Topic: Other Russian airports: UOHH, UEST, UERR, UIII

Here are other Russian airports. I found discrepancies between JeppView and Little NavMap. Found also incomplete or out of date airports. I had to make compromises. They may remain errors on the radio frequencies.
Russians friends, please don't hesitate to update if necessary.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon UERR.xlf 6.49 kb, 144 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UERR_Scenery_Pack.zip 11.73 kb, 131 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UEST.xlf 1.33 kb, 129 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UEST_Scenery_Pack.zip 9.31 kb, 110 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UIII.xlf 14.75 kb, 138 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UIII_Scenery_Pack.zip 27.52 kb, 120 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UOHH.xlf 3.85 kb, 123 downloads since 2021-01-02 

Attachment icon UOHH_Scenery_Pack.zip 15.04 kb, 113 downloads since 2021-01-02