1 (edited by emelar 2016-06-09 06:34:09)

Topic: NZAA - Auckland International

Taxi routes for the NZAA Auckland International gateway scenery - https://gateway.x-plane.com/scenery/page/NZAA


I've also provided an updated .dsf with most of the static aircraft removed. Just download the .zip and unpack in to the NZAA scenery folder.  NB: this is for the gateway scenery only - please don't use the .zip file with custom NZAA scenery like Janwender or XP Jets as it will break it!

Tested on X-Life 1.1r1.

Known issue - aircraft sometimes turn back sharply on to the wrong high speed exit when exiting the runway - appreciate if anyone can advise how to fix this.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon NZAA.dat 17.62 kb, 255 downloads since 2016-06-09 

Attachment icon NZAA.txt 2.49 kb, 227 downloads since 2016-06-09 

Attachment icon NZAA_overlay_no_static_aircraft.zip 4.6 kb, 186 downloads since 2016-06-09