Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I'm still having issues with AI planes getting stuck at the end of the runway. Sometimes, they're trying to take off and get stuck just turning in circles on the runway and sounding like they're taking off. Other times, they land, go to the end of the runway way, and then just turn in circles blocking all incoming and outgoing traffic. Can we get that fixed? Also, why do they taxi to the end of the runway instead of exiting at the nearest taxiway?


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

This would be airport dependent, specifically the [ICAO].xlf file. To fix this you will need to correct the file using airport editor. Often, people use aircraft too big for a certain taxiway/runway and therefore they cannot maneuver properly.

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0

478 (edited by Sasha 2019-09-11 11:29:51)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Плагин дает странные частоты для связи. Ниже 118.000 на радиостанции накрутить нельзя, но частоты получаем и 113, и 108 и т.д. (картинка во вложении).

Также, совершить обратный рейс нельзя. Долетел из пункта А в пункт Б, дозаправился, загрузил новую партию пассажиров, в плагине выбрал аэропорт вылета/прилета (из Б в А на этот раз), план полета, но в итоге получил какую-то ерунду. В атис один и тот же аэропорт вылета/прилета (оба - пункт А), диспетчер дает руление по первоначальному аэропорту вылета (пункт А), в итоге, окно плагина не закрывалось вообще. Ни само, ни кнопкой. Выключение плагина из панели админа ничего не дало, окно также висело. В итоге, вообще игра вылетела.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 767-F_xp11 - 2019-09-10 22.49.13.png 2.03 mb, 87 downloads since 2019-09-11 

479 (edited by Robdeajos 2019-09-12 23:34:35)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

XLIFE DELUXE V4 ATC Menu disappears during flight and can't get it to reappear


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Sasha wrote:

Плагин дает странные частоты для связи. Ниже 118.000 на радиостанции накрутить нельзя, но частоты получаем и 113, и 108 и т.д. (картинка во вложении).

Также, совершить обратный рейс нельзя. Долетел из пункта А в пункт Б, дозаправился, загрузил новую партию пассажиров, в плагине выбрал аэропорт вылета/прилета (из Б в А на этот раз), план полета, но в итоге получил какую-то ерунду. В атис один и тот же аэропорт вылета/прилета (оба - пункт А), диспетчер дает руление по первоначальному аэропорту вылета (пункт А), в итоге, окно плагина не закрывалось вообще. Ни само, ни кнопкой. Выключение плагина из панели админа ничего не дало, окно также висело. В итоге, вообще игра вылетела.

Спасибо! Частоты проверим! Что бы совершить обратный рейс нужно перезагружаться.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


I've been using X-Life for many months. Now I have installed X-ATC-Chatter. There is an interface to X-Life. This is also quite practical, because you can always hear the right radio traffic.
The problem is, the assignment is wrong. That's why I asked the developer Mr. Cellis. He seems to be using an older version of X-Life and asked me to forward the question to you.
Maybe we can get both programs to work correctly together again.

https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/f … fe-deluxe/

Many greetings


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Came back to this program after months of being away, started at EGPH, aircraft were using the runway that is no longer in use, update the config to use only RW 24, started the program again and CTD with the error below....

0:09:30.004 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:09:30.004 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
XL: 173 : Autogen flight: CRJ2 SSF
XL: 183 : Autogen flight: A321 EZY
XL: 198 : Autogen flight: B733 TAY
XL: 203 : Autogen flight: C172 g1
XL: 208 : Autogen flight: CRJ2 ASQ
XL: 218 : Autogen flight: B733 DLH
XL: 228 : Autogen flight: C150 r4
XL: 233 : Autogen flight: A321 RAM
XL: 238 : Autogen flight: DH8D POE
XL: 248 : Autogen flight: B738 CCH
XL: 258 : Autogen flight: CRJ2 CDG
XL: 263 : Autogen flight: BE20 N200NA
XL: 273 : Autogen flight: A320 VIM
XL: 278 : Autogen flight: BE20 N200NA
XL: 288 : Autogen flight: BE20 N207CM
XL: 296 : Bluebell XL library find: X:\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/Bluebell XL/
XL: 301 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = EGPH
XL: 301 : JARDesign plugin error: Unsupported protocol
0:11:42.885 I/WIN: Opened window Map Window
XL: 348 : MessageGreen: Loading... please wait!
XL: 348 : Bluebell XL library find: X:\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/Bluebell XL/
XL: 353 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = EGPH
XL: 353 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = EGPH
XL: 353 : JARDesign plugin error: Unsupported protocol
XL: 353 : Autogen flight: B462 BEE
XL: 353 : Shedule flight: D A319 EZY-6931 EDDH


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Tried again, start XL, goto airport editor, make NO changes, come out of editor, switch XL back on, planes appear then CTD, same as above.

484 (edited by cg210387 2019-09-22 10:48:56)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


why is the AI traffic landing with the nosegear first?



Post's attachments

Attachment icon A320 - 2019-09-22 12.24.10.png 1.14 mb, 90 downloads since 2019-09-22 

485 (edited by cg210387 2019-09-22 11:01:17)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


METAR shows wind at EDDF 120/6. So active runways should be 07L, 07C, 07R. Xlife ATC wants me to land on 25R. I tried to choose 25L then my sim crashed.

Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: X-Plane.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5d67f5ed
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: win.xpl, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5d64f64b
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x00000000000887b3
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x2384
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d5712329946a66
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: E:\X-Plane 11\XP11\X-Plane.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: E:\X-Plane 11\XP11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\win.xpl
Berichtskennung: c71adbd6-2d1f-4e18-9fb0-4cdce462a19f
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets:
Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 1.01 mb, 171 downloads since 2019-09-22 

486 (edited by iztok.slanic 2019-09-26 09:38:44)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello Jar,
After I updated to XP 11.36 and and the last XL version 4_140819 there are no longer complete ATIS data as before. Please see attached foto!
Do you have any advice to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Kind regards | Iztok

I have find in XP log doc following statement:

XL: 95 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = LIPZ
XL: 95 : JARDesign plugin error: Unsupported protocol
XL: 95 : Autogen flight: C172 b2

I hope this will be helpful to find solution for this problem.

Regards | iztok

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Cessna_172SP - 2019-09-25 18.54.14.jpg 405.82 kb, 80 downloads since 2019-09-25 


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

cg210387 wrote:


why is the AI traffic landing with the nosegear first?



I'll try to look but in my case AI landnding is correct.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Lufthansa landing.JPG 27.82 kb, 84 downloads since 2019-09-27 

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

So I had an interesting experience flying from KDEN to KLAS the other day.  Wind in KLAS was 220@21 gusting to 31, which to me dictated 19R or 19L.  Sure enough if you looked at ATIS on route, that was one of the options.  My route in was using the SITEE4 STAR, which made sense for a straight in to 19R.   When I got on the radio, they told me to expect CLARR3 with 19R.  Thats were it made no sense where I got lost.  Why it it change me to a STAR coming in from the SW when I was approaching from the NE?  This start was way more complicated than the straight in with SITEE4.  I haven't sat down try re programming the FMC to see what it would have made of it yet, but plan to today.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello JARDesign Group !
I used the X-Life Deluxe version until the purchase of my Oculus Rift S, which also worked well. Since I switched fully to VR, X-Life Deluxe is no longer usable for me . The processor load immediately increases extreme when I turn on X-Life Deluxe so that the I7 processor automatically throttles down the power immediately due to thermal overload. The frame rate is therefore extremely low. When I delete X-Life's key and use the freeware version, it's usable but without ATC. I have tried all the tricks and I'm sad, because I find the program without VR awesome. I guess this can only be solved by programming. Since I only play with VR, it is worthless for me now. Maybe you can send me solutions or program changes that I would like to test for you.

Friendly greetings, Thomas !


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello, i  am also an Oculus rift user and with the latest version of x-life deluxe the performance is awfull. it become unusable.

I had allready  version 4 installed in july (latest version) and with that everything was fine. Yesterday i updated the version (complete uninstall of the plugin, installed the new one, put in my key file) and performance is completly gone. There are 2-3 fps when switching on the plugin.

After serveral reboots, it worked once without a big performance impact, but disable the plugin or just change flight brings back the bad performance, till i close x-plane 11 completly and start it again.

Please check your implemtation of the ATC VR Window as i think it has something to do with that.

Machine specs are: ryzen 2700x , 16 GB  3200 ddr4 ram, nvidia GTX 1080, game is installed on ssd, Rift S


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

anothergene wrote:

So I had an interesting experience flying from KDEN to KLAS the other day.  Wind in KLAS was 220@21 gusting to 31, which to me dictated 19R or 19L.  Sure enough if you looked at ATIS on route, that was one of the options.  My route in was using the SITEE4 STAR, which made sense for a straight in to 19R.   When I got on the radio, they told me to expect CLARR3 with 19R.  Thats were it made no sense where I got lost.  Why it it change me to a STAR coming in from the SW when I was approaching from the NE?  This start was way more complicated than the straight in with SITEE4.  I haven't sat down try re programming the FMC to see what it would have made of it yet, but plan to today.

I never fly the STAR that ATC says to, unless it's the one I planned for. They're the wrong STAR for you like 90% of the time. This feature is essentially broken, so just fly the STAR you planned for.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

mushaaleste wrote:

Hello, i  am also an Oculus rift user and with the latest version of x-life deluxe the performance is awfull. it become unusable.

I had allready  version 4 installed in july (latest version) and with that everything was fine. Yesterday i updated the version (complete uninstall of the plugin, installed the new one, put in my key file) and performance is completly gone. There are 2-3 fps when switching on the plugin.

After serveral reboots, it worked once without a big performance impact, but disable the plugin or just change flight brings back the bad performance, till i close x-plane 11 completly and start it again.

Please check your implemtation of the ATC VR Window as i think it has something to do with that.

Machine specs are: ryzen 2700x , 16 GB  3200 ddr4 ram, nvidia GTX 1080, game is installed on ssd, Rift S

Yeah same here basically they blamed the xplane when i sent support ticket.
wasted money if you want it in VR
do you know what version you had when it ran good for you maybe there is a way they can post link to download it from and i could try it.
this is mine in VR total CRAP !!! unusable i have pretty much same system as you except 4790K and 1080TI


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello, I have a small remark regarding speech.
The voice always adds "greater than" to my callsign.

I see in the logfile:
XL: 4734 : XPLMSpeakString-> RYANAIR 6017>, Tirana Center, radar contact, Maintain Flight Level  3  6  0

So I hear "Ryanair 6017 greater than Tirana Center …."

Could this be related to regional settings?



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


after starting X-Life, I noticed that X-Plane starts to freeze for milliseconds. Freezing is repeated every few seconds. When I close X-Life everything is back to normal.

I will ask for help.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 206.49 kb, 230 downloads since 2019-10-17 


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

dkdomino wrote:


after starting X-Life, I noticed that X-Plane starts to freeze for milliseconds. Freezing is repeated every few seconds. When I close X-Life everything is back to normal.

I will ask for help.

This problem really exists and as I understand it is not treated. Sometimes even the simulator shuts down. I have the same, although I have an i7-9700 processor and 32GB memory


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


i tried to activate Xlife at EDXH and xplane hangs, is this because there are no procedures
for this airport?
I understand that this airport has no traffic with xlife or something else, but it shouldnt crash/hang the simulator
when the airport has no information or is not usable for xlife


XL: 1 : JARDesign plugin: X:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\News/news.txt file updated.
XL: 1 : MessageGreen: X-Life Traffic by JARDesign Ver.v.4_270819
XL: 13 : MessageGreen: Approved Airport List for X-Life Updated!
XL: 218 : Load Texture: X:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/fbo.png
XL: 224 : MessageGreen: Loading... please wait!
XL: 224 : Bluebell XL library find: X:\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/Bluebell XL/
XL: 224 : X-Life Airac Cycle:  1911
XL: 224 : X-Life Airac Provider: N
XL: 224 : X-Life Airac Data:  10/OCT/2019 - 07/NOV/2019
XL: 224 : MessageGreen: NavData:  1911 ( 10/OCT/2019 - 07/NOV/2019) from X:\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/
XL: 224 : X-Life NavDataPath =X:\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/
XL: 224 : X-Life NavDataProcPath =X:\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/Proc/
XL: 224 : MessageWhite: EDXH airport is not X-Life verified! Please use menu and check verified airports Map!
XL: 229 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = EDXH
OPEN scenery_packs.ini FILE OK
XL: 229 : !!! Error: Cant read file X:\X-Plane 11\/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/Proc/EDXH.txt
XL: 229 : X-Life:Curl (CurlUpdateSheduler) = EDXH
^^ end of log.txt ^^

X-Life Deluxe

497 (edited by SandyLee 2019-10-19 15:21:10)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Must be something else, have installed xlife new and tested on eddl and it does not work, i
investigate and give feddback later

After removing all sceneries, plugins, navdata updates it works for eddl

X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

new observations,  its not plugins or scenery:

a) C172 on EDDL ... xlife works, aircrafts show and move
b) Toliss on EDDL ... work
b) Carenado C208B on EDDL ... xlife on -> hung after navdata message
c) C172 on EDXH ... aircrafts show and then CTD

X-Life Deluxe

499 (edited by SandyLee 2019-10-19 17:18:18)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

We have sent you the dmp file after the xlife crash with the c208b

X-Life Deluxe

500 (edited by mjark 2019-10-20 00:22:05)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I use XPlane 11 and installing Xlife crashes the simulator upon load. Unfortunately there is nothing in the Log to indicate the reason. Removing XLife fixes the issue.

I have tried all the suggestions
a. Reinstalling the Xplane plugin folder
b. Removing all other plugins one after other

The xplane log only has these in the end...


X-Life plugin by JARDesign Ver.v.4_110819
XL: 0 : UUID=d18d6c1a-66fa-46de-ad89-25cb0cc0680f
XL: 0 : JARDesign plugin: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\Airports/airports.txt file updated.
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/pixelB.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/pixelB.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_say.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_sel.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_select.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/fbo.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/tv.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_atis.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_delivery.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_ground.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_tower.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_approach.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_center.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_power.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_set.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_fpln.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_apt.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_lable.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_map.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_solid.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_req.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_check.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_250_25.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/btn_300_25.png
PNG texture failed to load
XL: 0 : Load Texture: C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\X-Life\png/atc.png
PNG texture failed to load
Loaded: C:\Users/adity/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Life/win.xpl (jardesign.x-life).

FMGS: 0 : Cycle 1410
FMGS: 0 : Period 18SEP-15OCT
FMGS: 0 : inPath C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft\320_JARDesign\plugins/fmgs/navdata/
FMGS: 0 : procPath C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft\320_JARDesign\plugins/fmgs/navdata/Proc/
FMGS: 0 : Navdata info:
FMGS: 0 : Provider A
FMGS: 0 : Cycle 1410
FMGS: 0 : Period 18SEP-15OCT
FMGS: 0 : inPath C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft\320_JARDesign\plugins/fmgs/navdata/
FMGS: 0 : procPath C:\Users\adity\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft\320_JARDesign\plugins/fmgs/navdata/Proc/
FMGS: 0 : MessageGreen: Systems Created!

Please help!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Cycle Dump.txt 24.37 kb, 111 downloads since 2019-10-19 

Attachment icon Log.txt 53.07 kb, 141 downloads since 2019-10-19