Topic: Possible FMC / AP Bug when passing 180° longitude
I did some flights from NZAA to PHNL and back. In both directions the Aircraft turned out of the magenta line at the last waypoint before passing the 180° longitude while on the FMC / AP everything seemed to be OK. I suspect, that the AP tried to fly around the whole world to get to the next waypoint from the other direction in order not to pass the 180° line. Probably a wrong calculation?
Today I faced the same problem on my trip from RJTT tho PHNL - even with a Waypoint (29N180E) directly on 180° lon.
This behaviour is reproduceable.
The routes were:
- PHNL/26L BANZI1 LHAKE DCT DATBE G347 TARIB RIKDI1N NZAA/05R => At KADEN the aircraft turned into the wrong direction
- NZAA/05R RAXIN1Q TARIB G347 DATBE DCT CARRP OPACA4 PHNL/04R => At MALNI the aircraft turned into the wrong direction