Topic: Does it REQUIRE pilot voice input on checklist items

Hi all
is it possible to only ask for the checklists, and then get her to go through them with NO further speech input from the user?
Many times its sat there waiting for a response, and as Im in VR I cant see what is expected..so would just like her to move on.
Im pretty sure ive seen that happening on youtube vids but cant see how to switch that function on easily


Bill P


Re: Does it REQUIRE pilot voice input on checklist items

Yes, you may assign joy. button to use this button only to select Your inputs from widget (please look at updated manual included) or control this via mouse. So, no your voice input at all in this case. Sure, you may select checklists only from this widget, but actual version allow you to follow whole SOP flow and not limited with checklists only.

But sadly - widget not visible when you are in 3DVR.

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Re: Does it REQUIRE pilot voice input on checklist items

aaaah so that means in VR we have to know the exact responses and can not bypass them in any way?
thats disappointing !

thanks for the reply

Bill P


Re: Does it REQUIRE pilot voice input on checklist items

wakevortex wrote:

aaaah so that means in VR we have to know the exact responses and can not bypass them in any way?
thats disappointing !

thanks for the reply

Bill P

Only way - like in real live - just listen.

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org