176 (edited by b1kbw 2018-10-02 18:56:35)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

BUBA wrote:
S3rg1o wrote:

This is weird! Every now and then, whenever hover mouse pointer to show atc panel or click any of the buttons on it, it simply slides "below" my screen and I can reach it anywere...

Anyone having the same issue?

Yes ......I regurlarly encounter the same problem....in the middle of a flight ,the
ATC screen  slides downwards and disappears outside my computer screen and I cannot recover from this.....I am running X plane 11 in Windows 10

any solution for this problem? Same here, ATC panel is hiden and can't be recovert to screen.


is not shown on screen as textoverlay. not shure why.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I have the same issue so now and them ATC panel slides down and can't be recovert, keeps hidden. xplane 11.26.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

A new problem has just started for me in XP 11.26r2 and X-Life v4 version 210718. If I request a runway change from that given as soon as I press the button XP crashes. Today X-Life gave r23L at EGCC, I asked for 23R and XP crashed
Log.txt shows the runway as 23L, but no reason for the crash. It's also happened at other airports.
If the suggested runway is used, no crash. It's a new thing, not happened on previous versions, the runway could always be changed.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Is there any way of adding more AI routes and other aircraft to x-life. I have purchased the deluxe edition and am very pleased with the program.
I would like to add some Military AI traffic, and also find that my local airport, (Birmingham Int EGBB), does not receive a lot of  airlines presently using the airport, eg, Emirates, and a few others.
Any help would be appreciated



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

gajft wrote:

I would like to add some Military AI traffic, and also find that my local airport, (Birmingham Int EGBB), does not receive a lot of  airlines presently using the airport, eg, Emirates, and a few others.

Did you install “Bluebell XL” traffic AI library?


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hi Ramzes,
Thanks for the response. Yes, i have all packs of the Bluebell aircraft, and i see AI traffic at all airports visited. One of the biggest attractions at Birmingham is the arrival and departure of the Emirates A380, which does not happen in xlife, prompting the original question. Does anyone know where xlife obtains its AI flight schedules.
Also, in the Bluebell folder, there is a file named 'Custom'. Does anyone know what this folder is for?

Thankls again.............GAJFT


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11



No information, no acknowledgment of information. It's really unfortunate that such good software has such glaring errors and they are accepted. 

I use the software, but I use it for airport atmosphere until takeoff then I turn it off (turning traffic off also activates the 737 parking brake but I don't suppose that will be fixed either).


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Very disappointed.

It is not true that Xlife Deluxe support VR. Maybe for HTC Vive work well, but the truth is that with Óculus Rift is unplayable, with fps drops from 45fps to 12 or 13 fps.

From what I see, this problem (that the deluxe version does not work with Óculus) has been known for several months ago. Why is it not said in the product description? Why is not it warned before buying it?

I appreciate the effort of the community to make good plugins for Xplane, but when I pay for one, I hope that the product description is true and the plugin work as promised. And it is not the case. You should warn it, because in my case, without being compatible with Óculus, I would not buy it.

Anyway, I hope you find a solution to the problem, without VR problems, is a good product.

184 (edited by BUBA 2018-10-18 06:14:17)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Yes same problem here to ATC window runs of the screen and you can not do anything to recover......very annoying....I hope this issue will be adressed in next update

b1kbw wrote:
BUBA wrote:
S3rg1o wrote:

This is weird! Every now and then, whenever hover mouse pointer to show atc panel or click any of the buttons on it, it simply slides "below" my screen and I can reach it anywere...

Anyone having the same issue?

Yes ......I regurlarly encounter the same problem....in the middle of a flight ,the
ATC screen  slides downwards and disappears outside my computer screen and I cannot recover from this.....I am running X plane 11 in Windows 10

any solution for this problem? Same here, ATC panel is hiden and can't be recovert to screen.


is not shown on screen as textoverlay. not shure why.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Hi. I live in Korea. And X-LIFE is being purchased and used.
But why is it that Korean airports are not compatible?
Please add Korean airport.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Dear developper

I'm a XL-Deluxe customer and mostly happy with it.
But it's a long time I heard some news from XL.

Is there still some work in progress for XL?
What can we expect with the next version?
When will be the next version released?


187 (edited by BUBA 2018-10-23 08:33:12)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Evgeny....thanks for the update to v4.......I ve been using X life de luxe for 3 years now and  I am happy with how  X LIFE de LUXE is working fine now and the layout is much much better.I have one  weird problem in Windows 10 64 bit ......during a flight the X-life window suddenly runs downward of the screen and I cannot do anything anymore to get it back ...is there a solution fore this?I see the problem is mentioned before on this forum. Thank you so much 

J.A.Romanov wrote:
cmckjodi wrote:

Has anyone been able to get XLife 4 running using Windows? If so what versions? Perhaps we can narrow it down for JAR.

sure, i have it worked well, our beta-testers have it well on Windows 10 and XP11.20. Please call me skype if not work - we will try to determinate this issue reason.

188 (edited by MikeM 2018-10-24 18:59:20)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

A few people posted about this before, but I have some screenshots to add regarding the SID problems.  This happens at any departing airport, in any aircraft.  I am running the latest AIRAC cycle from Aerosoft in XLife and the aircraft FMC.

In these screenshots, you can see XLife selected a SID that is not valid for the runway it selected.  More critically, it refuses to recognize flight plans with either of the correct SIDs.

With this bug, about 10% of my flightplans coincidentally work with the broken XLife SID logic.  The rest result in bogus departures with very unrealistic LNAV paths.



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Ugh,,, this has been reported long time ago. When I just fired up (for a try) x-life PANEL in VR (Rift), my fps dropped from 44 to 2 FPS. MAJOR BUG. And JD doesnt seem to have NO INTEREST in fixing this known issue.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

MikeM wrote:

A few people posted about this before, but I have some screenshots to add regarding the SID problems.  This happens at any departing airport, in any aircraft.  I am running the latest AIRAC cycle from Aerosoft in XLife and the aircraft FMC.

In these screenshots, you can see XLife selected a SID that is not valid for the runway it selected.  More critically, it refuses to recognize flight plans with either of the correct SIDs.

With this bug, about 10% of my flightplans coincidentally work with the broken XLife SID logic.  The rest result in bogus departures with very unrealistic LNAV paths.


Looking at image 1 and asking what is your problem ?!

You have a flight plan with SID - DEEZZ and on MCDU DEEZZ5 as SID and all you have is to click on insert !!!

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I have been waiting for this information for a long time. Thank you very much for your wonderful post. X-Life plugin is a great app
wings io


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

This is by far the next best thing to pilotedge (And a lot cheaper, and covers the world if you take the time to build/find the xlf files). 
Just a couple things that I saw over the past few days of use.

Initial altitude is always 20,000 feet.  Maybe that could be "randomized" a little in the spirit of realism?

Coming in to KLVS yesterday Center or approach cleared me down to 3500 feet, then immediately down to 2400 feet.  (and again, this seems to be the "standard" approach descent profile once youre under 10,000 feet.  maybe these levels could be "randomized" as well?)  oh and the funny thing is the field elevation at KLVS is 6877 feet.  so the clearance would have killed me!!! smile

inclusion of visual traffic calls in a future release would be cool:
APPCH: Boeing 737 at your x oclock, 1000 above, report traffic in sight.

and this could lead to less go arounds.  have tower clear for landing behind traffic in front of you.

i also ran into the issue of lost audio after a few flights upon first install.  after reading on here someone mentioned deleting the settings file (i made a backup just in case) and the program would rebuild it on next launch.  That DEFINITELY solved the problem.  audio is back.

is there a way to change the voice?  i know it uses the speech engine.

just some ideas. 
but love this program.
Good work JAR

193 (edited by jkennebeck 2018-11-08 04:00:05)

Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


This seems to be a recurring bug.   2 flights today and both cleared me down to approach levels that are underground.

field elev at KTEX is 9070 feet


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

ATC Will not recognise when I am at holding point on runway 24 at ELLX


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

Is there a document describing how the aircraft editor works in deluxe? I can browse the aircraft types and liveries but cannot say what “update” and “save” does.

Thanks in advance.


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11


Is there a possability to reset/restart XL?
I have very often problems between 2 flights. After ending first flight, I start the second. Now XL doesn't recognize the new departure airport. File a the second flightplan is painful. And often on the second flight XL (and X-Plane) crashes.
Any ideas?



Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

mumax wrote:


Is there a possability to reset/restart XL?
I have very often problems between 2 flights. After ending first flight, I start the second. Now XL doesn't recognize the new departure airport. File a the second flightplan is painful. And often on the second flight XL (and X-Plane) crashes.
Any ideas?


This is still problem on x-life. You could input the new plan, but in ATIS remain first depart airport. I'll write for this problems some times but seems that can not be setup.

I'll fly now until this problem will be solved in the way that I, even I continue flight, restart x-plane and solved problem and everything works excellent.

My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I deleted V4, back to the previous version.  Looks like development, or at least any kind of feedback from the developer has stopped.  Not sure of sad, angry or just frustrated.  Simple stuff like aircraft taking off while you are still on the runway and flying 250kts past you on climb out are ignored, XP11 is a sim or an arcade game?


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

For the first time I've tried X-Life and I'm in love, but my FPS are extremely bad, from 80FPS to 18FPS with x-life turned on!
I have threaded optimization turned ON because this is the way x-plane works on my PC, with threaded optimization OFF I get low fps from x-plane, so I can't turn it off!!
Any solution please??


Re: X-Life ver 4 for X-Plane 11

I’d turn off AI aircraft in XP

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0