Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I'm having a cooling problem with the last two updates of X-Life, v140819 and 211019. As soon as I start X-Life with both of these versions the cooling fan starts on my Mac, if I revert to v250719 the fan doesn't start.
I first noticed it with v140819 and Jar said he would look into this problem, not sure why this would happen.
I'm running X-Plane 11.40b9 on Mac, I have done a flight which ran OK, but the cooling was on the whole time. It then got louder when the sim was working a bit harder.
At present I've reverted to v250719 with the fan stays off, of course it comes on when the sim is working, but goes off. With X-Life v140819 and 211019 it's on all the time.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

colinah wrote:

I'm having a cooling problem with the last two updates of X-Life, v140819 and 211019. As soon as I start X-Life with both of these versions the cooling fan starts on my Mac, if I revert to v250719 the fan doesn't start.
I first noticed it with v140819 and Jar said he would look into this problem, not sure why this would happen.
I'm running X-Plane 11.40b9 on Mac, I have done a flight which ran OK, but the cooling was on the whole time. It then got louder when the sim was working a bit harder.
At present I've reverted to v250719 with the fan stays off, of course it comes on when the sim is working, but goes off. With X-Life v140819 and 211019 it's on all the time.

Actual version use additional CPU core to make needed calculation in background mode. Sure, this affect on framerate ans smoothness. And, sure, this affect on CPU load and cooling system should working more.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

mjark wrote:

I use XPlane 11 and installing Xlife crashes the simulator upon load.
Please help!

If no exact info in log - need check several things on your side. You may contact www.support.jardesign.org or directly via skype j.a.romanov

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

504 (edited by Greazer 2019-10-25 03:52:00)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

The worst bug of X Life, if your plane is on the active runway, the AI planes will not hold before you takeoff. They just cross the runway. They also continue to land and takeoff while your plane is on the active runway.
Can this bug be fixed??  It's very annoying.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Greazer wrote:

The worst bug of X Life, if your plane is on the active runway, the AI planes will not hold before you takeoff. They just cross the runway. They also continue to land and takeoff while your plane is on the active runway.
Can this bug be fixed??  It's very annoying.

This depend of details..

If pilot just load on runway - this is worst bug of pilot

If pilot take runway without atc clearance - this is worst bug of pilot

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Starting X-life (deluxe) with the Carenado C208B XP11 xplane always hungs and crashes
Starting X-life with the C172 and then switch to C208B works

Tested with other aircrafts, hung/crash afte x-life start is only repro on the C208B .. don't know why

X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:
Greazer wrote:

The worst bug of X Life, if your plane is on the active runway, the AI planes will not hold before you takeoff. They just cross the runway. They also continue to land and takeoff while your plane is on the active runway.
Can this bug be fixed??  It's very annoying.

This depend of details..

If pilot just load on runway - this is worst bug of pilot

If pilot take runway without atc clearance - this is worst bug of pilot


I have purchased the product, but often times I don't wish to use ATC.

I don't know any way to turn off ATC - except use the Free version. So I do.

But with free version, and on the runway, AI planes continue as if you do not exist.

Can you add an option to:  1) disable ATC in paid version (Best)  ... and ...

2) With any version of X Life the AI planes check if your plane is on the runway (and wait etc).

I am begging, Thank you.

508 (edited by Hosidax 2019-10-31 05:26:32)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I have searched a lot today and I cannot find an answer, so I'm posting my question here.

I am using the airport editor tool on PAAQ (Palmer Airport, Alaska).  I have had mostly really good results with it and I think I understand pretty well how the software works.  I have created routes for a couple of other small airports and they have worked great!

In the cargo area at Palmer, most of the default gates have the aircraft backed into their stand with the tails overhanging the edge of the tarmac, and facing inwards toward the cargo area.    In the "real world", I imagine that those planes were pushed back into position and then they would taxi straight out from there (rather than need a pushback to taxi out).  See the attached pics for clarity.   The second picture show the raw gate when the airport editor is first loaded with default gate postion and heading, before anything is edited.  As you can see, there is no room to taxi into this position, they must be pushed back into it.  I have tried a couple of point/line configurations that I'm not showing here, since they didn't get the results I want.  So far I have only been able to get them to park facing the wrong direction.

Is there a way to configure the points and lines with a gate so that an arriving airplane will get pushed back into it's "gate" position with a heading that allows it to taxi straight out?


509 (edited by Hosidax 2019-10-31 05:21:22)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Here is the second image:
As you can see, with the default airport gate position and heading there is no room to taxi into the gate and end up with the proper heading.



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Why it is not possible to lineup on takeoff runway just in the moment after the previous landing plane has toucheddown and rolledout and get takeoff clearance after the takeoff runway is free.

511 (edited by Sasha 2019-11-03 10:33:16)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Добрый день!
Нарисовал рулежки для аэропорта Тюмени (USTR), но трафик рулит странным образом. К примеру, взлет/посадка с полосы "12" [2], но самолеты, вместо того, чтобы рулить от терминала [1] ближайшим путем по перрону [3] к полосе "12" [2], рулят к рулежке "A1" [4], затем по полосе 12/30 к месту взлета [2] и оттуда взлетают.




Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Today, we occurred some problem. In the morning, I calmly used the XP11-and-JD320 with a copilot, and X-life without any problems. When I try to fly in the afternoon there was CTD at the early start loading . And in the log .text is seen to be the cause of the X-the life of the plugin.

X-Life plugin by JARDesign Ver.v.4_040619
XL: 0 : UUID=12db12e1-19ad-40e9-a2b6-7d952c536ca4
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: X-Life/win.xpl}==--

Then I removed X-life plugin and restart X-plane, but CTD has re-occurred , as it is to see in Log.txt the result of Copilot.

FMGS: 0 : procPath C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\320_3.4r3\plugins/fmgs/navdata/Proc/
FMGS: 0 : MessageGreen: Systems Created!
JD SPEECH Plugin: Get MSG: contextpath>C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\320_3.4r3\plugins\copilot_main\

When I did the remove Copilot folders and restart X-plane to work.

Should anyone know of the cause?

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Darko24 wrote:

Today, we occurred some problem. In the morning, I calmly used the XP11-and-JD320 with a copilot, and X-life without any problems. When I try to fly in the afternoon there was CTD at the early start loading . And in the log .text is seen to be the cause of the X-the life of the plugin.

X-Life plugin by JARDesign Ver.v.4_040619
XL: 0 : UUID=12db12e1-19ad-40e9-a2b6-7d952c536ca4
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: X-Life/win.xpl}==--

Then I removed X-life plugin and restart X-plane, but CTD has re-occurred , as it is to see in Log.txt the result of Copilot.

FMGS: 0 : procPath C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\320_3.4r3\plugins/fmgs/navdata/Proc/
FMGS: 0 : MessageGreen: Systems Created!
JD SPEECH Plugin: Get MSG: contextpath>C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\320_3.4r3\plugins\copilot_main\

When I did the remove Copilot folders and restart X-plane to work.

Should anyone know of the cause?

I'll make total fresh install and registration of FM, Copilot and X-life and now works again.

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

x life has not been useful on x plane 11 it doesnot open in plugin
is this program meant to be for x plane 10 only


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

sorry for this dumb question, but I wasn't able to spot it: what is the meaning of the uppermost line of the settings menu: what is expected to be entered in the leftmost field ?
Many thanks in advance for enlighten me,


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

XLIFE - not working for me /copied the new download X-Life directory to the /plugins folder and it does not show up under XPLANE 11 at all.  Never even shows as a plugin.  Windows 10


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

ikammoona61 wrote:

x life has not been useful on x plane 11 it doesnot open in plugin
is this program meant to be for x plane 10 only

NO, for me it works well with XP 11.40 and Win10.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

FS4USA wrote:

XLIFE - not working for me /copied the new download X-Life directory to the /plugins folder and it does not show up under XPLANE 11 at all.  Never even shows as a plugin.  Windows 10

please append the log.txt file from your x-plane main folder.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


All the AI aircraft have twitching undercarriage when on the ground, they are constantly moving up and down. Also, all the aircraft I see cruising, have their undercarriage down...

Anyone have this problem?

(latest release on everything)



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

FS4USA wrote:

XLIFE - not working for me /copied the new download X-Life directory to the /plugins folder and it does not show up under XPLANE 11 at all.  Never even shows as a plugin.  Windows 10

This may happen if installation in not correct (usually user may put plugin to "additional" folder after unZIP distributive). As result, instead of correct path, like (as example - for win.xpl file):
../X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Life/win.xpl

user may have wrong path with additional folder like:
../X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SomeAdditionalFolderName/X-Life/win.xpl

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

demontraitor wrote:


All the AI aircraft have twitching undercarriage when on the ground, they are constantly moving up and down. Also, all the aircraft I see cruising, have their undercarriage down...

Anyone have this problem?

(latest release on everything)


Yes, that is something special. You may contact me skype j.a.romanov for direct support

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:
demontraitor wrote:


All the AI aircraft have twitching undercarriage when on the ground, they are constantly moving up and down. Also, all the aircraft I see cruising, have their undercarriage down...

Anyone have this problem?

(latest release on everything)


Yes, that is something special. You may contact me skype j.a.romanov for direct support

I'll install skype....

523 (edited by Hosidax 2019-12-21 05:47:15)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I'm finding that gate names are being corrupted on loading of the Airport Editor.   When I save changes in the editor, the corrupt special character strings are written to the xlf file.  This causes X-Plane to crash to the desktop when I attempt to start X-Life.  If I manually edit to xlf file to remove the corrupt character string, then X-Plane does not CTD.

Here's a picture of corrupt names.  This has happened multiple times, not usually to the same gates.

Any idea what's going on here and how to prevent it?



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I'm running X-Life v211019 in XP 11.41 on iMac. When I complete a flight I shut down X-Life from the splash screen, when I shut down XP from the quit screen I get a message flash up saying XP quit unexpectedly, happens every time.

However when I revert to X-Life v250719 this doesn't happen. It's not a major issue, but does anybody have any ideas why this may be happening, what's different in v211019. Not sure whether or not it happened in the version between 250719 and 211019 as I don't have a copy of that release.

525 (edited by gr8catch4rhr 2020-01-04 15:39:18)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

This is not really a reply to anything, but I was wondering if there was any plans to have x-life highlight the taxi routes like the default ATC does? It would be helpful, since the airport map is really cluttered with so many numbers and letters, and zooming it bigger doesn't help. Is there a fix for that?