Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Ayki wrote:
Anfield11 wrote:

x-life crashed everytime when i start it in x-plane 11.what can i do??

in the Attachments are my Log.Text


XL: 0 : OpenSceneryXpath find: C:\x-plane11\X-Plane 11\/Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/
XL: 0 : !!! Error: Cant read file C:\x-plane11\X-Plane 11\/Resources/GNS430/navdata/airports.txt
XL: 0 : !!! Error: Cant read Ats file
XL: 295 : X-Life plugin ver.1.1r6 061116 detect crash.

If you still got X-plane-10 Installed  Go into   Resources folder, Copy folder GNS430 and paste into X-plane 11's Resources folder.  This should solve your problem.
Please read the forums people already mentioned about this. Thank you.

i have copied GNS430 into x-plane 11. the same Problem.


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

all right.now it works. i have to reboot x-plane 11 thanks for Help

453 (edited by Sloboda 2016-12-25 15:09:18)

Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Damned ! Don't work for me...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 402.81 kb, 364 downloads since 2016-12-25 

Attachment icon x-life.dmp 224.31 kb, 442 downloads since 2016-12-25 

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Finally, it's the airport.
Work on LFMN

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

i don't understand the case select aircraft in the traffic density setting page...
Is someone could explain to me ?

Thank you.

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

crash each time running Xlife with X Plane 11
whatever the airport
Airac 1613 installed
Mac Osx Sierra, X Plane 11 b3


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

i all
I installed x-life into xp 11 beta 3.
xp 11 crashes on turning x life on.
can you please advise if x-life demo is compatible with xp11 beta 3.
Many thanks


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

I have no previous xp 10-I am new to xp 11 beta.

459 (edited by Sloboda 2016-12-29 16:24:00)

Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

XL work perfectly in XP11
Don't forget to copy GNS430 folder in Ressources

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe

460 (edited by rwy12 2016-12-29 17:20:52)

Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

what is this  folder please ?and where do i find it.

I am new to navdata in xp-do i copy paste the contents of this  'xplane11_native_1613'  into the custom data folder in xp 11.

Where do these 2 folders contents go please
1. x-fmc_native_1613
2. xplane_customdata_native_1613

Many thanks



Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Oh yes... Damned ! You don't have XP10. It's a problem because we must copy GNS430 XP10 to XP11.
I don't know how you can recover this folder. It isn't in AIRACs, it is more complicated.

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

I have installed x10 too.
Do I just copy the folder GNS430 and paste into X-plane 11's Resources folder.

Many thanks.


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Yes Runway12 ! It's the GNS430 in resources folder. Copy it in XP11

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Many thanks- it's working now.
Just bought x life deluxe-and all is great.
Many thanks for your help Mr Sloboda.
Can you please advise where to install the Navigraph AIRAC.

These folders 3 folders that come with Navigraph AIRAC-


I look forward to your help.

Thank you


465 (edited by Sloboda 2016-12-30 18:18:55)

Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Put xplane_customdata_native_1613 in Custom Data > GNS430>
xplane11_native_1613 in Resources>default data>
Xfmc, i don' know i don't have it

It's an X-Life forum. Please use MP or other forums for other helps.

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

many thanks-this has been very helpful.


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

So, as we have a pause and no new XP11 beta last several days - i work on and close to finish version 1.2 with... yep, with ATC vectoring! Also, XP11 compatible options will be "from box".

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

J.A.Romanov wrote:

So, as we have a pause and no new XP11 beta last several days - i work on and close to finish version 1.2 with... yep, with ATC vectoring! Also, XP11 compatible options will be "from box".

Have many courage for work but have a pause with your family and friends for happy new year !

An idea for work:
i think the traffic and gates density setting should be per airport and no global. I think you could write parameters in the OACI.txt
I think that's more realistic.
I don't know if possible and i had never understand the case for choose an aircraft in this setting page, but sure, i think those parameters should be in the airports settings because traffic and gates's occupation depend to airport.

Bye Eugeny.

VOICECOMMANDER CREATOR. Free and PRO profiles available on https://xplane.amisinformatique.com/

Windows 10 64bits – 6 coeurs I7 4,5 GHz - SSD – 32Go RAM – nVidia GTX Titan X 12Go – X-Plane 11 - A320 Neo Jardesign – A330 Jardesign - A350 FF - B777 FF - B767 FF - B757 V2 FF - Rotate MD80 - B737 IXEG - GH Deluxe - FollowMe - X-Life Deluxe


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Yes, I am understand what you tell about. This will be in a day when individual options will be assigned to airports, like Airliners, traffic density and so on.

Screenshot about vectoring test:

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

J.A.Romanov wrote:

Yes, I am understand what you tell about. This will be in a day when individual options will be assigned to airports, like Airliners, traffic density and so on.

Screenshot about vectoring test:

Happy New Year Eugeny!
This is going to be amazing. Thank you very much.
I'm with Sloboda, really hope you get to have a break for family and fun.

Best wishes

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: X-Life ver 1.1 (r1, ++)

Wow that looks great and very realistic hopefully the new version comes soon for 11! Would the vectoring work for all aircraft or just JAR planes? And would sids and stars be provided by the ATC or could you choose your own? Again thanks for all of your hard work and info. Happy New Year to you.