1 (edited by rcbursey 2018-07-13 01:12:36)

Topic: MMOX - Oaxaca Xoxocotlan Intl Airport by ruifo

This is xlf file for newly created MMOX - Oaxaca Xoxocotlan Intl Airport by ruifo. The xlf file works fine BUT for some reason, the aircraft are spawning in offset to their assigned gates/stands. When the aircraft taxi in however, they do so correctly. I am posting it anyway because it works fine otherwise. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks

https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/f … port-2018/

Post's attachments

Attachment icon MMOX Parking Assignments.jpg 355.11 kb, 84 downloads since 2018-04-15 

Attachment icon MMOX Spawn Offset.jpg 338.46 kb, 81 downloads since 2018-04-15 

Attachment icon MMOX xlf Screenshot.jpg 413.71 kb, 81 downloads since 2018-04-15 

Attachment icon MMOX.xlf 5.48 kb, 235 downloads since 2018-04-15