Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.6 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

Hey are you ever gonna release the pbr cockpit textures for the jara320 we really need pbr cocpit textures to up the add-on yu were making 3d photogrammetry for the jara320 so wat exactly happened why did the topic go silent and is it still in development


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.6 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

Am I right in thinking that the 320_JARDesign_3640 will not automatically follow altitude constraints on a SID or STAR and these have to be managed manually?  If so, it's one of the few that doesn't handle constraints automatically.

128 (edited by davypockets82 2021-02-18 04:09:49)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.6 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

mikie46 wrote:
davypockets82 wrote:

Make sure your avionics are turned on for the A320 before getting angry that the plane's systems aren't working.

I don't know if this is considered "common sense" or not, but I didn't even think to turn on the avionics before flying. I guess I thought that was something that just turned on automatically or something. I was having so many issues flying this thing especially with the autopilot and with other systems like the radio not working. So far everything is working well now since figuring out the avionics needed to turned on manually.


What avionics? Why dont you tell us where that is?


Sorry that I didn't see your question until now. I had helped another member shortly after my post with a detailed explanation, but perhaps you missed it. I'll paste it here so you don't have to dig for it:


Sorry that I didn’t see your question until today. You’ll need to assign a keyboard or joystick shortcut for “avionics on” in your settings for things to work for the current version. It fixed all of my issues.

I think for the most part the avionics were automatically turned on in the background as you did your normal cold & dark startup procedures, but for some reason the background process must've been "broken" with this current version hence the manual process is now needed. I was so frustrated with the issues I was having. I had the same issues you were having and my radios didn't work or anything. So frustrating to plan everything, then takeoff and have the plane keep doing steep climbs and doing that whole Afloor thing. Then it wouldn't follow the flight plan at all. It would just keep circling slowly. No more!

Every plane I've flown in the sim seems to also have all of that avionics stuff done in the background when I'm starting up so I never had to concern myself with the concept. I'm not sure why no clear documentation is available for this current issue, but luckily I found the solution.

More details if you want them:

Here's the link to how I found out the solution: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/f … amp;page=2

The main topic was actually people having issues with the A330's systems, but it's essentially the same problems with the A320 and the fix works for both planes. It's user "Murrky" who gives the solution. He also gives instructions on how to make a LUA script to bind the "avionics on" function to when you start the batteries. That's what I ended up doing since I didn't want another keystroke to memorize or to take up another button on my flight stick.

I'm glad he posted that reply because all of the other recommendations were for overcomplicated joystick settings workarounds.


Murrky calls it "master avionics on", but it's just "avionics on"




Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.6 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

The Thrustmaster TCA add-on airbrake lever and the speedbrakes knob are not working.
When are they implemented.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.6 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

I really like the JAR Design A320.  I have what I think is the latest version (V3 7R1).  My problem is that I find it extremely tricky to engage the autopilot.  (wasn't the case in earlier versions)

I understand that the trim is supposed to be neutral (hands off) and the Flight Director bars exactly centred, but it seems to be incredibly sensitive to this, which is a pain when you are trying to follow a complicated SID hand flying and getting the FD centred at the same time.   I wonder if anyone has any tips on this, I may be missing something, like a speed or altitude constraint before the autopilot will engage.

This is also an issue, to a lesser extent, with the Zibo, but, to be fair, he gives you the option of an "easy neutral" on the set up.  Not so much of an issue with the FF 320 which I also fly, it just annoys me that I have this issue with the JAR one.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.6 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.50/11.41)

quando é que vai tem o tablet