Topic: Thanks!

Thank you for programming this copilot!
I bought it for the A319 and A321 and Linda is really a great help in the cockpit with the checklists and all.

Will there be a version for the Flight Factor A320? There's a rumor they will adapt it for vulkan soon and I would love to fly it with this copilot too wink


Re: Thanks!

lyonix wrote:

Thank you for programming this copilot!
I bought it for the A319 and A321 and Linda is really a great help in the cockpit with the checklists and all.

Will there be a version for the Flight Factor A320? There's a rumor they will adapt it for vulkan soon and I would love to fly it with this copilot too wink

Thank you! As for now - we have not access to the internal data of FF320 (absolutely need to read parameters). I hope this will be possible later.

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