Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4


Concerning "red warning message pop-up about my joystick settings and force me to set them to %50" , why this message ?

Could you remove it ?

Thanks for your hard work


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

fatih.koz wrote:


Just downloaded v4.4r1 and then updated to b3 after activation.

* IRS alignment times still do not match. PFD displays show info coming from an aligned IRS but the ECAM says it needs 4-5 minutes more to align.

* TakeOff Inhibit message appears during taxi when you apply thrust (or when you start your takeoff roll). It should be visible only after 100kt speed and it is not tied to N1/N2 etc in real aircraft. (In JarA330 it looks like you tied it to N1/N2 readings directly).

* Flight Attendant starts "Seat Belt sign" announcement after take off without any change to seat belts from cockpit. They were turned on before taxi and was on after take off but she announced that they are turned off (around 2000 feet)

Did not tested all the problems reported back with older versions, just wanted to see the latest build sad

And one more thing, red warning message pop-up about my joystick settings and force me to set them to %50.Why ? Maybe I want them at %40 or %20. Does this really necessary ?

Best wishes

FBW module was tuned to use with 50% settings.
Will fix FA "Seat Belts" and T.O.INHIBIT in next update - thank you!

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

rafalec wrote:


Concerning "red warning message pop-up about my joystick settings and force me to set them to %50" , why this message ?

Could you remove it ?

Thanks for your hard work

Sure, you may just delete diagnostic plugin at all - no diagnostic messages will come on screen in this case.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Thanks for the reply and future fixes.

I think the FA announcement may be related to vertical profile, because just after departure I had to level off (due to SID restrictions for passing a point). Not sure of course exactly when she started the announcement but I just looked to ECAM and saw my Seat Belt message there while she was speaking about them being turned off smile


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

J.A.Romanov wrote:

Beta version is Earlier version. Release version os more FRESH. If you already install release, you not need downgrade to beta version.

Well this is confusing a little bit. I downloaded the latest release (from the link you provided here), did a fresh install and activated. When I loaded the aircraft update window opened and warned me about that my copy is out of date smile

So I clicked update thinking that I will get something new sad

If the updater is offering something old, I think you should update it too smile

Best wishes


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

J.A.Romanov wrote:
rafalec wrote:


Concerning "red warning message pop-up about my joystick settings and force me to set them to %50" , why this message ?

Could you remove it ?

Thanks for your hard work

Sure, you may just delete diagnostic plugin at all - no diagnostic messages will come on screen in this case.

Thank you !


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

fatih.koz wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:

Beta version is Earlier version. Release version os more FRESH. If you already install release, you not need downgrade to beta version.

Well this is confusing a little bit. I downloaded the latest release (from the link you provided here), did a fresh install and activated. When I loaded the aircraft update window opened and warned me about that my copy is out of date smile

So I clicked update thinking that I will get something new sad

If the updater is offering something old, I think you should update it too smile

Best wishes

Yes, will do.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

33 (edited by dekela 2021-11-27 19:42:47)

Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Just tried to do a flight.

Right after T/O flaps retracted issues with Overspeed:

1. Flaps indicator shows its on 1. (When 3d model is on 0)
2. Over speed above 250kts when flaps are fully retracted.

Log attach + screenshots.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon a330 - 2021-11-27 16.03.07.png 4.55 mb, 53 downloads since 2021-11-27 

Attachment icon a330 - 2021-11-27 16.03.09.png 5.6 mb, 47 downloads since 2021-11-27 

Attachment icon Log.txt 1.75 mb, 118 downloads since 2021-11-27 


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Version V4.4R1. Thanks for the update, greatly improved!

1. Why does the park brake turn ON half-way upon touch down? it brings the AC to an abrupt unplanned stop. Auto-brakes are set, spoilers are armed but it keeps turning on??

2. The navigation display ND turns off (screen blank) after touch down?? not seen this before, is this normal?

3. Why do the Generator (EXT PWR) sounds keep playing after it is turned off / driven away? very annoying too loud sound in cockpit.


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Aero_Medic wrote:

Version V4.4R1. Thanks for the update, greatly improved!

1. Why does the park brake turn ON half-way upon touch down? it brings the AC to an abrupt unplanned stop. Auto-brakes are set, spoilers are armed but it keeps turning on??

2. The navigation display ND turns off (screen blank) after touch down?? not seen this before, is this normal?

3. Why do the Generator (EXT PWR) sounds keep playing after it is turned off / driven away? very annoying too loud sound in cockpit.

Park Brake handle rotation during auto brake - just a visual issue chained with X-Plane brake system (sure, must be fixed, will do) - it not affect on auto-brake work.
If ND was black after landing - please check electrical system page - may be RAT was extended during flight (if so - you may check reason in Log file)
Can you describe how you get "working GPU sound" after turned parking brake Off. I need exact procedure to get this issue on my side.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Thanks for quick reply.

… it not affect on auto-brake work…..Ok thanks now I know.

If ND was black after landing - please check electrical system page
….not sure, (no RAT deployed, uneventful flight) but it’s second time it happened, I’ll keep checking.

Can you describe how you get "working GPU sound" after turned parking brake Off….

I turn on GPU (quick start button), then fire up the APU. Push OFF the right side EXT PWR button on overhead panel, (sounds keep playing), so then I go to MCDU menu and select GPU drive away but sound keeps playing until drive away ALL is selected.


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Aero_Medic wrote:

….not sure, (no RAT deployed, uneventful flight) but it’s second time it happened, I’ll keep checking.

You may just use Log.txt file just after flight (if issue was happen) and use search there with "RAT"

Aero_Medic wrote:

I turn on GPU (quick start button), then fire up the APU. Push OFF the right side EXT PWR button on overhead panel, (sounds keep playing), so then I go to MCDU menu and select GPU drive away but sound keeps playing until drive away ALL is selected.

This is normal what you hear GPU after disconnect (AVAIL light still present). But is GPU was called from screen - it may be disappear after you just set Parking Brake OFF (no sound issue should happen). If you call GPU from MCDU - It may be drive away from MCDU (no sound issue should happen). Look like this.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Just about to buy this now from the .org store. After I buy it, to update - I just download the update and than overwrite the files in the one from the .org?


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

robvalkyrie wrote:

Just about to buy this now from the .org store. After I buy it, to update - I just download the update and than overwrite the files in the one from the .org?

When you pay - you get serial key what may be used for activation every version. You may download some from store, but you may check actual version just here - http://jardesign.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=44

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

40 (edited by fatih.koz 2021-12-06 17:52:53)

Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Downloaded r2 via internal updater.

IRS Align time is still wrong. It says it needs 6 more minutes but PFD shows data supplied by an aligned IRS. (after 2 minutes). And looks like it is possible to align IRS systems while the switches are in OFF position.



Best wishes


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Every time shortly after landing, the aircraft loses its energy as if it were switched off. The displays are switched off briefly and the message "RAT out" appears. The bug has existed at least since version 4.4r1 - maybe even longer.


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

davemw wrote:

Every time shortly after landing, the aircraft loses its energy as if it were switched off. The displays are switched off briefly and the message "RAT out" appears. The bug has existed at least since version 4.4r1 - maybe even longer.

If this happen - look like RAT was extended during flight. Why? This is easy to check in Log.txt file just after flight - you may use search with 'RAT' and read why this happen in your flight.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

I've an issue with my hardware cockpit simvimx, it does not recognize some standard values like the altitutude_set and master caution reset, there is a way to get the dataref file for this plane ?
Many thanks


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

J.A.Romanov wrote:
davemw wrote:

Every time shortly after landing, the aircraft loses its energy as if it were switched off. The displays are switched off briefly and the message "RAT out" appears. The bug has existed at least since version 4.4r1 - maybe even longer.

If this happen - look like RAT was extended during flight. Why? This is easy to check in Log.txt file just after flight - you may use search with 'RAT' and read why this happen in your flight.

There is no log entry until RAT was extended right after landing! See logfile attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 506.7 kb, 107 downloads since 2022-01-16 


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

davemw wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:
davemw wrote:

Every time shortly after landing, the aircraft loses its energy as if it were switched off. The displays are switched off briefly and the message "RAT out" appears. The bug has existed at least since version 4.4r1 - maybe even longer.

If this happen - look like RAT was extended during flight. Why? This is easy to check in Log.txt file just after flight - you may use search with 'RAT' and read why this happen in your flight.

There is no log entry until RAT was extended right after landing! See logfile attached.

My guess was correct - as I see from log:
[JD330 INFO]: [LUA]: RAT was extended cause of lost AC1 and AC2 bus

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

J.A.Romanov wrote:

My guess was correct - as I see from log:
[JD330 INFO]: [LUA]: RAT was extended cause of lost AC1 and AC2 bus

Yes, thats what i meant with "until RAT extended".
So what can i do now?


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

davemw wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:

My guess was correct - as I see from log:
[JD330 INFO]: [LUA]: RAT was extended cause of lost AC1 and AC2 bus

Yes, thats what i meant with "until RAT extended".
So what can i do now?

Need just check ELEC page during flight/approach/landing

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

J.A.Romanov wrote:

Need just check ELEC page during flight/approach/landing

Here are more information:

Before Landing (everything is okay and looks good): see attached file

After landing:


This happens right when I activate the reverse thrust.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ac-elec-before-landing.jpg 313.54 kb, 43 downloads since 2022-01-20 

49 (edited by rcz83 2022-01-21 09:30:53)

Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

Good afternoon! I have a problem with fmgs plugin. When entering the PERFORMANCE tab, FPS drops from 30 to 18 and 12 FPS is occupied by the plugin. I can't attach a photo. Writes exceeded the size, and the size is only 2 MB.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon X-Plane 2022-01-21 11-18-43.png 2.46 mb, 40 downloads since 2022-01-21 


Re: XP11.50 JD330 v.4.4

rcz83 wrote:

Good afternoon! I have a problem with fmgs plugin. When entering the PERFORMANCE tab, FPS drops from 30 to 18 and 12 FPS is occupied by the plugin. I can't attach a photo. Writes exceeded the size, and the size is only 2 MB.

Seems like it's some sort of special issue. Sure, you can contact me via skype j.a.romanov for direct help - we will check this issue online. You may call anytime when my skype label is green.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org