Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Да, аналогично происходит с подвисанием. При включении понятно - загрузка плагина, объектов. Секунд 5-8.
Но в дальнейшем при использовании - периодические микрозависания, до 0,5-1 сек. Раз, может, в минуту-две. Будто подгрузка чего-то идет. Не зависит от настроек. Т.е., в воздухе может быть один борт AI, на земле так же. Но микрофризы все равно присутствуют. Это было и на прошлых версиях. И, как правило, всегда в районе аэропорта. На эшелоне такого не наблюдал.
Еще недавно заметил: в порту Куала-Лумпур (платный) для самолета AI, плагин не мог подобрать стоянку. Номера стоянок менялись одна за другой и борты не появлялись.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Что самое неприятное, на эшелоне тоже подвисает.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Mihalch wrote:

Добрый день, Евгений! Очень понравилась последняя версия x-life, особенно возможность составления флайт-плана и диспетчер. Но, при включении плагина, стал подвисать симулятор, причем очень значительно, картинка постоянно замирает на секунду, а иногда даже вылетает сим. При отключении плагина все нормально работает. Что-то можно сделать в этой связи? Комп не такой уж слабый: i5-7700, 16Гб, 1060 6Гб. Спасибо.

Ну общих рецептов дать невозможно. Тестировали мы и с 1060+i5 полет нормальный. Если не лень поразбираться - наберите мне на скайп j.a.romanov - посмотрим, вполне возможно - улучшим.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Mr. Romanov could you explain this peace of crep?



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

artox67 wrote:

Mr. Romanov could you explain this peace of crep?


When plugin ask free texture ID for framebuffer from X-Plane API - X-Plane API back ID of some busy texture.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I’ve just bought the deluxe edition for the ATC feature but when I try to import the flight plan that I’ve created with the FMC (I use the standard B737 800), x-life says “Aircraft not support this feature” or something like that.
I bought this plugin only for this thing and I saw a lot of yt videos where the plugin works whit this airplain. What can I do to resolve this problem?

457 (edited by talentless 2019-08-25 23:39:47)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Can you please provide datarefs to check if on & to setup the flightplan? Having manual setup for every other tool we use is a bit of a pain and this could be perfectly automated.

PS: Additionally supporting the standard XP11 flight plan format would make things even easier.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Huben wrote:

I’ve just bought the deluxe edition for the ATC feature but when I try to import the flight plan that I’ve created with the FMC (I use the standard B737 800), x-life says “Aircraft not support this feature” or something like that.
I bought this plugin only for this thing and I saw a lot of yt videos where the plugin works whit this airplain. What can I do to resolve this problem?

When you create flightplan for your 737 with some service like simbrief or foutefinder - you may prepare files with 2 formats, but the same route. Another one will be for JD320/330 aiircraft - this flightplan format (ICAI-format) may be read from X-Life well. So - you will get the same route in 737 and ATC both.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

talentless wrote:

Can you please provide datarefs to check if on & to setup the flightplan? Having manual setup for every other tool we use is a bit of a pain and this could be perfectly automated.

PS: Additionally supporting the standard XP11 flight plan format would make things even easier.

it already exist: "sim/traffic/ICAOPLAN"

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org

460 (edited by Huben 2019-08-26 12:38:06)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Yes, but my problem is that when I try to import the flight plan from the FMC (not using files), the aircrafts aren’t supported but this is strage because I’ve seen on the internet that it works.
The command that I’ll use is “Import plan from aircraft FMS” but x-life says that "Aircraft not support this feature". I use the normal B737 800 that is into the standard sim, in older version i know that this feature works... what is going on now? How can I use this feature again?
I've added a screenshot of the problem

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 20190826143501_1.jpg 254.16 kb, 73 downloads since 2019-08-26 


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Another problem is that ATIS show me only the trans.altitude and not wind, visibility and temeprature


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Huben wrote:

Another problem is that ATIS show me only the trans.altitude and not wind, visibility and temeprature

You need check your antivirus/firewall settings may be. It may just block data transfer.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Huben wrote:

Yes, but my problem is that when I try to import the flight plan from the FMC (not using files), the aircrafts aren’t supported but this is strage because I’ve seen on the internet that it works.
The command that I’ll use is “Import plan from aircraft FMS” but x-life says that "Aircraft not support this feature". I use the normal B737 800 that is into the standard sim, in older version i know that this feature works... what is going on now? How can I use this feature again?
I've added a screenshot of the problem

May be you mean JD320/330 aircraft where import work well, as example.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I've tried to stop my firewall and my antivirus but nothing...

465 (edited by talentless 2019-08-26 23:18:05)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:
talentless wrote:

Can you please provide datarefs to check if on & to setup the flightplan? Having manual setup for every other tool we use is a bit of a pain and this could be perfectly automated.

PS: Additionally supporting the standard XP11 flight plan format would make things even easier.

it already exist: "sim/traffic/ICAOPLAN"

To be clear, if I write a flight plan to dataref  "sim/traffic/ICAOPLAN", let's say, 'KJFK DCT KBOS', would X-life generate traffic for the arrival (KBOS)?

Update: I tried it out and there is nothing @ "sim/traffic/ICAOPLAN".


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello Guys

Need your help,  I am not able to get X-Life running in version 4 for X-Plane 11. I use X-Plane 11.35 and X-Life V4_090219.

Problem starts with trying to generate a flight plan.

1. Pressing the respective button gives no result, output line keeps empty.

2 IMPORT plan from text file works, but SEND plan to ATC results in an segment error message. Program asks to check NavData for aircraft and X-Life. As shown in the picture, same airac cycle is used for both of them. Same thing happens when manually putting in an flight plan.

Anyone has an idea how to go on ?



467 (edited by FlyerC3 2019-09-03 08:15:02)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Also no luck with the mentioned picture sad
next try ...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon xlife no flp.PNG 469.38 kb, 80 downloads since 2019-09-03 


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

FlyerC3 wrote:

Also no luck with the mentioned picture sad
next try ...

Look to older posts how to update NAV DATA

X-Life use NavData (old) cycle by Aerosoft from own /navdata/ subfolder
or from ../X-PLANE/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder if exist
If you need update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph
- “JARDesign a320/330 Native format” or (the same in fact)
and put new cycle to ../X-PLANE/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hello Darko24

Thank you for the reply.

X-Life tells at start up that it is already using Navdata from X-PLANE/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder. Thus X-Plane and X-Life data should fit together and aircraft reports same airrac, but should not be involved at this moment.



It is not the newest airrac cycle, but - as former version of X-Life (for XP10) used to work all the way also with older airracs - I think the data must not be the newest one, but the same.

Am I wrong here and have to spend new ones ?



470 (edited by Saurik 2019-09-03 15:02:48)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Dear Mr. JAR^^

For me it works everything ok...

There are some "things" on my wishlist (small changes):

1. Please update your maintopic with the latest version. It is still shown the same version

2. Please name your files as the version is included


3. It would be great if I can copy and paste my hole flightplan from my VA briefing into the ATC window.

But thank you for all of your work with all these addons and I personally realize and know what a great job is done

best regards

471 (edited by Mihalch 2019-09-04 14:39:53)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:
Mihalch wrote:

Добрый день, Евгений! Очень понравилась последняя версия x-life, особенно возможность составления флайт-плана и диспетчер. Но, при включении плагина, стал подвисать симулятор, причем очень значительно, картинка постоянно замирает на секунду, а иногда даже вылетает сим. При отключении плагина все нормально работает. Что-то можно сделать в этой связи? Комп не такой уж слабый: i5-7700, 16Гб, 1060 6Гб. Спасибо.

Ну общих рецептов дать невозможно. Тестировали мы и с 1060+i5 полет нормальный. Если не лень поразбираться - наберите мне на скайп j.a.romanov - посмотрим, вполне возможно - улучшим.

Я уже комп обновил, теперь i7-9700, 32Гб и все равно подвисает. Что-то не так с этой версией. Подскажите, а где можно предыдущую версию скачать, а то у себя переустанавливал железо, постирал все. Спасибо.

Нашел и установил старую версию.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hi I recently bought your software and traffic is awesome and so is ATC.. but >>>
I play in VR and as soon as I open the x life window in Vr the performance goes out the window it is horrible and totally unplayable.
With window CLOSED and traffic running sure there is some impact on FPS but it is playable.
Even with Xlife still turned off this window being open only is killing FPS in VR.
Would really appreciate if you can look into this if there is some way that can be fix or maybe some suggestions of what to try on my end.
I tried Threaded optimization ON/OFF make no difference.



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

andycyxu wrote:

Hi I recently bought your software and traffic is awesome and so is ATC.. but >>>
I play in VR and as soon as I open the x life window in Vr the performance goes out the window it is horrible and totally unplayable.
With window CLOSED and traffic running sure there is some impact on FPS but it is playable.
Even with Xlife still turned off this window being open only is killing FPS in VR.
Would really appreciate if you can look into this if there is some way that can be fix or maybe some suggestions of what to try on my end.
I tried Threaded optimization ON/OFF make no difference.


Thanks for your info! As we use standard X-Plane API to create/operate 3D widget - we get all features of this solution, include framerate impact (irony, sorry). On this stage, sadly, we have not way to change this radically. As for out test with 1080Ti and 2080Ti - framerate is usable in 3D, but less power cards - just cant be fast. All we was done for now - use separate CPU thread for traffic calculation, to make it faster and more smooth.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Installed...and works like a charm!= on my machine:
X-Plane 11.35
CPU: i8 4.3
GPU: 1080i
Windows 10
Thank you for this wonderful addon. I've been screwing arround with World Traffic and got nowhere. Too much work and very resource intensive.

475 (edited by andycyxu 2019-09-08 23:20:07)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

J.A.Romanov wrote:
andycyxu wrote:

Hi I recently bought your software and traffic is awesome and so is ATC.. but >>>
I play in VR and as soon as I open the x life window in Vr the performance goes out the window it is horrible and totally unplayable.
With window CLOSED and traffic running sure there is some impact on FPS but it is playable.
Even with Xlife still turned off this window being open only is killing FPS in VR.
Would really appreciate if you can look into this if there is some way that can be fix or maybe some suggestions of what to try on my end.
I tried Threaded optimization ON/OFF make no difference.


Thanks for your info! As we use standard X-Plane API to create/operate 3D widget - we get all features of this solution, include framerate impact (irony, sorry). On this stage, sadly, we have not way to change this radically. As for out test with 1080Ti and 2080Ti - framerate is usable in 3D, but less power cards - just cant be fast. All we was done for now - use separate CPU thread for traffic calculation, to make it faster and more smooth.

EDITED  I named the window I am talking about I believe it is called ATC window so i named it as such. I made a video explaining what is happening i will post link once it's up.

I do have 1080Ti with i4790K at 4.5GHz... maybe someone else with VR could cheap in if they are able to have the xlife window open...

I do not think you understand my problem.

1. xlife works fine and is totally playable lots of planes everywhere NO PROBPLEM evertyhing is super

2. the problem is the Xlife ATC window as soon as i open this ATC window there are pauses for loading all goes to crap.

3. I close the ATC window everything is fine again !!! I DO NOT SHUT DOWN TRAFFIC !!!! only close the stupid ATC window and everything is normal and playable again

4. i can open any other window like for example MAP, default xplane 11 ATC window, AVITAB not all windows can be open in VR and there is no problem

5. lets say i ONLY open your xlife atc window NOTHING ELSE, i do not even start the xlife plugin the performance in vr goes to shit. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS ATC WINDOW.

It says on the window its version 4_110819 not even listed anywhere in this topic.
one last time
Your plugin works very good and is very playable performance wise
Lots of planes move land everything SUPER
!!!!! The problem is the XLIFE ATC WINDOW being OPEN !!!!!

maybe as alternative you can allow some key assignments for things like SAY IT, SAY AGAIN, SWITCHING FREQUENCY etc...

then at least i can use the ATC part that i paid for which is again VERY NICE but in many cases it requires the DAMN WINDOW to be OPEN which is a big issue.

I welcome input from others using VR how are they able to cope with it do you have any problems ?

If you don't use VR do not comment, its pointless !!!! problem exist ONLY in VR !!!!!

I understand you use same API as you explain as window looks like xplane native window "map" maybe a chance to use window of different style like many plugins do ... hmm for example "move VR" or the tablet "AVITAB" i dont know i am only guessing here but there is something wrong with this window when it is open.

Video I made showing the problem:

thanks for your help.