1 (edited by Ayki 2016-03-20 17:28:28)

Topic: LTBA Istanbul Ataturk International Airport

LTBA, Istanbul Ataturk International Airport.  Yesilkoy, Istanbul, TURKEY.

This airport is lego brick airport.  You can download it from Gateway.  Taxiroutes are included in the package.  Since airport does not allow 747-8i and A380 parking because of their sizes, i only added gate file.

currently i am using it only TXT in the X-life folder.

Any problems please tell me.

Known problems: Sometimes  they choose different taxiway than intended. Will try to solve it if i can.
Tested with  %75 traffic with other sliders were at 150 and 1 minutes interval.   16 hours of testing completed without problem.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon LTBA.txt 6.22 kb, 478 downloads since 2016-03-20