Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

mikeapo wrote:

Hello!!! What is going on here? https://i.imgur.com/vsdkYBf.jpg  I write about the night textures of MCDU!!!

You should remove all cockpit textures from your custom livery folder.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

Hi! My landing and taxi lights are not visible, how fix it? I was reinstall and activate the plane. On the default planes lights is ok.

Добрый день! Фары и рулёжные огни не горят, хотя световой пучок под самолётом есть. Как это исправить? Самолёт переустанавливал. На дефолтных моделях свет нормальный.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

dnfdw wrote:

Hi! My landing and taxi lights are not visible, how fix it? I was reinstall and activate the plane. On the default planes lights is ok.

Добрый день! Фары и рулёжные огни не горят, хотя световой пучок под самолётом есть. Как это исправить? Самолёт переустанавливал. На дефолтных моделях свет нормальный.

What does exactly wrong with? Spot light on lamp itself? Could you show any screenshoots?

79 (edited by dnfdw 2019-09-21 14:33:30)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

http://jardesign.org/forum/img/m/9142/t/p1dla3f5o01qp5b2jrvhm1c1f4s3.jpgLights on.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

http://jardesign.org/forum/img/m/9142/t/p1dla3ktv6ije1r33d7iiq71f8b.jpgZibo 737 for exemple.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

Hello, i updated the aircraft as per instructions and when i load in it doesn't have any gear with the gear lever down and has a beeping sound through the headset any solutions?


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

No ILS detected after updating to Xplane 11.36

Any idea on how to solve this??



Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

dnfdw wrote:

http://jardesign.org/forum/img/m/9142/t/p1dla3f5o01qp5b2jrvhm1c1f4s3.jpgLights on.

Could you show me the S7 custom livery folder content?


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

dron420 wrote:

Could you show me the S7 custom livery folder content?

How to do it? In the default livery lights don't work too.
In the night it is work!


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

dnfdw wrote:
dron420 wrote:

Could you show me the S7 custom livery folder content?

How to do it? In the default livery lights don't work too.
In the night it is work!

i have this problem too , have problem with taxi lights at day only !

i have another problerm , with latest airac , when i want direct to a point that not in my fplan , i got error missed data ! whats solution ?

86 (edited by King5torm 2019-09-23 06:59:32)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

Any ideas to fix, fresh install too


Post's attachments

Attachment icon A320.PNG 805.47 kb, 73 downloads since 2019-09-23 

87 (edited by dron420 2019-09-24 07:09:38)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

vahooli wrote:
dnfdw wrote:
dron420 wrote:

Could you show me the S7 custom livery folder content?

How to do it? In the default livery lights don't work too.
In the night it is work!

i have this problem too , have problem with taxi lights at day only !

i have another problerm , with latest airac , when i want direct to a point that not in my fplan , i got error missed data ! whats solution ?

What version do youi have?

88 (edited by vahooli 2019-09-24 10:03:05)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

dron420 wrote:
vahooli wrote:
dnfdw wrote:

How to do it? In the default livery lights don't work too.
In the night it is work!

i have this problem too , have problem with taxi lights at day only !

i have another problerm , with latest airac , when i want direct to a point that not in my fplan , i got error missed data ! whats solution ?

What version do youi have?

jar 3.4 r2
xplane 11.36
airac 1910

i was in a route between LSGG - LOWW, atc says direct to NERDU, ihavnt nerdu in my plan so i should write that in drct page, but had error missed data!


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

What version do youi have?

I have jar 3.4 r2 and xplane 11.36 version too.

90 (edited by F1le 2019-09-24 23:51:28)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

vahooli wrote:

i was in a route between LSGG - LOWW, atc says direct to NERDU, ihavnt nerdu in my plan so i should write that in drct page, but had error missed data!

That's JAR biggest problem... MCDU needs to be fixed. It works fine until you program it and do not touch it. Once you have to mess with it, due to ATC instructions ... like :

- follow point you don't have
- Changing STAR and RWY
- Force different fly-levels on points due to ATC requests

You are DONE. Mostly you will have to land by "hand" as ILS will be broken too, when those bugs will occur.

I am begging JAR to fix this MCDU mess, as that's the only one thing (key thing) that force me to rarely fly with his planes.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

The lights is work in ver. 3.3r3.


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

and again on live event, i have DM455 in fms near the munchen , atc said direct to DM458 , and in dct page had error missed data !

2problem i hope solve in next version ,

lights at night , and FMS

93 (edited by claudioplanno 2019-10-02 18:16:49)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

After installing my A320 Jardesign I get the message that it was successfully activated, but my aircraft panel is left without MCDU and no ARC / NAV model on the panel. Am I doing something wrong? Because I was already flying with this aircraft and I was upgrading and gave it.

Anyone Help me?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon JARDESIGN PROBLEM.png 2.1 mb, 93 downloads since 2019-10-02 


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

Good day
after installing the updates JD320XP11_345 b, the new version cannot be started.
I've talked about it before, due to the many Xplane updates, always the JD has to. program needs to be re-downlaod.
I ask them to unlock.
With best regards
Dieter Hybbeneth


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

And much worse, the more you install the new version, the less it works, will really have to make a big effort on the future version ...
I give up the JD320 too galley ...


96 (edited by lokvik 2019-10-05 09:56:27)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

мой серийный номер не подходит - самолет не активируется
не летал в симе лет 5 - сейчас вернулся не могу активировать
покупал на x-lane.org - там в кабинете версия какая то старая - обновлений нет и суппорт с неработающим номером помочь не может.
моя почта lokvik собака gmail точка com серийный номер 8F-WC****-4****Y-C****2-T****M


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

lokvik wrote:

мой серийный номер не подходит - самолет не активируется
не летал в симе лет 5 - сейчас вернулся не могу активировать
покупал на x-lane.org - там в кабинете версия какая то старая - обновлений нет и суппорт с неработающим номером помочь не может.
моя почта lokvik собака gmail точка com серийный номер 8F-WC****-4****Y-C****2-T****M

Открываем тикет со своим старым серийником и запросом на новый

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Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

ouistiti06 wrote:

And much worse, the more you install the new version, the less it works, will really have to make a big effort on the future version ...
I give up the JD320 too galley ...


JD A320 work's well and correct. With last version I'll fly over Europe without any problem and all sistem's work's fine.
My configuration you can see in the bottom.
Here is picture from tracking flight in LittleNavmap of this flight's, about 30 flights (complet depart and arrivall's)



My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet:  JD320-V3.8R1  with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback


Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

Is this latest version 3.4 plugin compatible with Mac OS Catalina released yesterday, before I upgrade?

100 (edited by domined39aniello 2019-10-09 00:04:15)

Re: JD320 Airliner ver 3.4 r3 WIN/MAC 64 bit (X-Plane 11.35-11.41)

Hi Sir problem with Catalina.