Topic: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Here are the KLAX.dat and KLAX.txt for Los Angeles International by MisterX6:

Scenery Link:
http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app … file=26246

Post's attachments

Attachment icon KLAX.dat 122.41 kb, 653 downloads since 2016-02-25 

Attachment icon KLAX.txt 6.85 kb, 614 downloads since 2016-02-25 


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Good day,
This worked very good with X-Life and MisterX6 scenery I had error message because it is not on Master X-Life map but this can be fixed later.
very good work,
Thank-you Much,


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Hey Captbullett

I've done several other airports, exactly the same way as I did KLAX and KPDX, but when I load those I get a message like "this airport is not compatible with X-life plugin."  I can't figure out what I did differently between the two airports, since I basically did them back to back.
Do you have any thoughts?

(I'm traveling for work for the next week, so I'm not going to be home to test things.  I'll keep up with the forums though and try when I get back).

4 (edited by captbullett 2016-02-29 02:57:20)

Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Good day,
Ok go and look at my post#270 on the Beta 8 X-life I posted a detail data on the KLAX/KPDX Post #270 and what is going on this way everyone is on the same page for data I will transfer only data for your issue after you get back from your work as I do understand.
have a good day,

Ps, this was the Error message and to be exact it is because, it is not tied into the Google map and this is a must for it to have no Error messages because of the different region;

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mi … ecn3NB3GZ8

BluesmanEP wrote:

Hey Captbullett

I've done several other airports, exactly the same way as I did KLAX and KPDX, but when I load those I get a message like "this airport is not compatible with X-life plugin."  I can't figure out what I did differently between the two airports, since I basically did them back to back.
Do you have any thoughts?

(I'm traveling for work for the next week, so I'm not going to be home to test things.  I'll keep up with the forums though and try when I get back).


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

That's interesting.  I am able to use both KLAX and KPDX without any error messages.  They load successfully without problems.  However, when I use my other airports - that I created exactly the same way as LAX and PDX - I get the "not compatible" error.

I usually leave the x-life settings sliders at the default position.  Is this where you have them, or do you move them to a different position.

More to follow when I'm back home! smile

6 (edited by captbullett 2016-03-01 06:54:34)

Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Good day,
testing with MD-80  and still get error message but all work at KLAX now the next step is to see if I can get a workable route from KLAX/KPDX I was able to do a good KPDX/KLAX with the A330 and I used a generated route from the X-Life widget when I usually use an online flight plan that I store in the Flight Plan Folder.

on this flight i want to see how the MD-88 by Rotate can handle in the X-Life environment. so more data to come this run I am starting at 0000 hours my time so it will be a two day process to finish the flight since I will sleep in-between the set-up and the actually the flight time.

so there is something that needs to be de-buged in the code and it will take a few more flights to shake out what is going on I will keep in touch.

Note #2 yes the Radar is completely populated with aircraft taking off and landing and I can see the same aircraft in the skies, and on the tarmac.

when I bring up the Developer console it it showing the aircraft and the server running I have selected aircraft setting to 75, air density % to 150 , airports gates and stands 75% , runway 1.5 min. this makes for a populated airport so you can test .

also, the FollowMeCar is working. and Frame rate is 41+ CPU 39 GPU 37  so I like the #'s and there is less stutter

Note #3 well X-Life worked fine but when I reached altitude the alarm would not turn off on the MD-80 this was the first up date and just aggravated me to the [point I trashed the aircraft if the up date got worse than the first release I don't use the aircraft anymore. only the DHC-6 has stood the time besides the JAR line of aircraft.   

BluesmanEP wrote:

That's interesting.  I am able to use both KLAX and KPDX without any error messages.  They load successfully without problems.  However, when I use my other airports - that I created exactly the same way as LAX and PDX - I get the "not compatible" error.

I usually leave the x-life settings sliders at the default position.  Is this where you have them, or do you move them to a different position.

More to follow when I'm back home! smile


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Error message due to this
This allert come if this scenery (and its .dat / .txt) not uploaded to server (and sure, not checked by JARDesign crew). To do this, need post .dat / .txt files + scenery link. If Ok, we will upload them to server and add to MAP - everybody will get this files in auto mode.


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Maybe the message should say "This is an unverified airport" or something like that.  Rather than saying the file has errors.

Right now the message makes it seem like the user is doing something wrong, when really it's just a check by the plugin.


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

I'm also not sure what you're saying about the altitude alarm in the MD-80.  Since the update I've had zero problems, and have finished all my flights without issue smile


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Ok they said i did not have the two setting set right so i will give it another go.
I do like the Mad dog.

BluesmanEP wrote:

I'm also not sure what you're saying about the altitude alarm in the MD-80.  Since the update I've had zero problems, and have finished all my flights without issue smile


Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

there is a strange altitude alarm that happens when landing, just when capturing the glideslope.  I think this is true to the real aircraft however.  There's a good discussion about it on the .org forum.

Have fun!

12 (edited by captbullett 2016-03-12 00:02:26)

Re: KLAX - Los Angeles International

Good day

I just found a bad line of code in the txt so I am isolating and you should check to see if this is right there is DOS charters in the txt for KLAX and I do not think this is right can you please check.

S,6,Cargo Ramp,-135.500000,33.933876,-118.382225,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,0

S,7,Cargo Ramptaxiwa∫]=ü˜@@Évò]¿g∞=i>≈@¡Îõmoº@ˇˇˇˇ,-135.500000,33.934547,-118.382233,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0

S,8,DHL Ramp,173.880005,33.933727,-118.388985,0,1,1,1,1,0,2,0

S,9,Cargo Ramp,173.740005,33.933235,-118.400558,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0

S,10,Cargo Ramp,173.740005,33.933167,-118.401352,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0

S,11,Cargo Ramp,174.419998,33.933083,-118.402115,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0

S,12,Cargo Ramp,174.419998,33.933018,-118.402908,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0

S,13,Cargo Ramp,174.419998,33.932926,-118.403687,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0

S,14,GA Parking,287.779999,33.933544,-118.396973,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1

S,15,GA Parking,304.399994,33.932743,-118.397690,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1

S,16,GA Parking,78.769997,33.933342,-118.399834,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1

S,17,GA Parkingtaxiwaé∂•i˜@@ä\O¯ïô]¿q™HG¬@∫Ôï"∫'Ω@2,78.769997,33.932911,-118.399780,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0