zanesk wrote:So far today I was able to make three short flights, each was nice, however, I've been having some problems withe the fmc in this update. The main one is that route discontinuities are not clearing, specifically the one I get after a runway when using no sid or transition. I've tried many things, and no success yet, any one else having this problem?
You can not clear discontinues if you have no SID routes. No SID means no SID so in this case you take off from runway , take some altitude and then manually turn to direction to point after discontinuities. Then press DIR on fmc and go direct to this point width autpilot.
My setup: Windows 10 (64-bit), Z490 AORUS PRO AX, INTEL i7 10700k, 32GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 2070S 8GB
X-Plane 11.55, X-Plane12RC2, Flight PRO joke, Logitech panels
My Fleet: JD320-V3.8R1 with copilot, JD330-V4.4B3 with copilot, ZIBO 737-800X,
Utilities: X-LIFE Deluxe verversion 4.30 latest, FMcar latest, GHD ver. latest, X Camera,BSS JAR A320 V4,Better pushback