Re: X-Life ver 1.0 (rc1, r1, ++)
1. The main goal of XL must be to include all airports sceneries, but the way to get their is not simple. Not every user that like to fly in some specific area knows or has technical skills to prepare airports as needed for XL. I am one of them... So this will be done successive, as done with the user made airports sceneries. In short it's a factor of time.
2. We as test pilots are dealing with the development of XL testing it on every beta step. Airport reports are only byproduct. So we can limit ourselves to fly to prepared airports.
3. Personally I am using for a long time apilotx w2xp v.3 without any problem except the lost of some FPS (depending on computer graphic power). w2xp is working also frictionless with XL. Mesh v.3 and w2xl are as far as I see to a large extent qualitative equal....