Topic: Voice not selectable - Version number doesn't match

Hi, Im using Linda with XP12 and I only have 3 voices available to select out of a list that is much bigger. I used to use the Australian voice with XP11.

Also the version number does not match what the forum says it should be. The download link says version 290123 but in-game this does not match. I've downloaded and reinstalled multiple times just in-case.

2 (edited by thagreenkronic 2023-12-26 14:28:45)

Re: Voice not selectable - Version number doesn't match

Version number in-game

Post's attachments

Attachment icon image_2023-12-27_012837479.png 87.79 kb, 9 downloads since 2023-12-26 


Re: Voice not selectable - Version number doesn't match

Seeing the same version numbers as you even after a couple attempts downloading.

Have you tried a 10nm approach? Linda goes into a loop saying Flaps 2 set..... without stopping.

Looked around and I don't see any posts from Romanov in a long while!
