Topic: A380 set



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Attachment icon AirbusA380-841.set 42.42 kb, 1910 downloads since 2015-08-21 

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Re: A380 set


I presume this is for the Peter Hager A380 (as in the default set that is with the plugin). I can't get this set to work at all. The actual cars don't seem to display either when using the drop-down in the plugins menu or when using the control panel commands.

If I bring up the control panel and also the create set menu and click select on one of the items, the yellow markers show up ok, but still no actual vehicles.

I've tried this after loading a different aircraft, cold and dark and also engines running. B747, A320 Challenger sets all work with no problems and look great! Could this be a SASL conflict problem or something?

Anyone have any ideas - I also notice that the A380 set includes some daterefs if you open the .set text file.



Re: A380 set

It may cause of different description at .acf file

Solution is easy!

You can always take a380 set from Default folder, put it to Custom folder and rename it.

What name need? To know this, you need load your a380, open set Editor, select any Car and click Update. The file with needed name will save to Custom folder. Just take this name and apply it to a380 set what you get from Default folder.

If need - please contact me skype j.a.romanov - we will do this together.

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Re: A380 set

Many thanks for your swift response.

Have tried your possible solution - .acf file is correctly named. Have attached an image showing control panel and create set panels open. Markers showing but no vehicles at all.

Any other ideas please?

Kind regards, thanks


Re: A380 set

I am not about .acf filename, but about .set names

hmm.. are you set ParkBrake On?

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Re: A380 set

Sorry, yes, I meant the .set name - this is fine. I've just done some more testing.

Loaded the A380 Cold & Dark.
Disabled the SASL plugin. No change.
Disabled the AirbusFBW plugin. Ground Handling works fine! All vehicles appear and work perfectly.

As soon as I re-enable the AirbusFBW plugin the vehicles disappear.


p.s. This is a great plugin - I'm working on an x737 set for use at a jetway in a typical gate situation and will probably post tomorrow.


Re: A380 set

Hmm.. thats mean.. I have an old a380 and do set for it.

May be FBW plugin conflicted with GHD for some reason. Thats strange cause a350 have not conflict. Will try to check this. Thanks for info anyway!

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Re: A380 set

Please make a new A380! smile


Re: A380 set

I made an account so that i could agree with "Boss".. PLEASE make an A380!! I have not bought Peter Hagars because it seems too expensive for the level of simulation that it gives, but i would gladly pay for a JAR A380. That is what i want for christmas, is for JAR to announce they are working on an A380.


Re: A380 set

Hi, Im really confused about the naming for the a380.

when you transfer the folder over from the default folder to the cutstom folder, what do you rename it, and do you still need this file (the file you download here)?



Re: A380 set

Hi Mr JAR.

I'm agree with Boss, it would be fantastic a Jar design A380.

I love your A320 and A330.

Kind regards.


Re: A380 set

Hi, this time we work on exist aircrafts and plugins, plus X-Life plugin. But who know, may be in future we will think about.

Merry Christmas!

Please read a FAQ before you post a bug http://support.jardesign.org


Re: A380 set

Hi J.A. Romanov

This set does not work for me, if you could please help out it would be greatly appreciated,



Re: A380 set

for the LOVEOF GOD why you create set for 380 IF THE DOORS ARE PAINTED AND CAN NOT OPEN??!!