Topic: EGCC for the Manchester Airport 4.0 scenery

The original EGCC.dat was slightly modified to fit (some stands/gates removed and added):
http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/fi … r-airport/

Post's attachments

Attachment icon EGCC.dat 32.45 kb, 293 downloads since 2016-04-26 


Re: EGCC for the Manchester Airport 4.0 scenery

Can you please tell us where to drop this file???

Thank You!



Re: EGCC for the Manchester Airport 4.0 scenery

In the Airports folder in the plugin directory. Note that there is already a file there called EGCC.dat, this file is for the payware airport. Either backup it up or replace it. Note some added stands/gates needs to be modified in the gate-editor.