Topic: NON Towered Airports - LEDA LLeida Alguaire


I'm Finishing to create LEDA.dat file, but I have a question:
LEDA has half time tower operated, and center depends on LEBL. Is there any way to cancel some radio frequencies or link CENTER to BCN???
Right now it Works fine, but it's unreal.

THX. I would share it when finshed testing.

WTH i'll share it now.
LEDA v0.1
Scenery link:
http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/fi … ort-spain/

Post's attachments

Attachment icon leda.dat 4.3 kb, 175 downloads since 2016-07-03 

Attachment icon LEDA.txt 567 b, 215 downloads since 2016-07-03 

I7-7700K, 16Gb Ram, nvidia 1060 6Gb ,SSD. XPlane 11.20 VR Oculus Rift