Re: v1.1b5.2 distributive mostly the same b4 + new base SASL plugin
Good day,
when I start I have the "start at ramp" checked this way I do not CTD and do not have issues but i will now investigate. //* running 10.36r1 XP//
1) starting at KLAX ramp start and will spin up engines from cold and dark. [removed ground equipment]
NOTE: yes I can confirm, that the " displays", go dark after the move.
2) move to another gate at airport .
NOTE: will move to PANC, moved to PANC and no CTD but the displays are dark and inoperable and the engines are not running. but if I go into setting and uncheck "Allow for random failures" I will retry the process again. and see if the issue processed or if the issue was due to the "Allow for random failures".
B) the issue is still there after unchecking the "Allow for random failures". … tr=49t1045
c) since, there is no CTD the log.txt does not show any issue to give any indication of an issue. so I agree with the findings...
3) move to another airport W/engines running.
Win7-64, XP10.35, v1.1b5.2, If you try and move the aircraft with the engines running using XP Location --> Select Global Airport --> and pick a different ramp start location or a Rwy some of the the displays go blank.
Not sure if this is an intentional "future" and or a "bug"? i.e. in real life you can't " instantaneously transport" an aircraft to different location like in Star Trek