51 (edited by laohu314 2016-07-14 20:32:53)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Did a couple of test flights KBOS-KEWR and back.

iMac 27” (late 2015), Core i7, OSX 10.11.5, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB VRAM
Saitek X52,  Radio, Switch and Multi Panel, TM Cougar, XP v10.50b6, JD A330 v1.3r2, XL v1.1r3, FM v2.4r1, SMP3, RWC, FWL, PythonInterface, Checklist

The autopilot still has problems following the flight plan sometimes. On the latest flight (see logs) it didn't capture a few turns, including the last to final and I had to  hand land completely no G/S no heading tracking either. It's weird. Seems to be related to altitude. Above FL100 all is fine.
A few times I managed to change to Selected Heading (Pulled the Heading button)and put her on the right course again, then switched to Managed Heading  (Pushed the Heading Button) and she captured the next waypoint just fine.
Also, something is off with the sound. I don't get the chimes when turning on/off seatbelt and no smoking signs and the PA announcements are gone, too. I might have messed up something when setting up...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 15.85 kb, 375 downloads since 2016-07-14 

Attachment icon Cycle Dump.txt 33.73 kb, 360 downloads since 2016-07-14 

Attachment icon Log.txt 114.86 kb, 457 downloads since 2016-07-14 

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Since 1 or 2 versions of the A330, the "WPT", "VORD" and "NDB" aren't appearing on the EFIS map anymore, only the airports. Can someone confirm that?

53 (edited by ilankrt 2016-07-17 15:24:25)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

1. There are new functioning elements on the Radar box, but no explanation how they works.
Who knows more about?

2. The new weather engine in XP 10.50b7 enable wind simulation at all flight levels.
Since then the A330 shakes at FL 9+/- 300fl) unlike to real flights. (camera shake off ). During approach (20kt sidewinds) under
FL 30, the aircraft begins to swing like a drunk fellow. (I looked at some videos of A330 real approach under similar circumstances. There are some small course deviations but no swinging like the A330 model)

3 I think that it will be useful to get a description of all The MCDU Menu...

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il

54 (edited by laohu314 2016-07-18 01:08:13)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but the A330 FMGC doesn't seem to be able to catch the last turn to runway heading on autopilot. I did several flights between KBOS and KEWR and every time the same thing. It's frustrating. Is it XP 10.5.b7?
I seem to remember I had the same problem with 10.45r2, though.
I'll try a few with 10.45r2 to see if it is a real bug. I love this plane and I want it to work.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 16.26 kb, 391 downloads since 2016-07-17 

Attachment icon Log.txt 123.61 kb, 379 downloads since 2016-07-17 

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

laohu314 wrote:

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but the A330 FMGC doesn't seem to be able to catch the last turn to runway heading on autopilot. I did several flights between KBOS and KEWR and every time the same thing. It's frustrating. Is it XP 10.5.b7?
I seem to remember I had the same problem with 10.45r2, though.
I'll try a few with 10.45r2 to see if it is a real bug. I love this plane and I want it to work.

What mean "last turn"? If mean "cant intercept Localizer (ILS)", you should check what freq tuned for ILS (RAD NAV PAGE, getting from NavData) and what ILS freq described at Local Map (Getting from scenery).

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

laohu314 wrote:

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but the A330 FMGC doesn't seem to be able to catch the last turn to runway heading on autopilot. I did several flights between KBOS and KEWR and every time the same thing. It's frustrating. Is it XP 10.5.b7?
I seem to remember I had the same problem with 10.45r2, though.
I'll try a few with 10.45r2 to see if it is a real bug. I love this plane and I want it to work.

Beyond what J.A. wrote you should check your speed. Usually in the last turn just before landing your speed should be equal landing speed with flaps full and depending from FL gear down. If you speed is too high the aircraft is thrown out of LOC frequency.......

Tell us about you flight route STAR and landing RWY ...

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

To answer JA, I'm flying, say heading 190 from KBOS to KEWR and I'm just about to get to the IAF, at which the heading should change to 219 (runway heading). I'm at 3000ft, Flaps 1, speed is 180. The aircraft is in fully managed mode, Approach Phase is active, Approach Button is NOT yet pressed (doesn't change anything if it is).
Instead of turning to HDG219 at the IAF, the aircraft keeps going HDG190. I have to correct manually and then often, but not always can't capture G/S because I'm too high (lack of flying skill on my part, trying to manage heading and Altitude manually).
I checked frequencies etc. and they are all correct.
Ilankrt, you think I should have flaps full already 10 miles out? I'll try that.
Thanks guys!

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0

58 (edited by laohu314 2016-07-18 17:20:25)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Did another flight KBOS KEWR. Same thing, even though I was at landing speed, flaps 3 approach button pressed she just kept going. No turn at the IF. All frequencies set correctly. ILS was on (Purple diamonds visible).
I'm at a loss. Will go back to 10.45r2, sadly

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 12.03 kb, 357 downloads since 2016-07-18 

Attachment icon Cycle Dump.txt 28.66 kb, 328 downloads since 2016-07-18 

Attachment icon Log.txt 119.25 kb, 368 downloads since 2016-07-18 

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

laohu314 wrote:

To answer JA, I'm flying, say heading 190 from KBOS to KEWR and I'm just about to get to the IAF, at which the heading should change to 219 (runway heading). I'm at 3000ft, Flaps 1, speed is 180. The aircraft is in fully managed mode, Approach Phase is active, Approach Button is NOT yet pressed (doesn't change anything if it is).
Instead of turning to HDG219 at the IAF, the aircraft keeps going HDG190. I have to correct manually and then often, but not always can't capture G/S because I'm too high (lack of flying skill on my part, trying to manage heading and Altitude manually).
I checked frequencies etc. and they are all correct.
Ilankrt, you think I should have flaps full already 10 miles out? I'll try that.
Thanks guys!

You forgot to mention  the STAR for landing on  RWY 22  (L/R?). I just finish a Test flight from KBOS (SID PATSS4) to KEWR (STAR FLOSI3 (with correction I made  - FLOSS SHAFF SAX TEB AGNSS 300ft ILS) . This is the newest nav data set AIRAC 1607. To show you (and other) how it works fine I will make a video.....

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

ilankrt wrote:

1. There are new functioning elements on the Radar box, but no explanation how they works.
Who knows more about?

2. The new weather engine in XP 10.50b7 enable wind simulation at all flight levels.
Since then the A330 shakes at FL 9+/- 300fl) unlike to real flights. (camera shake off ). During approach (20kt sidewinds) under
FL 30, the aircraft begins to swing like a drunk fellow
. (I looked at some videos of A330 real approach under similar circumstances. There are some small course deviations but no swinging like the A330 model)

3 I think that it will be useful to get a description of all The MCDU Menu...

I confirm that I have that as well.

61 (edited by laohu314 2016-07-19 14:17:34)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

ilankrt wrote:
laohu314 wrote:

To answer JA, I'm flying, say heading 190 from KBOS to KEWR and I'm just about to get to the IAF, at which the heading should change to 219 (runway heading). I'm at 3000ft, Flaps 1, speed is 180. The aircraft is in fully managed mode, Approach Phase is active, Approach Button is NOT yet pressed (doesn't change anything if it is).
Instead of turning to HDG219 at the IAF, the aircraft keeps going HDG190. I have to correct manually and then often, but not always can't capture G/S because I'm too high (lack of flying skill on my part, trying to manage heading and Altitude manually).
I checked frequencies etc. and they are all correct.
Ilankrt, you think I should have flaps full already 10 miles out? I'll try that.
Thanks guys!

You forgot to mention  the STAR for landing on  RWY 22  (L/R?). I just finish a Test flight from KBOS (SID PATSS4) to KEWR (STAR FLOSI3 (with correction I made  - FLOSS SHAFF SAX TEB AGNSS 300ft ILS) . This is the newest nav data set AIRAC 1607. To show you (and other) how it works fine I will make a video.....

Thank you ilankrt!

It was 22R at KEWR. If AGNSS is inserted manually it works but the plane will not turn at VERDE.
I am using 1607 and the procedures for ILS landing at rwy 22R are as follows:

IF,AGNSS,40.850572,-74.067786, ,0.0,0.0,2,3000,0,0,0,0,0,0

VI,0, ,0.0,219.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
HM,KILMA,40.486028,-74.402450,2, ,0.0,0.0,69.0,04.3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

I am not that familiar with how these procedures are interpreted but shouldn't the aircraft insert AGNSS as the IF?

Many thanks all!

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0

62 (edited by ilankrt 2016-07-19 14:18:18)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

As I promised to LAOHU314, I mader a video of my landing at KEWR flying the A330 under X-Life. In fact I didn't saw any problem to program FMC and made an ILS approach.  The only thing that bothered me was the very low framerates as result of using a video capture software that gorged much power of the graphics card.

And again at 10kn front wind the aircraft was dreadfully swinging


X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Thank you ilankrt!
Much appreciated

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0

64 (edited by laohu314 2016-07-20 14:24:03)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

UUEE to ZBAA. No XL but had trouble loading route via co-route. When I load it, no waypoint show up in the MCDU
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this route, please?

Many thanks!

iMac 27” (late 2015), Core i7, OSX 10.11.6, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB VRAM
Saitek X52,  Radio, Switch and Multi Panel, TM Cougar, XP v10.50b7, JD A330 v1.3r2, XL v1.1r3, FM v2.4r1, SMP3, RWC, FWL, PythonInterface, Xchecklist

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bbox_log.txt 53.14 kb, 356 downloads since 2016-07-20 

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

laohu314 wrote:

UUEE to ZBAA. No XL but had trouble loading route via co-route. When I load it, no waypoint show up in the MCDU
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this route, please?

Many thanks!

iMac 27” (late 2015), Core i7, OSX 10.11.6, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB VRAM
Saitek X52,  Radio, Switch and Multi Panel, TM Cougar, XP v10.50b7, JD A330 v1.3r2, XL v1.1r3, FM v2.4r1, SMP3, RWC, FWL, PythonInterface, Xchecklist


X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Just installed on Win 7 home Premium, 10.5 beta b7 and haved had no problems so far just dont know how to fly it first attempt with an airbus,many quirky features i need to read up on


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I don't know what a new SASL means and how important it is for the A330. But I am tired to sit in a cockpit that makes me sea sick. (I took some pills but it didn't work).

Upon this annoying fact, I saw one new change on screen caused be X-Plane (I think). Wind data occurs during the whole flight !
That is new and important for making simulation more real (flying under real weather conditions).

But while reaching 50+kt in 34000ft the aircraft swings and the speed needle makes pirouettes.

Something must happened dear JAR, this is not acceptable any more.

Sure I can deactivate real weather METAR data but...  So for now I downgraded to the earlier version. It doesn't swing so radically, because the wind data is false! AT FL340 it shows only 14kn. I checked the wind data and it had to be about 48kn.This is also not a satisfying solution.....

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il

68 (edited by laohu314 2016-07-21 19:49:10)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I'm only seeing this violent shaking if the Camera Shake is on. You can turn it off in the MCDU Settings. I'm flying from ZBAA to PHNL at 30-50 knots winds from all directions and the shake is very moderate. Right now, at 30knots it is straight as an arrow. GS is 500.

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I don't know if JAR made some changes..
Yesterday I downloaded the last A330 version and made another test flight. I saw that the SASL folder has a newer date (maybe some changes within the same version?)

At first just after take-off and the announcement ROTATE X-Plane crashes. The log.txt gave no hint. So I replaced the of_rotate .wav file with an older one and tried flying for new.

This time I had no problem  a n d to my surprise the A330 stopped its crazy swinging. At FL 300 /35kt it shifted a little   b u t
during approach and landing with 11kt headwinds the aircraft went smoothly down. What a pleasure and much more like in real.
I only hope that this will be the regular case from now on...

(Today next test flight EHAM-EGLL)

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Yes, there was a mention of an updated SASL for the latest release version.
I'm glad the shaking stopped for you. I'm still getting issues with the autopilot. It misses the next waypoint after I activate Approach Phase in the MCDU.
In have to pull the Heading knob in the FCU, correct the heading and when I push the Heading knob again to return to managed Heading the autopilot works again. Very strange.

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Did you scrolled all the waypoints on MCDU? Have you checked  that all of them are green and there is no "break between them (that you need to delete). BTW the APPR phase will be announced and initiated automatically if you have fed before needed data like QNH.

X-Plane 11.30r3 | iMac27 OSX Mojave 14.10.4, | Samsung ultra-wide screen 49-inch | Saitek equipment | MFG pedals |Gladiator Joystick | Plugins: GndHandling, RWC, SMP, SoundM, X-Life, BetterPushback, AutoGate, SoundMaxx, X-ATC-chatter, X-Camera | iPad 12.9, iPad Air 9.7  | Airliner: JAR A320/A330, FF A350XWB, FF B767, SSG B747-8 inter, Epic1000 new, TBM900  http://ilankrt1.blogspot.co.il


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

Yes, Fpln was OK, no discontinuities. I only turn on Approach Mode because most checklists call for it but maybe I'll stop doing that. Might help.
Thanks ilankrt!

iMac5K 27” (2015), i7 4GHz, OSX 10.14.6, 32GB, AMD M395X 4096MB, Saitek X52, TPM, Radio, Switch & Multi, TM MFD, XP11.35r1, FFA320v0.11.2-2305, ToLiSs A319 v1.3.3, JDA320 v3.4r1, JDA330 v3.2r1, XL v4_250719, FM v2.6r2,  GndHdg v.4.010719, Air Plugin v4.8.3,  FWL 2.7.19, 3jFPS-wizard, PI v2.73.06, NOAA v2.4.4, XSPs v2.75, XCL v1.37, BPB v0.47, SAM 1.1.0

73 (edited by Schradi80 2016-07-26 17:02:05)

Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

My problem is that I, the aircraft load then Activate I the aircraft and if I want then upload it again crashes x-plane. My log is below.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Log.txt 48.42 kb, 340 downloads since 2016-07-26 


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

I'm running into SEVERAL issues with the 330 (and 320)  The first one, has a simple work around but its odd.  I fly both prop planes and jets so i have mixture to a rotary control.  If I turn it off on a prop and leave it off the 330 and 320, won't start. they cycle over and over but the mixture seems to over ride the fuel flow.  Push it up to max and no problems.  The second just, started.  the plane seems to be having issues with changing Geographical nav points.
Flight from KPHX to RJTT. BXK4 with PMD as trans.  Everything loads up to ENI and from there its manual (i'm used to that, no worries)  Once I try to enter in 46E80 it won't take it, in fact it won't take anything I can try to put in my arrival but it won't execute at all.  Below is the FP
PMD J65 LANDO J6 AVE J6 ROBIE J126 SNS J88 PYE J143 ENI  REDWD  TRYSH  41N30  44N40 46N50  47N60  47N70  46E80  44E70  42E60 EMRON OTR7 ADNAP OTR5 PABBA A590 KAGIS Y872 MESSE

I've attached the log its FILLEd with SASL errors.

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Attachment icon Log.txt 336.93 kb, 458 downloads since 2016-07-28 


Re: XP10 v.1.3r3 250916 (Windows 7/8/10, MAC OS Maverick..Sierra)

41N30 must be 4130N same with the others.. and between wAypoints with no airway in between you have to put DCT in between
FP for the txt file than:.