1 (edited by rcbursey 2018-04-09 11:01:45)

Topic: KBUF - Buffalo Niagara Intl Airport -Gateway Scenery by EBOB-Marsh

This is Buffalo Niagara International Airport latest Gateway Scenery by EBOB-March 44947. I eliminated all but two of the static aircraft and have attached the .dsf file with the modification. Just download the scenery ID# 44947 from the Gateway and replace the +42-079.dsf file inside the Earth Nav Data folder / +40-080 / +42-079 with this .dsf file. Let me know if there are any problems.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon +42-079.dsf 4.38 kb, 289 downloads since 2018-04-09 

Attachment icon KBUF xlf Screenshot.jpg 452.71 kb, 115 downloads since 2018-04-09 

Attachment icon KBUF.xlf 9.4 kb, 296 downloads since 2018-04-09