You see all other aircrafts near
AI pilots see you and all aircrafts near and try to avoid conflict
ATC guide you and AI pilots
some details..
Heh.. There is (just an example) about 50-70 active aircraft at your current airport/scenery. You are the pilot of your aircraft. As you are pilot, you should not care about ground routes for that 50-70 acfs. This is ATC task. Also, you should not build your own ground route, cause to do this, you need to know all arrival and departure groungroutes for all aircraft at airport now to avoid conflict. It is possible for mathematical genius, but not need in this case. This is also ATC task and ATC can calculate non-conflict route to your RW and give it to you.
this plugin not use prebuilded groundroutes, its ATC part just read taxiroutes/gates/runways network from apt.dat and calculate nonconflict routes "realtime" for every aircraft.
there is about 300 aircraft around you in the air.. are you ready build detail route for every of them? no, you can set departure/arrival timetable for them, but no more - Airroute for them - also task for AtC. Another approach with your airroute - you should enter it, or import from FMGS and send to ATC. It is a way how ATC will know your route. AI pilots also give their airroutes for ATC, but you should not care about this, it is not you deal, you are not ATC.
and.. Dont care about details, this is too early..
100% about lights - it is absolutely not ready
Thank you!
Okay, I see!
Good approach and for sure a very big programming challenge.
I'm going to prepare my MacBook since I know how to verify software and would like to test.
What about the plenty of very nice but partly not up to date freeware airports?
They have not all the details (taxi route information) this plugin is going to need.
One will have to edit the airport with WED to add this right?
Just some ideas:
AI ATC could be given via an artificial sound/ voice. Same may implemented for ATIS too.
Plugin could recognise the active radio frequencies of the aircraft for changes from ground to tower etc.
Is it planned, that the operating time of airports will be considered?
1) Lightning of AI aircraft AC should work as proposed in the following:
a) NAV lights on whenever AC is powered (BAT, GPU or any GEN)
b) Beacon lights on when an engine is on
c) Taxi lights on on ground but not at a gate
d) strobe on on runways and in altitude up to FL 100 only
c) runway torn off lights on from touchdown up to first runway exit
d) landing lights on on final
That's a great idea, but I noticed that some lights are not used as your description in real life (European airspace of course)
a), b) c) are correct.
d) strobe lights on before entering Runway and than staying on the complete flight until you leave the runway after touch down.
e) Runway turn off lights: on when taxing, off when airborne on again when on final
f) landing lights: on when you got your take off clearance. When passing FL100 on Climb Off and on again when passing FL100 on descend again until leaving runway.
Runway turn off lights are needed to see better the runway exit after touchdown, they illuminate side wards.
These lights aren't switched on before final approach fix or touchdown (landing).
Landing lights on during takeoff is okay. but not before final approach fix.
Well thats how I observed it during my jump seat flights and while spotting aircraft in flight at night.
Looked up again on the internet and find this from Wikipedia:
"In the United States, for example, landing lights are not required or used for many types of aircraft, but their use is strongly encouraged, both for take-off and landing and during any operations below 10,000 ft or within ten nautical miles of an airport (FAA AIM 4-2-23). According to CFR 14 and FAR Part 91.205, a landing light is required for all aircraft used in commercial operations at night." (
So its correct to put the landing lights on when passing FL100 on descend and after take off until FL100 at least in the USA, but I think there will be a similar regulation for european airspace.
Well for the Runway Turn Off Lights with "final" I meant when on ILS or lowering the gear.
On my side - there is no problem to apply any of this rules Be better to use just more popular.
On my side - there is no problem to apply any of this rules Be better to use just more popular.
Okay, got it.
There was a discussion regarding the use of aircraft lights: … ntry963564
Have a look into section 4-3-23 (not 4-2-23) in … -03-14.pdf
Thanks Homer!
JARDesign Group Board → Updates & General Discussion → Are you need X-Plane air/ground traffic?
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