Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)
Good day,
For starters, I hope everyone is having a good day, as I am have a good day and just ran a simulation from KMIA/TNCM
this is one of the cool route to fly in X-Plane as it takes some skill to land at TNCM compared to, landing at KMIA.
Moreover, vatech has been working on converting the scenery over to X-Life scenery and we need to give him a big thank-you for the work that he is doing in that department making the scenery work very well and helping with the Bluebell library I like the work that was done on that file also.
For the most part, this post is to give the log txt and bbox so jAR can test the route as I ran into a rout issue with the one runway and the 'Old scenery' issues again the ATC was calling for runway 28 yet, the only runway listed on the MCDU was runway 10.
the flight went very well even with the wrong runway ATC called for as I was able to land on runway 10 without issue. since the MCDU was programed for RW10 and i had no other Runway to pick from.
so here is the data;