1 (edited by SirOTheOne 2016-06-04 15:28:02)

Topic: LKPR - Praha ATC-routes

new ATC-routes

LKPR - Praha

scenery: http://www.vacc-cz.org/en/airports/lkpr

please check and give feedback



update: sorry wrong .dat files uploaded, now the right one is online

Post's attachments

Attachment icon LKPR.dat 31.76 kb, 300 downloads since 2016-06-04 

Attachment icon LKPR.txt 3.9 kb, 295 downloads since 2016-06-04 

iMac i7 4GHz (late 2015) 27" 24 GB, macOS Mojave 10.14.5, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096MB
XPlane 11.34, FM, X-Life, GroundHandling, about 50 payware aircrafts

2 (edited by Jefeon 2016-06-04 09:19:27)

Re: LKPR - Praha ATC-routes

You should change LMML.dat to LKPR.dat in case someone decides to make Malta tongue

EDIT: I tried it unfortunately no planes are spawning.


Re: LKPR - Praha ATC-routes

LKPR.dat updated (wrong .dat file)

iMac i7 4GHz (late 2015) 27" 24 GB, macOS Mojave 10.14.5, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096MB
XPlane 11.34, FM, X-Life, GroundHandling, about 50 payware aircrafts


Re: LKPR - Praha ATC-routes

Cool it's working.