1 (edited by Philou67 2018-03-29 07:09:57)

Topic: Airport Traffic rules


How X-Life handles the taffic according to the category of the plane.

In LFMT - Montpellier France an A310 landing on 12R

But ATC rules allow only props and turboprops


Sorry for the google translate, i am French

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2018-03-25_142618.jpg 197.74 kb, 101 downloads since 2018-03-25 

Attachment icon 2018-03-25_143627.jpg 27.37 kb, 73 downloads since 2018-03-25 

Attachment icon LFMT.dat 37.29 kb, 275 downloads since 2018-03-25 

2 (edited by Philou67 2018-04-01 18:42:06)

Re: Airport Traffic rules


Another example on LFQQ 02/20 is too short for A319 departure
this runway accept only prop and turboprops

Departure on runaway 20 but the plane round in circles at the end of the runway
