Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.8 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

lidlrico wrote:

kju135 What is the current status of your project?

Check the PM


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.8 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

kju135 wrote:

Okay. I am a licensed user of JD320, JD330, and JD340.
I have requested several times for the JD320 to be upgraded to XP12, but it seems that the JD320 is the last to abandon XP11.


So I took it upon myself to create an XP12 upgrade patch for JD320. I wrote it with ACF by XP12 planemaker and some XLua scripts with the new, and modified only one OBJ in the existing resource for the usability of the MCDU(clicking on the MCDU in the 3D cockpit now generates a real MCDU popup window like the JD330 or JD340, not the too small and low quality MCDU of JD320 v3.8.1). I think my patch works pretty well on XP12.0.9-rc5, without any problems.

Of course, this patch does not hack or modify the JD320's activator in any way,
so only licensed users of JD320 can use it.

I am willing to release this patch for free on x-plane.org if JARDesign allows me to do so.
If JARDesign's prior review is required for the release of this patch, I will provide this patch to JARDesign first.

Now I would like to hear from JARDesign about the JD320's use of XP12.

Hallo kju135,

Did JARDesign allow it?

Best regards Erik

153 (edited by thatbloke 2025-03-08 02:34:24)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.8 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

I recently purchased A320 from the ORG store.
After updating my computer to a new MacBook Pro, X-plane crashes to the desktop when loading the A320, due to SASL plugin error.
How can I / we resolve this issue. Looks like exact same issue as Peter G on the previous page of this forum..
Attached log.txt after latest crash.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 6.32 mb, 2 downloads since 2025-03-07