Topic: GHD5 for XP12 not loading

I recently had to wipe my HD and reinstall my Mac Operating System and all data from a backup source (Timemachine). That is completed and I am now using OS v13.4 Ventura with XP12.5r1. Prior to this event i was able to use GHD5 with all XP12 aircraft. Now I cannot get this plugin to load and appear in the plugins menu. I tried downloading the XP12 files for HGD5 and installed them according to the instructions enclosed but still cannot get this plugin to work. Can you advise me what I need to do to restore this valued plugin? Thank you.

Steve Haines

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2 (edited by stevehaines 2023-06-16 13:45:11)

Re: GHD5 for XP12 not loading

For those who may have read this post and not known the answer to why I could not get GHD5 to load properly (Eugeny?)... the answer is Rosetta. According to one user, Silicon Macs like mine are "looking for ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) rather than Intel-based plugins." The answer is to make sure the application you are using (XPlane12) has Rosetta checked in the "INFO" window of the app. Once I did that GHD5 now works.


Re: GHD5 for XP12 not loading

Genius! It worked. And not only did GHD load properly but SAM did also. I thought that was a goner for sure.  I will tack a large note saying "ROSETTA" on my wall. Thank you thank you thank you! —SteveH