Topic: Bugs and issues with Linda A319

Hello i purchased Linda for 3 airplanes on Black Friday. Since then, i have not been able to get Linda to hear me. I even went out and purchased $180 pair of headphones with mic just to work out if it was my old headset.

Its not! I followed the manual for setting up sounds, languages etc for win 10. NADA! I cant for the life of me work out what the problem is. She just doesnt hear me no matter what i do.


Next, there are some annoying bugs that need fixing. Here are a few the exist in the latest version.

1) If the light for Ground Services in ON or AVAIL Linda will refuse to start the damn engines. How else do i make sure the LIGHT IS COMPLETELY OFF so she doesn't complaint during engine start procedure? Well she does and she wont start the engines. Tonight i started it myself just to skip her bitching about it. Once we took off she started complaining that after start checklist was not run and she repeated this 40 or more times. I could not get her to shut up nor could i get her to run the after takeoff procedure so i decided to reload the voice engine and CRASH! My sim crashed.

What the hell? We need a NEXT button in case she starts repeating and wont stop.

We need a way to start engines and she needs to stop complaining about the gpu being connected.

2) She does not understand what 1/DN0.3 means. During checklist she complains that i have not set this option and the flaps are not in correct position for takeoff.

3) 1+F. She sets the flaps to 2. Why is that? If she can set it to 2 then she should be able to know what 1 is.

4) Preliminary startup procedure. Why does she set the APU ON? This is not when the APU should be set on. Startup means setting power to the aircraft etc. But during this procedure she sets APU ON. So i have to run everything backwards. First the start up then the prelim. Makes no sense to be turning the APU ON. Passengers have not boarded yet.

and there are a few more issues when i remember i will post them.



Re: Bugs and issues with Linda A319

Linda keeps messing with contraints. I turn it on multiple times during flight only for her to turn it off. This is another bug. She should not be adjusting weather, constraints etc and turning these off multiple times during flight unless she knows what shes doing.

3 (edited by lennard78 2021-01-20 04:04:15)

Re: Bugs and issues with Linda A319

This version, like the Zibo one, and perhaps others, seem never to have had any update since the first release. Several serious bugs have been reported many months ago, making the product hard to use at this time.

I am very disappointed by the seeming lack of both care, support and even interest by the developer. It is a big pity that this add-on cannot be finished to a full-fledged product instead of being in quasi beta; it has enormous potential if just a few bug corrections would have been made, and just few simple functionalities would have been added.

I started out as a very enthusiastic customer the first day, even writing a post about it, but honestly at this moment I do not feel much more than frustration with the copilot products.


Re: Bugs and issues with Linda A319

JAR design group has a board for bugs and issues with Linda. She purchases with the light of 3 airplanes on Black Friday. Must you can check lab report writer and get to learn more new skill of thesis. You can also get to know the engine and connection with lights. They have multiple of knowing ways. Join it for more details.