Topic: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

This is next public version of a330 for X-Plane 11.

What new:

+ separate throttle control add (with hardware or incockpit manipulators)
+ FADEC module reworked
+ A/THR modes / indication reworked
+ Thrust modes / indication reworked
+ AP modes fixed
+ XP 11.40 compatible
+ macOS Catalina compatible

r2: 220120
+ "lost speed" at hi CRZ FL bug fixed
+ minor bugs fixed


Download link:
http://jardesign.org/a330/download/inst … 30XP11.zip

For macOS Catalina users - please follow instruction:

Download link to updated CoPilot version:

Download link to updated Ground Handling plugin to be well-compatible with XP11

Please not mix files with other version.

In the case of wrong voice recognition setup crash on loading stage may happen. Please be ready to contact JAR via skype j.a.romanov to demonstrate how this going and make real fix for this by our crew.

  - be sure, that you use X-Plane 11.35-11.40
  - copy unziped "JD330XP11" folder to ..\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\ folder
    (be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path)
  - please visit download more fresh version of Ground Handling plugin (use link above). It work with JARDesign 330 without registration (for free). Please note what “Deluxe” version of this plugin (may work with other aircrafts) is payware.
  - start X-Plane 64 bit and open a330, activation window is going to show up
  - enter your serial key (use exist serial from "JD330 for X-Plane 11"), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu
  - activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit

If activation window not appear, there is 3 reasons may be for this -
- Check what you use computer under Admin mode.
- You use Windows 7 or 8 or 10. In this case, please install "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010" pack http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download … x?id=14632 , and also install more fresh JAVA.
- One of your installed X-Plane plugin (like SeaTraffic) can block activation windows. You can temporary remove your plugins one-by-one and check is activation window appear. Another (faster) way you can use - load Cessna 172, open X-Plane Menu->Plugins->Plugin Admin to disable ALL plugins, next - load JD320/330.

If you need to update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph
- “JARDesign 330/330 Native format”
and put a new cycle to ../X-PLANE 11/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder
(create it if need)

If you want to test how failures system work, you need use DatarefEditor plugin and enter "jd/bugs/" there. You will get small number of datarefs what may generate faults - APU Fire, as example, if you change value from 0 to 1.

- you may post you opinion about this version, post what you like/unlike
- please attach your log.txt if Crash happen.

Please care about information what you will post here and try to determinate reason if issues happen  - sure, he interesting in aircraft test and troubles but want to avoid work with "pilot" issues.

Thank you!!!!

This is FREE update for users who own "JD330 for X-Plane 11" product.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Pilot may control engines with:

+ single hardware thrust lever
+ separate hardware thrust levers
+ single incockpit manipulator
+ separate incockpit manipulators
+ single-mode/separate incockpit reverser
+ key-assigned hardware reverse switch key


Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

About macOS Catalins support:

Yes, JD330 work with it, but some procedures need to do. Please follow:

0.System preferences, security and privacy, accessibility, check X-Plane ON

!!! If crash will happen with X-Plane checked On or if activation window still not appear - go to System Preferences => Security & Privacy => Privacy => Accessibility. Then delete X-Plane 11 from that list (using the little minus button, unchecking is not enough) and add it again.

Next - allow to run software from identified developers

1.During loading aircraft, if you meet this messages:
Click "CANCEL"

2.Next open your macOS Security & Privacy settings, General tab
and select "Allow Anyway"

3.Do points 1 and 2 for EVERY message like in p.1, until aircraft loading complete.

4.Reload aircraft using menu:

5.During loading aircraft, when you meet another messages:
Click "OPEN"

6.Do points 5 for EVERY message like in p.5, until aircraft loading complete.

7.Reload aircraft again. Messages should not happen more.

If you meet with another kind of Mojave/Catalina issue, like

You may try to use this trick http://osxdaily.com/2016/09/27/allow-ap … atekeeper/

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

I am the New one..
If is JD 330 compitabel with VR Mode.?
I whant to Buy but i need that info. Thank you very much.


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

zunic.nenad87 wrote:

I am the New one..
If is JD 330 compitabel with VR Mode.?
I whant to Buy but i need that info. Thank you very much.

Not fully ready for VR. And to be clear, main issue - as for my HTC Vive PRO - this VR resolution not allow me to read PFD/ND indication well from pilot seat, I need to move more closer to PFD, what is not usable for long flight. May be in future whis will be better with better VR resolution.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

6 (edited by zunic.nenad87 2019-11-29 15:56:52)

Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

J.A.Romanov wrote:
zunic.nenad87 wrote:

I am the New one..
If is JD 330 compitabel with VR Mode.?
I whant to Buy but i need that info. Thank you very much.

Not fully ready for VR. And to be clear, main issue - as for my HTC Vive PRO - this VR resolution not allow me to read PFD/ND indication well from pilot seat, I need to move more closer to PFD, what is not usable for long flight. May be in future whis will be better with better VR resolution.

Thank you very much sir..
I, am not very happy with answer... Because i whana fly in this bird. But i know what are you talking because is the same problem with another aircraft. Thank you one more time for answer and have nice evening..


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

zunic.nenad87 wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:
zunic.nenad87 wrote:

I am the New one..
If is JD 330 compitabel with VR Mode.?
I whant to Buy but i need that info. Thank you very much.

Not fully ready for VR. And to be clear, main issue - as for my HTC Vive PRO - this VR resolution not allow me to read PFD/ND indication well from pilot seat, I need to move more closer to PFD, what is not usable for long flight. May be in future whis will be better with better VR resolution.

Thank you very much sir..
I, am not very happy with answer... Because i whana fly in this bird. But i know what are you talking because is the same problem with another aircraft. Thank you one more time for answer and have nice evening..

Yep, right. I am fly with VR a lot, but with GA/small aircrafts, cause this way is usable. I am understand well what we will make full VR preparations as soon as VR screen resolution will allow us get more detailed pictures of glass cockpit displays. As for now - this not happen, sadly.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Can we got mousewheel nob rotations on radios, AP, etc. ?


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Also any keybind dataref for AP joystick disconnect?


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Thanks for the new update. I did a short test flight and I've noted that although in manual flight (ATHR and AP off) the LVL CLB annunciator in the PFD's ATHR section was still flashing. That should not be the case. Maybe you can fix that in the next updates.


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Flaps up 0 from flaps 4 when after landing, the speed brake will not show animation by replay mode.


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

I'm going to try to do my best to describe my flight from KLAX to KSEA with ver 3.3. r1.  Take-off, climb, and cruise phases were fine.  I began my descent into KSEA via the HAWKZ 7 arrival for an ILS approach to 34C (arrival plate available on skyvector.com) and while approaching waypoint HAWKZ (speed restriction of 270 and altitude restriction of at or above 12,000 feet), the A330 maintained a descent speed of 290 knots and did not command a reduced speed of 270 knots until approx. one mile from the waypoint (the MCDU had the waypoint programmed properly and it showed the speed and altitude constraints).  As I passed HAWKZ, the speed was approx. 280 knots and I deployed the spoilers (1/2 way open) to assist with reducing the 330's speed.  The altitude reached was 12,000 feet and the next waypoint with a restriction was FOOTT with a speed restriction of 250 knots and above 10K and below 12K.  The 330 then began to nose dive for no reason since technically, it was already within the altitude restriction.  The plane began to descend at a high rate of speed and the speed increased to a max speed of 319 knots.  The plane then corrected itself and leveled off.  I continued the approach and continued to descend via the arrival with managed descent and finally open descent to the lower altitudes for the final approach fix.  The approach phase had been activated and the speed was being controlled manually via the speed window and auto throttle.  I had slowed to 170 knots and then the engines began to spool up for no reason (auto throttle was still engaged).  The plane began to overspeed and would no longer descend and I intervened by disabling the auto throttle to slow the plane.  I deployed the gear, flaps, etc and was able to finally slow the 330 with the autopilot disconnected and manually landed the aircraft. 

With regards to the sudden nose dives, I have seen this behavior before with managed descent between altitude restrictions.  The 330 will command a sudden nose dive to reach a restriction on the STAR and it completely disregards the speed and rate of descent to make the restriction.  The speed will increase greatly and this normally happens at lower altitudes.  With regards to the sudden engine surge, I have not seen that before.  There was no reason for the 330 to begin to increase the speed with the auto throttle engaged during the final approach phase of landing.  The performance/landing data had been correctly entered and the approach phase had been activated. 

Thanks for reading.


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

I did a MMUN KMIA flight but not such an issue. Everything went ok for me, no complain at all.
Will fly again later today.
Anyways, thanks for the update.

14 (edited by ilankrt 2019-11-30 12:26:57)

Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

GRIFF, I am not quite sure about, but I think that it depends on two factors. First the FL and second the TOD indicator. It happened also to me sometimes in the past and the cause for steep descent was TOD that seems to be too near for a smooth approach. It happened also when I flew over mountains at high FL and then had to descent quickly into a valley while speed although under ATH began to increase despite Speedbrakes were full deployed. Since I am always (!) beginning with the descent earlier than TOD, (depending on wind direction, FL, topography etc.) I have no problems. The only exception is the described situation of high mountains close to the airport. We shall discuss this two points with JAR.... BTW KSEA don't fit in the mountain category.....

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

I purchased the JD A330 yesterday and I’ve updated to the latest version.
I’m using the latest version of Xplane also. From cold and dark to take off to cruise fl everything goes fine but a little bit into cruise the engines die on me and the RAT kicks in. It happens on every flight I’ve done so far.
I think I’m setting your bus up correctly as I’ve done quite a few flights in various airbuses in various other sims including the JD A320 without this problem.
Any help or advice would be very grateful.


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Jed wrote:

I purchased the JD A330 yesterday and I’ve updated to the latest version.
I’m using the latest version of Xplane also. From cold and dark to take off to cruise fl everything goes fine but a little bit into cruise the engines die on me and the RAT kicks in. It happens on every flight I’ve done so far.
I think I’m setting your bus up correctly as I’ve done quite a few flights in various airbuses in various other sims including the JD A320 without this problem.
Any help or advice would be very grateful.

Out of fuel?

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Griff wrote:

I'm going to try to do my best to describe my flight ..

to discuss this flight details need to look at vertical profile. JD330 allow you to view vertical profile - need just call big map using special command assigned to keyboard (jd/fmgs/ComandShowAm) and switch to vertical profile view.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Homer.Simpson wrote:

Thanks for the new update. I did a short test flight and I've noted that although in manual flight (ATHR and AP off) the LVL CLB annunciator in the PFD's ATHR section was still flashing. That should not be the case. Maybe you can fix that in the next updates.

Thanks for this report!

fix will be include to the next release

right now you may just put updated file into ../JD330/plugins/sys/systems/ folder

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ATHR.txt 14.36 kb, 446 downloads since 2019-11-30 

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

ilankrt wrote:

GRIFF, I am not quite sure about, but I think that it depends on two factors. First the FL and second the TOD indicator. It happened also to me sometimes in the past and the cause for steep descent was TOD that seems to be too near for a smooth approach. It happened also when I flew over mountains at high FL and then had to descent quickly into a valley while speed although under ATH began to increase despite Speedbrakes were full deployed. Since I am always (!) beginning with the descent earlier than TOD, (depending on wind direction, FL, topography etc.) I have no problems. The only exception is the described situation of high mountains close to the airport. We shall discuss this two points with JAR.... BTW KSEA don't fit in the mountain category.....

Thanks for the response.  I always begin my managed descent approximately 10 miles prior to the TOD to ensure the airplane has enough time to intercept the descent path without issues.  To be fair, this doesn't always happen.  I've had plenty of smooth flights with managed descent and everything works as advertised without an unexpected and rapid descent to a lower altitude.  I wanted to save the replay but unfortunately, the sim crashed during the replay so I couldn't provide any video evidence of the plane's actions.  I look forward to future progress with the A330.


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

J.A.Romanov wrote:
Griff wrote:

I'm going to try to do my best to describe my flight ..

to discuss this flight details need to look at vertical profile. JD330 allow you to view vertical profile - need just call big map using special command assigned to keyboard (jd/fmgs/ComandShowAm) and switch to vertical profile view.

Okay, I found the command and will take a look on a future flight. 


21 (edited by Jed 2019-11-30 21:21:55)

Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

J.A.Romanov wrote:
Jed wrote:

I purchased the JD A330 yesterday and I’ve updated to the latest version.
I’m using the latest version of Xplane also. From cold and dark to take off to cruise fl everything goes fine but a little bit into cruise the engines die on me and the RAT kicks in. It happens on every flight I’ve done so far.
I think I’m setting your bus up correctly as I’ve done quite a few flights in various airbuses in various other sims including the JD A320 without this problem.
Any help or advice would be very grateful.

Out of fuel?

Fuel was fine,
2 more flights attempted same issue around 200km into flight engines spool down and straight back up again then they are running normal, the rat kicks in and I lose the ND and FMGS which are blank but if I click out to 2d visual everything is there.
any suggestion please

22 (edited by Griff 2019-12-01 06:57:07)

Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Second test flight tonight: KPDX to KSLC.  I descended via the SKEES 5 RNAV arrival and an altitude constraint is listed on the chart for a specific waypoint (BEARR) and the crossing restriction is runway dependent.  In this case, I was landing south (16R) and the chart says to expect to cross at 16,000 feet.  I opened the MDCU, located the waypoint BEARR, and entered the altitude constraint of 16000.  The constraint was accepted and during the descent, I noticed the ND was showing BEARR with +16000 for the altitude (again, I did not enter a + for the constraint...only 16000).  So, the plane thought it only needed to cross BEARR at or above 16,000 feet indicated by the + sign.  Naturally, it crossed above 16,000 feet (approximately 19,000) and continued with the descent.  It met the other restrictions on the arrival but it should have made the restraint at 16,000 feet.  And yes, I understand: I'm the pilot flying and if I see that it is going to be above, I should intervene.  But, I'm testing to see how well managed descent is working with this build.  So, there appears to be some confusion with the computer interpreting manually entered altitude constraints in the MCDU and the managed descent making that restriction. 

Another thing that seems to continue to happen (at least for me), is the engines won't shut off after parking at the gate.  I follow the normal procedures of activating the APU, taxi to the gate, set the parking brake, and turn off both fuel cutoff switches.  The engines begin to spool down but don't shut down completely and there is still rotation shown on the ECAM and visually (and no, the engine blades were not windmilling).  I have attached some screenshots.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon a330 - 2019-11-30 10.16.07 PM.jpg 924.34 kb, 145 downloads since 2019-12-01 

Attachment icon a330 - 2019-11-30 10.21.00 PM.jpg 858.96 kb, 136 downloads since 2019-12-01 

Attachment icon a330 - 2019-11-30 10.39.40 PM.jpg 1.17 mb, 109 downloads since 2019-12-01 

Attachment icon a330 - 2019-11-30 9.25.16 PM.jpg 934.46 kb, 121 downloads since 2019-12-01 


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Jed wrote:
J.A.Romanov wrote:
Jed wrote:

I purchased the JD A330 yesterday and I’ve updated to the latest version.
I’m using the latest version of Xplane also. From cold and dark to take off to cruise fl everything goes fine but a little bit into cruise the engines die on me and the RAT kicks in. It happens on every flight I’ve done so far.
I think I’m setting your bus up correctly as I’ve done quite a few flights in various airbuses in various other sims including the JD A320 without this problem.
Any help or advice would be very grateful.

Out of fuel?

Fuel was fine,
2 more flights attempted same issue around 200km into flight engines spool down and straight back up again then they are running normal, the rat kicks in and I lose the ND and FMGS which are blank but if I click out to 2d visual everything is there.
any suggestion please

Anyway JD330 save main parameters into lok.txt file like "black box" and clear info may be readed from saved log file only. All other things will be like guess only.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Pink block windshield came up in the first 5 mins of setting up 3.3r1

25 (edited by Arijanus 2019-12-02 09:08:29)

Re: XP11.41 JD330 v.3.3 r1, r2, r..

Hello, I problem - just bought A330, install it to clean XP, and after activation plane not load and XP clash...

Looks like SASL does not work

[SASL INFO] loading    scratchpad
[SASL ERROR] can't load component    scratchpad
[SASL ERROR] Error loading panel: [string ".../scripts/init.sec"]:0: attempt to index a nil value
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SASL}==--

Update of SASL to 3.7.2 will enable the airplane load but broke the airplane

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 329.88 kb, 315 downloads since 2019-12-02